I want to know WHY you chose P90X

veggeslady Posts: 64
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I want to know why you chose P90X? What appealed to you?? Did you research it?? Was it to lose weight or get toned?

Lets start with me... I saw a ton of success stories on youtube that people posted and it motivated me. I wanted a change and I liked the results. I wanted to have the weight melt off me and get tone in the process. I was unhappy with my health and needed a change. The pounds are not melting off but the inches are, that is amazing. I love this program. I just want to know what others feel about it and why they chose what they did.


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    two words...MY ABS

    I LOVE p90x...i do the work outs in a hybrid combo with my marathon training and I LOVE IT!!!
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    I used Turbo Fire for 8 weeks and lost many pounds and now want to tone up! I can't wait to see my body after P90X!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I didn't do any research, I only knew what I had heard from the people on MFP that had did it and one in real life friend that had great results. I liked the fact that it seemed like a good, hard challenge.

    I promised myself that as soon as I hit a plateau I'd do the program and that's why I chose it.

    It definitely helped me get back on track!
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    I liked that it had SO many different workouts. You don't do the same disk everyday. It is really nice. If you have a workout you really like thenyou are excited for it to come around again. If you have one you don't like then you know you don't have to do it for awhile. It is a nice mix. I really like that the inches are coming off.....I just wish some of the weight would come off too!!!
  • Love, love, love p90x. I have been doing it since December and have lost i hve only lost 15 pounds but have lost a lot of inches and replaced my fat with muscle. It is hard and will beat you up, but it feels so good to make yourself lean and strong. Best thing I have ever done for myself. I picked the program because I knew it would be a challenge and I havent been disappointed.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've been considering it.
    Still waiting to hear more stories.
    It seems like an expensive investment.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i chose it because i wanna be strong! i wanna have muscles! i wanna look sleek in my bikini at the end of summer :)

    btw, hush7hush, p90X wasn't an expensive investment for me - i downloaded the ENTIRE p90 collection. and the equipment i got from a friend who didn't want it. of course if you wanna use their supplements and such, it can quickly turn into a very costly exercise programme...
  • crystal12241208
    crystal12241208 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started my 3rd week of P90x and I love it. I did lots of research about the entire program (diet/fitness) and decided it was for me. I also checked out blogs, you tube, reviews, etc. (basically anything that had to do with P90x).

    Why I chose the program:
    I chose the program after all the research because I wanted to build muscle, tone and lose weight. I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I do need to be a lot stronger than what I was when I started the program. In completing 2 weeks and starting the 3rd, I have seen so much difference. I haven't done measurements this week but I wanted to see where I was after the first week and I had lost 4 pounds and 3". I will weigh next Monday and take measurements then also. I can also tell a difference in my strength. Yesterday I did 160 push ups! Regardless of what I weigh or look like at the end of the 13 weeks, I know it was a good choice for me because of the strength difference. I have other reasons but I won't bore you with those details.

    Program changes I made:
    Instead of doing plyo I do cardio or kempo. I also don't follow the food plan. I follow a 40/30/30 ratio diet plan as closely as I can. Also instead of doing pull-ups I use the resistance bands.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    the commercials then i knew people who tried but NONE finished.. i knew i needed a real challenge to get results then i came here and saw so many sucess sfories. so now im on round 2 :)
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    My fiance works on the oil rigs and he was the one who told me all the boys out there do it.....so I did some research and saw some amazing results on the interent. So I bought it. I'm in my 4th week and I LOVE it! I've lost 2 inches on my waist and 2 on my hips. I'm not that big to begin with so those results are really awesome for me! I follow the meal plan almost to the letter. I find the meal plan very easy since I was on a carb resrictive diet right before and being able to up my carb limit was GREAT! lol. In 90 days I'll bet I'll be super impressed with the results :)
  • 3aBadkids
    3aBadkids Posts: 78
    after watching the informercial probably a million times...AND watching youtube videos of normal people who stuck with it for 90 days and seeing their amazing results...i finally decided to purchase P90X. i'm almost done with round 1 and will start round 2 w/turbo fire...

    Because of P90X....

    - i quit smoking.
    - started eating healthy.
    - can actually do 20 push ups..pull-ups, well that's another story. :bigsmile:

    ...LOVE pressing play everyday!!!
  • keffy
    keffy Posts: 13
    I'm on my second day of P90x and I'm pretty sore :) But it feels good. I do it right after work to make sure it becomes a routine. I have a girlfriend who is a few weeks in and she looks GREAT. She combines this with regular walks as well which I think I am going to incorporate into my routine because it should loosen the stiffness as well.
    The DVDs also show many modified exercises if you feel like you can't do it. It's a great program so far and I've seen the results from a few people :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I don't do it.....LOL My back is too weak to take most of the moves and the quick changes, but I did buy it for my hubby for Christmas. He loves the variety, but I bought it because a friend of mine did it and actually is now in the beginning of the infomercial. His success was enough to get DH interested and he sweats like a machine while he's doing it (soaks through a towel) and loving it!!
  • gunny34
    gunny34 Posts: 68
    I chose it after my sister had me join in with her a few times... she did it for 6 weeks straight and she looks AMAZING! And since she is my sister, I figure it would do just as good for me. :O) AND so far, so good. Like others, I wish I would see the pounds drop too but I'm very thrilled with the inches loss. I advise anyone that is willing to be challenged and loves to have a workout that switches up regularly, THIS IS FOR YOU!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm doing P90 (as opposed to P90X).
    I decided that I needed to do some strength training in addition to the cardio I was doing regularly, and after checking it out, I figured I would give it a shot. I knew somebody that had the DVDs, so I went for it. Between somebody already having P90, and seeing that X was more intense, I thought I'd go with the easier one first (I couldn't do more than two push ups, so that definitely made P90 a good idea).

    I have been pretty happy with it, but having reached maintenance mode, and doing running a few days a week, I'm now having to eat a LOT of calories every day!

    The workout program is great, however, and I recommend it. I will note that I'm not strictly following the food plan (I'm eating healthier, which is generally on the same track as their plan), and I'm skipping the supplements. I'm not looking to get ripped or bulk up, so I'm ok with getting out of it what I get.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    It's the only program I know where I haven't heard one single negative thing about it. Seems to work for everybody and for different reasons. Whether it's weight loss or toning or muscle gain, or having ripped abs. Whatever the reason, P90X gets it done. For me it's a combo of all those things, plus I like Tony Horton's presentation, how he says it's alright to modify if it's too hard and he shows you how. I also like that each exercise is maybe 30 seconds to a minute long then you move on to something else. Keeps it kind of fun!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I had never heard of it, but I was talking with my cousin about my weight one weekend and she told me to look up P90X on YouTube and then told me to hurry out and buy it. I looked it up, watched some videos, read some reviews. I was just ready...

    The kicker, though, that kept me pushing play every day was that when I announced to my husband that I had just ordered it he said, "You may as well just throw $100+ out the window. You'll never stick with it."

    Two years later, I'm still pushing play.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    i chose it because i wanna be strong! i wanna have muscles! i wanna look sleek in my bikini at the end of summer :)

    btw, hush7hush, p90X wasn't an expensive investment for me - i downloaded the ENTIRE p90 collection. and the equipment i got from a friend who didn't want it. of course if you wanna use their supplements and such, it can quickly turn into a very costly exercise programme...

    Downloading is ILLEGAL.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I had never heard of it, but I was talking with my cousin about my weight one weekend and she told me to look up P90X on YouTube and then told me to hurry out and buy it. I looked it up, watched some videos, read some reviews. I was just ready...

    The kicker, though, that kept me pushing play every day was that when I announced to my husband that I had just ordered it he said, "You may as well just throw $100+ out the window. You'll never stick with it."

    Two years later, I'm still pushing play.

    Good for you! Great story, maybe I need to play "devil's advocate" with my wife to get her started. Nah, too risky.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I came to P90X with a different motivation than most folks here, age. I am closing in on sixty and watching people just twenty years older than me falling and breaking arms, hips, etc is scary. You “twenty somethings” can’t yet relate, but twenty years goes by pretty fast, so I wanted to do something to avoid problems in the not too far off future. I have now been through P90X several times and while I don’t have the physique of Tony (P90X trainer,) I am accomplishing my goal. I am stronger, fitter, my balance and coordination are better, and I even think physical fitness helps with mental acuity. I am also cycling and running and considering a sprint triathlon this summer. For me, P90X is not about physical appearance, it is about quality of life going forward. And I recommend it to everyone, folks like me and people of all ages. Life goes by fast; let's enjoy what we have.
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