New to MFP...Hello from NC!!

Coachcritty Posts: 17 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I'm Christy and VERY excited to find this site. My personal trainer recommended it to me a few months back as a method of encouraging me to stop drinking sweet tea. Evidently it has a CRAZY amount of calories and sugar...who knew?? LOL Now, I'm southern. At that point in the game I drank sweet tea daily and would have LOVED to have an IV drip with sweet tea coming straight into my system nonstop. I saw 400 calories in a Mickey D's sweet tea and I was done. Haven't had a drop since!!

That's when my love affair began with health/wellness and MFP. :)

I got serious about weight loss in January 2011 and I'm down 21 pounds as of today. I have another 15-20 pounds to go (maybe). I'm not so concerned with what the scale says, more so that I look healthy at whatever weight I am.

I'd love to hear about your success stories, how you battle your sweet tooth, and how you stay motivated!!



  • Welcome welcome welcome!! I just started on MFP last week and LOVE it!!! OMG, good thing I don't like sweet tea...400 calories...HOLY "BLEEP" idea it was that high!!!

    Best of luck to you!!
  • mutz1
    mutz1 Posts: 1
    hi all new to this
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 100 Member
    hi :) welcome!!! i almost got a McDonald's sweet tea today too! but i decided to drink water instead! good thing!!!

    i also have a HUGE sweet tooth. i'm working on just cutting back & drinking LOTS of water. its working, but i still crave sweets. so i try to just treat myself every once in awhile. its better that way! :)
    congrats on the weight loss! thats fantastic!!!
  • Coachcritty
    Coachcritty Posts: 17 Member
    NO joke...right? That's a meal OR a dessert. I like cake a lot more than I like sweet tea. :)
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