I need to GAIN weight and could really use some advice

My body has always been on the thin side, but now I have a problem. In order to have a scar fixed, the doc said I need to gain 10 lbs so there is some available tissue. I'm pretty insecure about the scar and its getting in the way of my life in certain aspects. Anyone want to gain weight together?


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I'm not gaining, but welcome! MFP is a great tool and I'm sure it can help you get those extra lbs in a healthy way. One thing that may help is increasing healthy fats and fat in general. Use higher fat dairy, include natural oils in your cooking, have nuts for snacks. Good luck with it!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i've been trying to bulk for a while now..not gaining weight for the sake of it..but eating lots to gain muscle. I've been body building for a while now.
    you wanna gain weight, there are weight gainers out there..try GNC. loaded with calories and they are cheap and a healthy alternative to mcdonalds etc.
  • mmageau
    mmageau Posts: 3 Member
    I used to always be thin and then over a one month period, dropped 15 lbs for no reason. I was skeletal. Nothing I tried could help me gain weight. My doctor told me to eat my regular meals plus drink some Ensure. I ate three solid meals a day plus 2-3 "Ensure Plus" I put on 10lbs back in no time.
  • goutami
    goutami Posts: 3
    Thanks for the quick quick reponses.

    I tried weight gainer 2200 from GNC and it cost around 45 a jar. I made the mistake of using as meal replacement instead of additional (not intentionally, it just happened). My mom thinks my stomach has shrank.

    They discontinued the 2200 at GNC so I am looking for an alternative.

    I like to eat healthy, but I need to do this quick, so I am willing to eat some unhealthy stuff if its only for a month.

    If anyone hears of "foods to stay away from because they have a zillion calories" please let me know.

    For weight loss, I know that cutting soda has helped my friends. If you hate diet drinks, like me, Dr. Peppper Diet Vanilla tastes like a regular soda, if anyone is interested.

    I just restarted my diary last Weds. Ran out of weight gainer Friday and Saturday was my first day less than 2200 calories (what I need to eat every day)

    I need to order something on GNC asap!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Gaining 10lbs in a month is going to be different for someone who is say 120lbs to someone who is 250lbs.

    Basically, I would be sorting your maintenance cals and adding about 500cals per day to do it the healthy way. You don't need to eat bad food just more :)

    Good things to eat are almonds, avocados, coconut oil, natural peanut butter etc. These will get the cals up :) Plus they taste awesome :P