Sore hips

BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else find they have sore hips after walking more than 6 miles per day? I am convinced I'm just losing weight from my hips and not really everywhere else.I felt the burn in my upper thighs and hip area but nothing in the torso area. I'm beginning my planks in a bit to balance this out.


  • bode1all
    bode1all Posts: 28
    I have been experiencing alot of hip pain due to the fact that I am training for a marathon. Have you tried doing the hip flexor stretch? I have found that really helps for me. My trainor thinks that it is just sore becaue of the amount of work I am doing. I think this could be a similiar situation.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I assume you mean muscular pain, not structural (bone/ligament) pain? If so, it sounds like you just have sore hip flexors from using them a lot more than you used to. It should subside with time.
    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
  • I am currently training for a half marathon and had the same problem. There is such an easy fix! Your hip flexor muscels are weak if you incorporate hills into your workout the problem of sore hips will be a thing of the past! I swear :)
  • kianaik
    kianaik Posts: 48 Member
    I too have had a lot of pain in my hip flexor area, however it has lessened. Not sure if it's due to getting used to walking that distance now, or doing a lot of stretching after walking. Now if I could just get the area behind my knees to quit hurting!
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    I have never heard of the hip flexor stretch.I'm going to look it up right now and try and incorporate it into my workout.

    Thanks for the suggestion,coz I'm not sure how much of this hip madness I can take.
  • Check out your stride to see if you are under pronating (or over pronating).

    The test for it is called the wet foot test and is described at the bottom of the article. I used this to find the right shoe for me. Made a HUGE difference in the bone and muscle pain I was experiencing. Definately worth the time and effort.
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