Calories Per Meal?

Hi there!

Currently, I have a diet of about 1,250 calories per day (not including exercise calories) and I am trying to figure out how to break down the calories in order to maximize weight loss. As of now, I wake up, have a sugar free Red Bull (terrible but I am a college student who doesn't get enough sleep) and then head off to the gym. My cardio work-outs are 3-5 times/week (40-90 minutes each) and I do weights 2-4 times/week. I then come home and have a light breakfast, a bigger lunch, and then an even bigger dinner with a small snack between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner.

I hate eating before working out but will it help maximize my weight loss? What percentage of my daily caloric intake should go to each meal? Any suggestions of what you're doing that works for you? I have tried google but can't find very much useful information.

Thanks so much!

P.S. Feel free to add me if you are a person who can help support me and give me great advice (such as answering questions like this). I'd also love some friends who struggle with obesity in their family and weight gain from partying!


  • kateistoned
    kateistoned Posts: 116
    Also, feel free to check out my food diary to provide some tips!
  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    I'd love to know how to spread out calories too!

    I do know its best to eat a large breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner (or so i have been told!!!) but exercising first thing before it eating also help!!! Just make sure this feels good for you!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    First, I recommend tracking your sodium and sugar along with carbs, fats and protein. Then I recommend changing your diary to put one snack between each meal since that's where the fall in the day. It makes it a little easier to track them.

    As far as your food goes, it looks pretty good. You should stay away from artificial sweeteners and processed foods. Don't have a Red Bull every day, you honestly don't need it. Your body will adjust to your level of sleep/early mornings naturally. Caffeine can boost your metabolism, but it won't work if you're constantly consuming it. After a while you develop a tolerance for it and will require more and more. Caffeine also stresses the body making it release cortisol, which causes your body to store fat, especially belly fat. You don't need to eat before exercising, just make sure you eat a good breakfast afterwards. Drinking a protein shake immediately after workouts is also a good idea as long as it isn't made with artificial sweetener. Your muscles need natural sugar in addition to protein to help repair themselves and recover. Have a little sugar before your workout for energy (like a fruit smoothie) and some after, but no sugar the rest of the day so that your body can burn fat. Spread your calories evenly through the day and don't eat carbs within three hours of bedtime.
  • Rickv67
    Rickv67 Posts: 10
    You're young, so you shouldn't stress too much.
    Don't overdo the diet and just try to eat healthy, or at least try be moderate in your choices. You should easy lose the weight, but just be sure not to go overboard. I've seen quite a few young people take it to extremes when it comes to dieting and working out to the point they become too obsessive.

    A slow steady pace of moderation is the best way to do it and still enjoy eating your foods. :)
  • kateistoned
    kateistoned Posts: 116
    Thank you guys so much for your input!

    NoAdditives: Thank you so much for the information! I've been a caffeine junkie (coffee, Red Bull, whatever I can get) for 3 or so years but I had no idea that it could increase belly fat - yikes!

    I'm going slow and steady and not depriving my self of food - I love food way too much. I just wanna make sure I'm getting enough calories at various points in the day.

    You guys rock!
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    I would definintely increase your breakfast.
    I tend to eat around 3 meals about 200 to 300 cals, then I have like 700 cals in snacks. LOL I do, but I'm eating smaller amounts every 3 hours or so. I mean I'm not doing this for long yet so I can't say whether it helps but I've done this for a week and lost 1.5 pounds, an inch off my waist and 1% body fat.
    If you don't like to eat in the mornings, carnation instant breakfast with skim milk is pretty good.
    Then I have some sort of fiber bar.
    Then lunch, then snack, then dinner, then a snack or 2, or I have dinner in 2 seperate halves.
    I can't eat much at once so half the time I have a salad then 2 hours later the rest of the dinner.
    Or like today half the sub sandwich then the other half 2 hours later. Snack later too.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hiya, how about weaning yourself off caffeine slowly and replacing it with water? I promise you will love the benefits...nothing wrong in having a couple of coffees a day, but water really does help weight loss, it's good for you!

    It depends how you dinners are normally the largest, but not through choice as I feed my fiance at dinner after his night shift so I like to give him a good meal.

  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    First and foremost: Do as I say and not as I do! X-D

    Don't eat just before a workout. You're begging for cramps and nausea that will cut your workout short. Always eat breakfast. Breakfast doesn't have to be huge, but ultimately you want to space meals and snacks out throughout the day to curb the need to snack. If it doesn't curb it, alter your diet to allow more calories during your binge-y times to help avoid bad mistakes. Try not to fight PMS too much. Your body needs more calories because it's preparing for, well, you know. Most doctors will tell you that isn't true, but most women on this site that live with a uterus will beg to differ. Work out more during PMS to offset the calories and try to avoid salt and you should be fine.

    Everyone is different. You'll figure out what works for you by trying things and figuring out what *doesn't* work. X-D
  • bcklee
    bcklee Posts: 50 Member
    I am reading this book by Jakie Warner called "This is why your fat and how to get thin forever." She talks about adding plain oatmeal and green veggies to your diet that will help you loose weight. Also if you add a little bit of lemon juice to your water it helps increase the amount of fat filtered about my your body. Also, I think you should have the majority of your calories in the morning and the least amount of calories at night.