Couch to 5K (start 4/4/11)



  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I just started yesterday! I found it to be not too bad.

    Question for those using a treadmill: what speed do you use for the running/walking. I used 2 miles for the walking, and 4 for jogging. I feel that the 2 miles was a little slow, but have 2 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles, etc. pre-programmed on my treadmill so it was easy to just hit the button to change the speed.

    i use 2 for the first walk, 4.5 for the runs (unless i feel like i can push it, when i go for 5) and 2.5 for all the walks in between.

    of course, i don't have any speeds pre-programmed, so i always have the option of adjusting things according to how i feel. but if using your preset buttons makes you work harder, i say go for it!

    BTW, i went to the fitness room to do W1D2 last night, and every machine in the fitness room was occupied except for the stair climber. so, i got on that waiting for the others to finish the treadmill. . .BAD IDEA!! i still managed to do most of the c25k - i just cut some of the runs a little short cuz i couldn't take it - but i am SO SORE this morning. i'll do better on thursday, though. i'll wait patiently for the machine if i have to.
  • StephanieJ82
    :( I got shin splints doing Plyometrics P90X... SO I can't run at the moment. totally bummed. I have just been doing pilates till my shin is 100%. I really hope this isn't an ongoing thing. I think I will get some nice new running shoes this weekend.
  • suzhawken
    suzhawken Posts: 32 Member
    I am just starting W4, well today's session has been delayed until Friday, but come Friday will be starting W4.... Getting a bit scared as it seems to be quite a lot harder this week than last, so might do W3 again, just cos!

    I did w4d1 yesterday and it rocked!!!! I too was scared of the 5 mins but I did it, twice!! Did the whole run (2.7 miles) in 31 mins! Yeah!!!!
  • pinkchrome
    pinkchrome Posts: 14 Member
    I am doing it now! I started on Sunday! Thanks everyone for mentioning apps - I found one to try tonight. I would just love to be able to run a mile without feeling like I'm going to drop dead after 20 steps. :(
  • ScatteredWriter
    I didn't make it out yesterday after all - realized I'd already done and hour and a half of cardio, and while I could have gone out for more, I was pushing it.

    So this morning I did the Podrunner Week 1 podcast, and it went really well. I went outside for it, and that felt really good. I much prefer to be outside seeing stuff then inside on a machine. Treadmills always make me feel like a hamster....

    I'm probably gonna bump up to Week 2 tomorrow. I've been running off & on, plus doing the elliptical, so Week 1 feels a little wimpy. We'll see how it goes!

    So fun to read how everyone's doing! Will be awesome when we're all just able to go out for a run and not think about it so hard!
  • thexica124
    thexica124 Posts: 11 Member
    I just started yesterday!!!

    My legs are SOOO sore today! :o)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I love that I started this thread yet haven't even started the program. I'm finding it hard to figure out when to do it. I really wish I could get up in the morning and do it, that would be the easiest. However, I've tried the morning thing and it just doesn't work well for me. I would have to be out the door by 6:30 and I'm not even sure its light enough for me to feel safe yet. It's also raining/storming here for the next few days. I think Saturday we are supposed to have a break, but otherwise - rain.

    I need a treadmill. :sigh:
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm currently working week 4 and am repeating it for a second week as it is tough! Good luck to those starting out with the program. It's been a real confidence booster to know that I may actually be able to run a 5K when I thought I'd never EVER be a runners. It's also great motiviation when you really rock out one of the work outs. Makes me feel strong and I can't wait for the next work out!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I love that I started this thread yet haven't even started the program. I'm finding it hard to figure out when to do it. I really wish I could get up in the morning and do it, that would be the easiest. However, I've tried the morning thing and it just doesn't work well for me. I would have to be out the door by 6:30 and I'm not even sure its light enough for me to feel safe yet. It's also raining/storming here for the next few days. I think Saturday we are supposed to have a break, but otherwise - rain.

    I need a treadmill. :sigh:

    do you have any friends that live in apartment complexes that offer fitness rooms for tenant use? thataway you have access to a treadmill and a built-in workout buddy.
  • denise_earheart
    Okay:) I am starting tomorrow. Will I be to far behind???
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I love that I started this thread yet haven't even started the program. I'm finding it hard to figure out when to do it. I really wish I could get up in the morning and do it, that would be the easiest. However, I've tried the morning thing and it just doesn't work well for me. I would have to be out the door by 6:30 and I'm not even sure its light enough for me to feel safe yet. It's also raining/storming here for the next few days. I think Saturday we are supposed to have a break, but otherwise - rain.

    I need a treadmill. :sigh:

    do you have any friends that live in apartment complexes that offer fitness rooms for tenant use? thataway you have access to a treadmill and a built-in workout buddy.
    Not in this town. I have looked into the Planet Fitness. They are opening one in my town and its only $10/month, but not sure I'd go there. I don't think they are open yet anyway.

    I actually just thought about the basement at my's a long hallway. I could adjust my schedule and come to work a bit early. I could run down there(out of the weather and as soon as I get done with work) for free. Just not sure if I would actually do it. Hmmm, I might email someone here to see if maybe others would be interested in doing this with me.

    I actually have a treadmill I got from my mom but it keeps slipping and I can't get it to work out well for me. Maybe I'll try to adjust that again first before trying something else.
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Okay, I'm coming in late, but I want to start this week. So I'm in! I'll begin on Friday (unless tomorrow is to gorgeous to risk missing out!). Just started seeing the pounds start to come off last week and I'm so ready to gain momentum!!!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I just finished my day 2 of week 1. I averaged a 13.63 mile so I did 2.2 miles for my 30 minutes (this includes 5 minute brisk walks before and after for warm up and cool down) so although slow I got it done!!
  • singbelle
    For those who have already started, did you guys run on a treadmill or outside?? It's a bit chilly over here but I'm wondering if I should just push through the weather or go to the gym..

    I've been using my treadmill to start with. For me, the whole reason for buying the treadmill is that I am scared to walk outside, especially on the slushy/icy streets and sidewalks. I broke my leg a year ago in a freak accident on the ice, so you can see where my fear comes from.

    Once the snow and ice are gone, and I have built up enough strength and endurance to not look like a fool panting after a few minutes of joggin in public, I will be going outside more.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member

    i use 2 for the first walk, 4.5 for the runs (unless i feel like i can push it, when i go for 5) and 2.5 for all the walks in between.

    Hmm...maybe that's why I had to make adjustments. I've only been working out again (a 6-year hiatus) for the last three weeks. I did C25K week 1 starting Sunday (day 2 yesterday). I made my own adjustment to 60 second jog and 2 min walk (instead of 90 second), but I went 30 min instead of just 20.

    I've been using 3.4 for the walk and 5.2 for the jog! Am I shooting WAY too high?! I definitely hurt on Monday. I was still sore yesterday but did it again anyway (and it was all I could do to get through it!)
  • ScatteredWriter

    I've been using 3.4 for the walk and 5.2 for the jog! Am I shooting WAY too high?! I definitely hurt on Monday. I was still sore yesterday but did it again anyway (and it was all I could do to get through it!)

    Those are REALLY fast if you're just starting out.

    I usually do 3.2 for the walk and 4 for the jog on the treadmill. It's very slow, but I know from past experience that I have to start slow or I get MAJOR shinsplints.

    That being said, I can go a lot faster on the street than the 'mill. I run 6.7 outside without hardly trying....
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I've just finished week 6 day 3 which was a 25 minute run. I thought it was going to be really tough and when she said I'd only done 5mins I thought good grief, however I got into my stride and it was ok, so stick at it.

    Anyway, over the last few weeks I've found a few things that have helped me.

    Blisters - if you are getting blisters someone on here suggested using Moleskin which you can get from your pharmacy and I've been using that this week and its brilliant.

    Shin Splints, apart from the usual resting and compress, I was told to vary the ground you are running on outside and also sprint for 10 - 15 seconds so that when you start to jog again at a slower pace you legs are more relaxed. All these have helped me.

    I got shin splints really badly during week 3, but using the above methods I've not had them since.

    Have fun everyone :bigsmile:
  • tammlane
    tammlane Posts: 6 Member
    I did week1day1 again last night. I think I might do every day twice. It will wind up taking me 20 weeks to get to the 5K but slow is better then nothing. I have not run in a long time but between the C25K download on my blackberry and the threads on here Ithink I'm I can get back to it!

    We can go this!!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I did week1day1 again last night. I think I might do every day twice. It will wind up taking me 20 weeks to get to the 5K but slow is better then nothing. I have not run in a long time but between the C25K download on my blackberry and the threads on here Ithink I'm I can get back to it!

    We can go this!!

    Don't overdo it as you will ache. Did you actually mean you'd be doing it twice a day? every day? The podcasts suggest a day between each run to let your body recover.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    just did week 1 day 2 again. had to modify it to 1 minute on, 2 minutes off for 30 minutes instead of 1 minute on 90 seconds off for 20. still worked. and i noticed i'm not as comfortable at the lower speeds anymore. tomorrow i'll do it with the podcast as my official w1d3 workout, and probably keep it up through Saturday and sunday. then i'll start w2 on monday. woot!