Yet another newbie

Hi all!

My fiance started using this site to gain weight and muscle a little while back and recommended that I try it out too. I've been using it for a few days and I really enjoy the accountability that it provides. I'm a full time student and I also work full time so the handy phone app really makes tracking my food and exercise easy. I'm already within the recommended healthy BMI range but I am at the very top so I want to loose some weight and more importantly tone up. I'm a vegetarian (mostly vegan) girl who eats a mostly gluten free diet and loves to hike, run, and swim.

Looking forward to this new challenge!


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    good luck
  • brat4life
    brat4life Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! Please add me - I'd love to share gluten free recipes if you have any you love. I've got an amazing one for pumpkin muffins that are so yummy!