high protein diet

Simonieee Posts: 4
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
hey everyone
so after many attempts to try and lose weight i found within my stash of books within my house a book called "the new high protein diet" by Dr Charles Clark. today is my 5th day of doing this diet and limiting very severely all carbohydrates and although i feel sugar deprived and lethargic, i still eat well at meals and cant say that im hungry.
my question for all for you is that after only 5 days according to my scale ive lost 1.3 kilos... is this a normal pace of weightloss for this diet? or am i losing "water". im just abit confused as to how the results of this diet should work. has anyone else tried this diet before?! ...


  • izaakau
    izaakau Posts: 1
    I've tried to do a high protein diet before but it was too restrictive.

    The beauty of using myfitnesspal's food tracking and calorie target is you can eat WHATEVER food you want, so long as you don't go over your calorie target, and there is no way you can't lose fat.

    Scales suck for tracking weight loss. I know that sounds ridiculous, but really, you're spot on when you mention it could be water, or really anything. If you have a salty meal it will cause your body to keep more water than usual for anywhere up to a few days.

    The best way to measure fat loss is with a measuring tape, and a camera/mirror.

    Take waist, hip, thigh etc measurements, and check them fortnightly. Take a picture of yourself with little clothing on fortnightly as well and check your progress, and you could ask a very close friend or family member to comment, too.

    Just my two cents anyways :) Good work for starting!!
  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    Anything that advertises itself as super high in protein, or an all-fruit diet, or a no carb diet frankly scares me. Not because these foods are bad in and of themselves, but anything you eat that limits an overall intake of a variety of foods is bad nutrition-wise. Problems with a high protein diet are that you may not be getting in enough carbohydrates, fiber, or fats in your diet. I would suggest instead eating mostly whole and unprocessed foods, and upping your fruits and vegetables to get in more fiber (because meat has no fiber). And remember the best way to get vitamins and nutrients is to eat the biggest variety of foods you can possibly find. By this I mean, try new foods. Don't eat the same thing every day or you might find yourself with some vitamin deficiencies. I hope this helps.
  • with high protein diet it better toadd some healthy fat in them mean cooked egg whites in 1 table spoon of olive oil. add flax oil to a protein shake. avocados stuff like that. i learn your body after awhile can still turn that protein into sugar even if it slowly and lots of cardio really helps i mean long session like biking or walking. to getinto ketosis high gear. rather paeople say it or not i still think i have to count my calories on low carb diets now.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    You will lose a lot of weight quick due to the water that is stored along with carbohydrate intake. I recommend adding carbs into your evening meal. This will give you the same effects for weight loss but give you more energy during the day.
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