Anyone use Ground Flaxseed?

amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I just started using ground Flaxseed in hope to help me get and stay more regular. My question s how much should I be using? I have whole Flax and I ground it in my coffee grinder. I have been sprinkling it on my yogurt but I would be interested in hearing other ways to eat it as well.


  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I started using flaxseed about 2 weeks ago I put 1tbsp in my protein shake in the morning.
  • I use the whole seeds and sprinkle them on my cereal every morning. I use a teaspoon and a half, but I think you can have up to 2 Tbsp a day safely.
    Good luck!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    You can use it as a replacement for oil. I grind some flaxseed, put it in a skillet, add a little water, and then cook boneless skinless chicken breast in it. I've made stir frys this way several times. It's healthier than oil. Also, I put it in my oatmeal, I put it in baked goods, just about anything. Use your imagination!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I use them all the time. Add them to greek yogurt; pancakes; smoothies (super way to sneak it to kids!); steel cut oats; um lets see....oh I have added it to homemade granola; even to muffins and homemade bread. Really the options are long as you can take the added consistency, go for it.
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    when i used flaxseed i used about 1 Tbsp in my cereal and you can add it to cookies or bread you bake!!
  • rocky03
    rocky03 Posts: 55
    I have a friend who is allergic to eggs and when baking substitutes w/flax seeds
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I haven't had it in a while but when I did I used about a tablespoon in yogurt or smoothies and would also add to oatmeal and pancake batter.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I was told to ground it up. Otherwise your system doesn't use it the right way. Your body will just flush it out.

    After grinding it i put a tap in my oatmeal, yogurt, protein shakes.
    Very good for you.
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I use ground Flaxseed and I put 2 tablespoons in my oatmeal every morning.
  • dreja82
    dreja82 Posts: 43
    2 tablespoons a day is the proffesioanlly recomended amount to take a day. I will usually mix a tablespoon in with my cereal then before dinner eat another tablespoon straight to help keep me from over eating at dinner
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    As someone already posted I use them in place of egg for my son, hes allergic. 1 T flax-meal 3 T water = 1 egg. I do this with pancakes, muffins, cookies, any baking I do as well as lasagna:)
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I use mine the way pretty much everyone else does: smoothies, oatmeal, muffins, breads, etc. But I also take flaxseed oil supplements too.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    My favorite way is in yogurt, but it is also good in oatmeal and cold cereal.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    A tablespoon of flax per day with a glass of water.
  • necki696
    necki696 Posts: 30
    oatmeal, salad, a wrap, there are all kinds of ways
  • Iris0022
    Iris0022 Posts: 54
    FYI my nutritionist said to store flax seed in the freezer after opening or it will start to lose its nutrients.
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    My daughter also has an egg allergy, so its my go-to substitute. 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed + 3 Tbsp water, let sit 3-5 minutes, and you can substitute it for one egg in baked goods (including baking mixes that call for eggs).
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    i put 1tbspn ground flaxseed mixed with almond meal in my protein shake for breakfast
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    I make a simple, delicious Apple Flaxcake with mine. Got the recipe from the Fastrack Detox Diet.

    2 Tbsp shredded apple
    1 egg
    3 Tbsp flaxseed
    small spoonful of water if needed.

    Mix well and cook like a pancake. Mmmmmm! I top mine with honey or fruit spread.
  • Try quinoa
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