Water is so hard to drink.



  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    When you wake up just down two glasses of water, right off the bat you have two of your eight glass that you need. Always carry a water bottle around with you. I did this fitness challenge at school last year and the hardest one for everyone was getting the water in. We bought 8 oz nalgenes and used that and kept it with us all the time, and then it felt good to keep ticking the cups off. If you always have water with you and just sporadically take sips of it you'll be downing it before you know it. Drink a full glass with each meal too.

    I understand it being hard though I go through periods where I take in a ton of water and then just stop and get water in, but not enough just keep trying.

    Sorry this was posted twice.

    I did think of something since your from the UK... I have been living here for about 6 months and at the gym one of the trainers told me I should take in 2L of water everyday. If you buy one of the Volvic waters and just sip on that all day (but make sure you fill it up twice youll make it) and speaking of pints 1 whole pint is 16 0z that is two cups(or glasses) of water. You want 8 half pints. That will give you the 8 glasses of water that you need to drink that everyone keeps saying. If your drinking full on pints you only need four of these.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Just a note: I could not drink it at first but for the last 10 years or so I frink about 140 ounces or so a day! Good luck!
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    Get one of those water bottles with a straw... I have one that holds 24 oz and I can easily finish 3 of them just while at work. and can usually get in at least 1 more at home. Plus workout water on top of that.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I'm a room temperature water drinker as well :) I can't drink it if it's too cold.

    I had to force myself to drink it regularly and have set up "water times". I have to finish two 750ml bottles here at work for my day so I just put that target in my head and worked hard towards it in the begining. Once I kept it up for a while, it became a full fledged habit :)

    Now, I feel "off" if I missed my water....dry mouth....dry....
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I've also started to try and drink 2-3 glasses of plain water before or after a meal. I usually drink 8-14 glasses a day.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    It is supposed to be 8 glasses of water (8oz) a pint = 2 glasses (16oz) no wonder you can't make it. :smile:

    Should have checked, different country LoL, might be different there, not sure of your measurement of pint. Sorry

    I was taught "a pint's a pound the world around" so I think your first instinct was correct.

    The concept of 8 glasses of water is a goal, just like anything else. You haven't failed if you haven't gotten there yet, you're just still working at it.

    Especially if you're used to drinking sweetened and flavorful liquids making the switch to water can be a tough one. It was for me way back when I made the choice. I fear to wonder how big I would be now if I hadn't made that choice in my 20s!

    Try to substitute water for another drink at least for one meal a day. Personally, I still can't drink water with breakfast most of the time. I like my coffee. I do however pour a glass of water and drink it while the coffee is brewing. :)
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you everyone.... I WILL become a water drinking QUEEN :)
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    It is supposed to be 8 glasses of water (8oz) a pint = 2 glasses (16oz) no wonder you can't make it. :smile:

    Should have checked, different country LoL, might be different there, not sure of your measurement of pint. Sorry

    It's ok here in UK we should have 8 pints apparently :)

    Nups, pretty sure it's still 8 GLASSES... not pints :laugh:
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    i dont like water so 8 whatevers are hard for me to choke down, alot of the suggestions are ones I use too. I take my vitamins with an entire glass of water twice a day, I keep water bottles half full in the freezer then add cold water to them, I can handle water better when it is ice cold, I also like to use lemon and lime in my water. Some days I get it all in others I dont but it is not a hard and fast universal rule that you have to drink 8, just make sure you have enough to flush toxins out, lubricate and help with digestion. Aim for 8 but dont dog yourself if you cant.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    2 cups are in a pint (regardless of country ;) ) 8 pints is 16 glasses of water.
    8 oz=1cup
    16 oz=1 pint
    32 oz=1 quart
    128 oz=1 gallon

    I agree with the Crystal Light or any other generic water flavoring. 10 calories per pint (5 per cup). Its the only way I can get all of my water in (I hate plain water :p) There is a raspberry green tea flavor that I looove (and I generally hate tea, green or otherwise).
  • feliciapeters
    I HATE HATE HATE water. I dont like flavored water either ( no lemon or lime or cucumnber - thats even worse) or ANYTHING with artificial sweetner.

    I get a 16oz water bottle, chug 1/2 of it like medicine. wait 1/2 an hour then force myself to do it again. I do 3 bottles at work, 2-3 bottles at the gym (those are the easiest because I get really thirsty when i work out) & 2 more with dinner.

    Only way I can get it down. It IS however, getting easier to do. Took like 3 weeks to get up to 8. Now I can do 10-12 a day. Still dont like it, I'd rather have coffee with cream & sugar lol (part of what made me this weight in the first place)

    And it HAS to be room temperature. No idea why
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I usually stick some water by my desk as I'm working and sip it through a straw. It disappears before you know it! I find warm water easier to drink than cold most of the time.
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    It is supposed to be 8 glasses of water (8oz) a pint = 2 glasses (16oz) no wonder you can't make it. :smile:

    Should have checked, different country LoL, might be different there, not sure of your measurement of pint. Sorry

    It's ok here in UK we should have 8 pints apparently :)

    Nups, pretty sure it's still 8 GLASSES... not pints :laugh:

    How much is a glass then... goddamn TV telling me different stuff
  • EmicaL
    EmicaL Posts: 31
    1 pint [UK] = 20 ounce [UK, liquid]
    1 pint [US, liquid] = 16 ounce [US, liquid]

    The British Dietetic Association guidelines state that an average adult should consume 2.5 litres of water per day.

    2.5 L = 87.9876 fl oz(UK)
  • h0p3
    h0p3 Posts: 15
    Yeah drinking water is hard for me also, but I manage to drink 8 cups a day.
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    1 pint [UK] = 20 ounce [UK, liquid]
    1 pint [US, liquid] = 16 ounce [US, liquid]

    The British Dietetic Association guidelines state that an average adult should consume 2.5 litres of water per day.

    2.5 L = 87.9876 fl oz(UK)

    Thanks love :)
    I have so many different sizes of glasses and cups :)
  • EmicaL
    EmicaL Posts: 31
    No problem!

    I fill a glass with tap water. Then pour it into a measuring glass and see how much the cup holds.

    I got sick of the different sizes and picked up 4 cheap cups (all the same) and I know they each hold 16oz.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    It is supposed to be 8 glasses of water (8oz) a pint = 2 glasses (16oz) no wonder you can't make it. :smile:

    Should have checked, different country LoL, might be different there, not sure of your measurement of pint. Sorry

    It's ok here in UK we should have 8 pints apparently :)

    Well considering everyone gets fluid from other sources e.g. milk, tea, coffee, food (anything that isn't dried), I wouldn't worry too much as long as you are drinking plenty and urine is pretty clear.
  • Ash10Dent
    Ash10Dent Posts: 75
    I used to hate water but after a week of drinking only that that's all I want. The hubby just got me a coke zero and I barely drank any of it! It's easy for me to drink all of my water because I work at a daycare so I'm chasing kids all day and drink the whole time. I even drink it when I'm bored lol. I thought we were supposed to have 8 glasses of PURE water? Adding crystal light or any other type of packet in it is not pure..maybe I'm wrong?
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    When I lived in the UK, I would go to Tesco and get the Tesco brand flavored fizzy water. The lemon-lime tasted almost like sprite, and I loved the raspberry flavor, I think it was - a red label. I think it would count as water, and it was very very good and not like water at all!