What to do?

qbanyta Posts: 9
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
What do you do if you consume all your calories at the end of the day... but still feel hungry?


  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    I try to leave just a few.. then I eat a couple healthy choice turkey slices, they are about 10 calories a slice so I might eat 2 or 3... usually if I am it's close to bed time so I just go to bed. Often I'll have 20 or 30 cals left so I can have the turkey with some water and I eat enough throughout the day (like a lot, all day long spread out my food) so I'm not really too hungry in the evenings..
  • jenniefromtherock
    jenniefromtherock Posts: 80 Member
    Go to bed!! Otherwise I will be eating something that I shouldn't!
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I go ahead and eat something....If I'm really hungry I figure I must have burned more than I thought.

    So far I have lost weight perfectly fine while doing this.

    Most of the time some yogurt or a piece of bread with peanut butter will do the trick.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    I try to get a workout in to deserve some extra cals I can eat. LOL Mostly my hunger is gone, when I'm done.

    If nothing helps, go and eat something. Listen to your body. But try to make a good choice.
  • I either down some room temp water or I'll grab an apple , slice it up so it looks like a bunch , and sprinkle it with cinnamon and spenda mixed..From what I have read , Cinn. is a natural appetite suppressant... Good luck!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Rethink the choices you've made for future use. It's possible you did burn more than expected but it could also be that maybe you picked fast burning carbs instead of high fiber, whole grains that take longer and make you feel fuller. You could also have low fat intake (even good fats) which also give you that feeling of satiety.

    How's your water intake today? it's not uncommon to mistake hunger for thirst. You have nothing to loose by have a glass or two of water first and giving it 30 minutes. If you're still hungry, eat something sensible, again shoot for fiber, good fat and slow carbs or protein.

    Also, don't sweat it if it's the first time it's happened. One day with an extra 100 or 200 calories won't kill you in the long run. Remember it takes 3500 to gain or lose 1 lb so it's doubtful you'll undo everything you've been doing. Sometimes we're just more hungry and other times not so much. Hormones, activity, stress, emotions - all affect appetite.
  • qbanyta
    qbanyta Posts: 9
    Thank you all for you.... Today I will do better.. Thanks again
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