
vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have an exam tomorrow and for the past 5 days or so I've been so completely stressed that I haven't been able to stop eating. No joke. I feel awful. All my other housemates have gone home for the easter holidays but I still have 2 weeks left of my uni course alone in my uni house, and I think the loneliness and the fact that noone knows what I'm eating have only fueled my binges. It's ironic because last time I was alone here I was barely eating anything beacause I oculd get away with it. But basically, does anyone have any inspiring words to help me get back on track from now on? I'm hoping after my exam I won't be so anxious and in need of a distraction (ie: food). Thanks :)


  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    how about this for incentive for a student?
    You brain simply functions better when it is getting the proper types and amounts of nutrients and water? *S*

    why sabotage all your work and effort with your courses by sabotaging your brain? *S*

    good luck!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I dont know if my words will help or not but I say you are putting to much pressure on yourself. Yes I understand finals and the studying that goes along with it. But you are being so hard on yourself. and my guess is that perfectionism that you have then transends into your binge eating and makes you feel worse which makes you more stressed.
    My suggestions is to breathe deeply, go for a walk clear your mind. Call a friend, vent, pray, go to a movie or a spa. Do something for you that does not include studying or eating. Relax your mind and your body. You can do this, be kind to yourself, You are worth taking care of yourself, because you are you and there is no one else like you.
    Hope this helps you,
  • Before you put anything in your mouth, hop once around your kitchen on one foot while asking yourself (inwardly, of course unless you're alone) "do I want this food this bad?!". Do it twice if you have a small kitchen. Then if you hit your start point and you still want food, eat something. Odds are though, you'll be laughing so hard at yourself that you won't need it. The trick is to do something that takes concentration and hopefully makes you smile and/or laugh!! :-)
  • vicksters31
    vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
  • I am sure anyone reading this can count on more than two hands how many times we all fall off the wagon and believe me inspirational words DO help, however, don't be your own worst enemy by beating yourself up about it. Ask yourself, why you are eating and if you are REALLY hunger. Perhaps you should take small breaks and have a nap, take a walk, clean, or something else to just get your mind off food and focused again. Do you have a dog? Do you have a gym membership or classes near you you can go to. Perhaps, just getting out of the house and thinking about something else for a while will help too. Are you bored? That is why I eat and if I just get up off my butt and get busy it helps. Good luck and remember we all fall off, it is just how bad you want to get back on and you are worth the time and effort.
  • vicksters31
    vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
  • vicksters31
    vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
    I dont know if my words will help or not but I say you are putting to much pressure on yourself. Yes I understand finals and the studying that goes along with it. But you are being so hard on yourself. and my guess is that perfectionism that you have then transends into your binge eating and makes you feel worse which makes you more stressed.
    My suggestions is to breathe deeply, go for a walk clear your mind. Call a friend, vent, pray, go to a movie or a spa. Do something for you that does not include studying or eating. Relax your mind and your body. You can do this, be kind to yourself, You are worth taking care of yourself, because you are you and there is no one else like you.
    Hope this helps you,

    Laura, your message hit amazingly close to home. This is something I can definietely relate too! But I always feel like I could do better if I'm not giving 100% to everything...I have a tendency to freak out about things. I just don't want to let myself down and its hard being a student nurse, having exams, 2 essays due in a fortnight and being on hospital placement 37 hours a week too!. But my plan for now is to have a nice relaxing bath, chill out for an hour and maybe read through some revision cards for a little while before getting a good night's sleep!
  • vicksters31
    vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
    Before you put anything in your mouth, hop once around your kitchen on one foot while asking yourself (inwardly, of course unless you're alone) "do I want this food this bad?!". Do it twice if you have a small kitchen. Then if you hit your start point and you still want food, eat something. Odds are though, you'll be laughing so hard at yourself that you won't need it. The trick is to do something that takes concentration and hopefully makes you smile and/or laugh!! :-)

    I love this idea...I'm soooo gonna try it tomorrow!!! my other idea was to try drinking a biiiiig cup of tea to fill me up and give me the feeling of putting something in my mouth every time I get the urge to binge, the only problem is this involves going down to the kitchen. And other things tend to jump out at me while I'm there!
  • I love this idea...I'm soooo gonna try it tomorrow!!! my other idea was to try drinking a biiiiig cup of tea to fill me up and give me the feeling of putting something in my mouth every time I get the urge to binge, the only problem is this involves going down to the kitchen. And other things tend to jump out at me while I'm there!

    Tea IS delicious....sugar-free gum helps sometimes too.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have an exam tomorrow and for the past 5 days or so I've been so completely stressed that I haven't been able to stop eating. No joke. I feel awful. All my other housemates have gone home for the easter holidays but I still have 2 weeks left of my uni course alone in my uni house, and I think the loneliness and the fact that noone knows what I'm eating have only fueled my binges. It's ironic because last time I was alone here I was barely eating anything beacause I oculd get away with it. But basically, does anyone have any inspiring words to help me get back on track from now on? I'm hoping after my exam I won't be so anxious and in need of a distraction (ie: food). Thanks :)

    Weight gain is temporary. Qualifications are permanent.

    I don't even know why you are worried about dieting at a time like this. Long periods of concentration require simple sugars / glucose to power them. This leads to spiking blood sugar levels leading to increased hunger and increased likelihood of over eating. What you are experiencing simply means you are pretty much a normal human being.

    Your primary concern right now is doing well in your exams. Go and smash it. Then get back on board with your diet. In reality unless you have been bingeing on a huge scale your probably haven't gained even a 1lb or two of fat.

    Besides, what's the point of having a beautiful body if you don't have a beautiful mind as well?
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Before you put anything in your mouth, hop once around your kitchen on one foot while asking yourself (inwardly, of course unless you're alone) "do I want this food this bad?!". Do it twice if you have a small kitchen. Then if you hit your start point and you still want food, eat something. Odds are though, you'll be laughing so hard at yourself that you won't need it. The trick is to do something that takes concentration and hopefully makes you smile and/or laugh!! :-)

    I think this is fab advice!!
    I'm also going through my finals here in the UK and have my dissertation to focus on first before my exams. I have found I eat more too when I'm stressed...but it's only a "blip" don't get yourself down about it. Think about all the workouts and healthy food you can get back into in the summer...

    All the best for your exam :flowerforyou:
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I did the same thing before exams and my dissertation at uni. I would eat as a distraction because I was avoiding studying! When I'm stressed now and feel like eating, I go outside and take a walk. OR you can clean :) I think all of my friends at uni had spotless flats and houses around exams time :P

    Don't beat yourself up! You made a mistake and it's ok. We all do. Keep studying, buy/eat healthy food and rest up for exams! :)
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    I am a big stress-eater too. Actually that's how I gained all the weight I'm trying to lose! Something that always helps me is getting out of the house and to library/coffee shop/local diner/etc to study. I don't know if it's the atmosphere but it definitely stops me from munching on food!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I have an exam tomorrow and for the past 5 days or so I've been so completely stressed that I haven't been able to stop eating. No joke. I feel awful. All my other housemates have gone home for the easter holidays but I still have 2 weeks left of my uni course alone in my uni house, and I think the loneliness and the fact that noone knows what I'm eating have only fueled my binges. It's ironic because last time I was alone here I was barely eating anything beacause I oculd get away with it. But basically, does anyone have any inspiring words to help me get back on track from now on? I'm hoping after my exam I won't be so anxious and in need of a distraction (ie: food). Thanks :)

    Oh honey, I have SO been in the same situation, more than once. Here are some things that helped me:

    1. Above all keep calm. Fear will mess up your mind, your cravings, and your mood faster than anything else. Keep telling yourself - I can do it. I am smart enough. I'm doing the work. I CAN do this. (Because it's true - you can and you will get through this.)

    2. Break up the work into tiny chunks. Whether it's a 5 page term paper or a 300 page dissertation, they both get written one sentence at a time. Set yourself mini work goals that can be mini victories. "I won't get out of the chair until I'm done with this page!" or "I will write non-stop for the next hour. Then I can and will take a short break." When you do it, dance around and congratulate yourself.

    3. Get the heck out of the house. During my dissertation years I used to go to the all night grocery store at 1 am because it was the only human contact I could find. Once I spent 3 straight days without talking to any other humans or even seeing them. I almost went nuts. Don't do that to yourself - it doesn't actually produce more work. Find a good coffee shop, even a cozy nook in the library. Anywhere you can both study and see other humans. It will keep you from going crazy or falling asleep on the books. Also, it's harder to binge or wander around procrastinating in a public place. Buy a cup of tea and then put your wallet away.

    4. Remember, what Julian of Norwich said, "All will be well and all will be well. Yea, all shall be very well." (She's a medieval mystic.) You are going to make it.

    Good luck to you and let us know how it comes out!
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