Anyone had trouble with acid reflux?

I have got it at the mo, and in constant pain since Sat. Anybody got any advice?

Thanks :)


  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Sorry, that is awful to deal with. Try some plain almonds. I've tried everything from otc to script and Almonds work amazingly well for myself and quite a few others that I've come across. Good luck and fast relief!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Thanks I will try. I have been do the docs who have given me tablets to take but they wont work until end of the week. Just very annoying because I feel like I cant exercise, its just constantly there.
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    Hi there, I've never had acid reflux so I am not sure what that is like but when I was eating loads of crap and drinking alcohol I used to get heart burn and took rennie or gaviscon for it and it really helps. You can take quite a lot in a day too so it is good!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    I get it a lot. I find peppermint tea helps but only if I drink it alongside a glass of water (gives me a dry mouth for some reason). Eating small meals often makes a difference too, if I don't eat enough it's much worse. Crackerbread or similar helps too I find

    Definitely going to try almonds though.
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Weirdly I get it from white bread - if I have a bagel for breakfast it's a guarantee I'll have it on the way to work, but if I have a piece of low GI bread and an egg I'm OK.... Odd because normally you read that it's acidic foods like tomatoes that usually trigger it!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Hi there, I've never had acid reflux so I am not sure what that is like but when I was eating loads of crap and drinking alcohol I used to get heart burn and took rennie or gaviscon for it and it really helps. You can take quite a lot in a day too so it is good!

    I tried Gaviscon and anti acid tablets at the weekend but nothing was touching it, hence me going docs so got something stronger.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I get it a lot. I find peppermint tea helps but only if I drink it alongside a glass of water (gives me a dry mouth for some reason). Eating small meals often makes a difference too, if I don't eat enough it's much worse. Crackerbread or similar helps too I find

    Definitely going to try almonds though.

    Is it ok to have peppermint then? I keep reading yes and no. I have IBS as well so do drink it for that. I do tend to eat smaller meals rather than big ones, I suppose its just trial and error. :)
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Put blocks under the head end of your bed so you are sleeping with your head higher.

    Avoid fizzy drinks and foods that make you gassy especially alcohol.

    Do you eat or drink a lot of dairy? Reducing it can help or even changing the type i.e. yogurt tends to cause less problems than milk.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Put blocks under the head end of your bed so you are sleeping with your head higher.

    Avoid fizzy drinks and foods that make you gassy especially alcohol.

    Do you eat or drink a lot of dairy? Reducing it can help or even changing the type i.e. yogurt tends to cause less problems than milk.

    I dont have fizzy drinks or drink anyways, and i dont really eat much dairy either. Cant have proper milk so just have oat milk. Thanks
  • NicolaGoodyear
    Hiya i suffer with it too ive actually had a really bad bout of it over the weekend and im still in pain now,it had me being sick saturday and sunday the only thing that works for me is gaviscon advance but it has to be the advance one,the pain was so bad i was bent over in agony,the past couple of days ive had stomach and back pain left from the effects of the weekend so im now taking gaviscon after everything i eat,dont lie down for at least 2 or 3 hours after you eat anything,and try to sit upright as much as you can as it helps keep the acid where they are ment to be,you can take a ppi everyday which im going back to since this bout has been soo bad,ask your doctor they will do you a perscription to try,hope you feel better it can be so awfull! xxxx
  • Diet_Hell
    Diet_Hell Posts: 34
    I used to suffer every night, I always found eating an apple helped. Something to do with the juice of the apple neutralizing your stomachs acid.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Hiya i suffer with it too ive actually had a really bad bout of it over the weekend and im still in pain now,it had me being sick saturday and sunday the only thing that works for me is gaviscon advance but it has to be the advance one,the pain was so bad i was bent over in agony,the past couple of days ive had stomach and back pain left from the effects of the weekend so im now taking gaviscon after everything i eat,dont lie down for at least 2 or 3 hours after you eat anything,and try to sit upright as much as you can as it helps keep the acid where they are ment to be,you can take a ppi everyday which im going back to since this bout has been soo bad,ask your doctor they will do you a perscription to try,hope you feel better it can be so awfull! xxxx

    That sounds just like me, I have back pain too! I tried gaviscon but it did nothing. what is PPI?

    I have got a perscription of omeprazole but she said it could take up to the end of the week to start working.

    Hope u feel better soon too xx
  • NicolaGoodyear
    Hiya...its so horrible isnt it,the first time i got it i was so scared i went to the a&e as it was so bad!!...yeah that sounds like a ppi,as they take a while to kick in they block the acids from producing,ive just put in a perscription yesterday for some more,i know what set mine off eating crap food,im going to take it seriously now and really watch what i eat as it hurts so bad dosnt it!...hopefully the tablets will start to work,when i take the gaviscon it dosnt take the pain away just take the knot away i can feel under my chest,as sometimes i cant even stand staright,Hope you feel better soon too hun!...this is the longest its lastest for me,same as you since sat! xxx
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    I would like to meet the overweight person who doesnt have trouble with Acid reflux. But the good news is since I have lost weight mine has gone away for the most part :-0
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Hiya...its so horrible isnt it,the first time i got it i was so scared i went to the a&e as it was so bad!!...yeah that sounds like a ppi,as they take a while to kick in they block the acids from producing,ive just put in a perscription yesterday for some more,i know what set mine off eating crap food,im going to take it seriously now and really watch what i eat as it hurts so bad dosnt it!...hopefully the tablets will start to work,when i take the gaviscon it dosnt take the pain away just take the knot away i can feel under my chest,as sometimes i cant even stand staright,Hope you feel better soon too hun!...this is the longest its lastest for me,same as you since sat! xxx

    I nearly went to hospital because i didntk now what to do, I called the NHS helpline though who told me to go to a pharmacy, but they were no help. I really dont eat that bad, I do have IBS so do try and stay away from the bad foods, it happened after i had an orange on Friday nite, and i think it was that that started it all off, although I had had one earlier in the week. Very sensitve stomach anyways. Maybe it was just a build up. Im hoping i wont have it again. Im gonig for only beige foods! xx
  • 7destiny
    7destiny Posts: 31
    My husband has acid reflux. I read about taking apple cider vinegar with honey, a spoonful of each. He tried it and it worked for him.
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    I don't have acid reflux regularly ( only when I'm pregnant) ...but I would advise you to keep a note with your food diary of the times you get it...note what did you eat before, how it was cooked, etc...

    example, noticed I get indigestion BADLY when i eat raw broccoli but I don't get it when its steamed
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    Apple Cider vinegar can cause long term damage ( burn stomach lining, etc) so Id be careful even if it does give immediate relief

    with IBS, Id avoid any citrus fruits like oranges & lemons
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    My son has had acid reflux his entire life. As someone else said-propping up the head of his bed made a huge difference for him at night. Based on other responses it seems that different foods effect everyone differently. My son has trouble with apples, anything with tomato sauce and peppermint. I think you just have to pay close attention to what you are eating to see what's causing you the most discomfort.

    Two of my kids took prevacid and they were night and day different kids. I LOVE prevacid.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    My son has had acid reflux his entire life. As someone else said-propping up the head of his bed made a huge difference for him at night. Based on other responses it seems that different foods effect everyone differently. My son has trouble with apples, anything with tomato sauce and peppermint. I think you just have to pay close attention to what you are eating to see what's causing you the most discomfort.

    Two of my kids took prevacid and they were night and day different kids. I LOVE prevacid.

    What is prevacid?

    I have been watching what i eat for so long with the IBS and thought that i had it under control. having all the stuff that ic ouldnt in moderation, and keeping off the stuff that upset me. this just seemed a blast out of no where, i had had an orange a few days before so god knows where this came from.