sweet tooth?

mandylanerocks Posts: 100 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
i really have a HUGE sweet tooth. i could eat candy & sweets all day long! i might feel slightly sick afterwards, but i wouldn't care.

i love anything sweet, anything with sugar. a huge hurdle for me is wanting to eat sweet things after every meal. i will get done with my meal & then i will almost immediately crave something sweet. like dessert!! its so aggravating because i don't want to eat that many calories!!

if any one has any ideas, i'd love to hear them. instead i've just been trying to drink tons of water, which is working, but disappointing. :(


  • mapinkerton
    mapinkerton Posts: 147
    How about a piece of fruit or sugar free pudding or jello?
  • Sugar is addictive. I find that eating something sweet, triggers a craving for sugar. Try going a week, eating very little amounts of sugar, and see if the cravings subside. And like always, load up on protein, water and make sure you don't go too long between meals without a snack, this messes with your sugar levels and makes your body crave sugars and carbs.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Gum, sugar free candy and fruits help me.
  • special k cereal bars do wonders for my sweet cravings. a girl posted earlier that she keeps a measuring spoon and chocolate chips in her freezer and gets one serving and sucks on the chips throughout the day and it was like 35 cal
  • broekjo
    broekjo Posts: 11 Member
    I'll never give up chocolate so to get my fix, I keep the small York Peppermint patties in the house. I have one almost every evening. Only 50 cals and 1g of fat. It works out great for me.

    I will also occasionally have a weight watcher's chocolate raspberry bar if I have a few extra cals to consume.

    Fruit is another option to get a healthy sugar fix.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm with you on this one! Sometimes, when I'm low on leftover calories for the day, I put a crystal light on my water to make it sweet, and I don't feel so bad. It satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps me on track
  • Foxworth81
    Foxworth81 Posts: 124 Member
    I am the same way. I usually allow myself something small and sweet after lunch and dinner. Some of the things that have worked for me thus far are dark chocolate, yogurt, skinny cow, fruit, fat free fig newtons, and granola bars. I like to make the Hungry Girl Yum Yum Brownie Muffins and freeze the leftovers for dessert on some nights. Now that spring is here and fresh produce is easier to find, i've been buying a lot of fruit. You still have to watch your sugar intake with fruit but it's certainly better than some other sweet snacks. I made a lowfat fruit dip for a work function yesterday and had leftovers so I mixed it with the leftover fruits and made a fruit salad. I'll be having that for days. It's delicious. I hope this helps!
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    i am the exact same way. I can eat a HUGE meal, but i still want something sweet afterwards. Jello has some new really great things, one of my fav's is the creme brulee rice pudding. sf, and 60 cals. Fruit is also good and sweet. What about a hard candy. The werthingtons(sp) the regular ones are only 35 cals., and you can't just chew it, you have to keep it in your mouth. Look in the refrigerated pudding cup section. The choc mousse delites, are also very good. Lots of stuff to choose from.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I was once where you are, and that sweet tooth still hits on rare occasions. You are a sugar addict, just like I was and that is a killer since it elevates the blood sugar response, causing it to eat up that sugar with insulin causing a dip triggering more sweet tooth cravings. The physical part of that equation is not to hard to solve, you need to get a stabilized blood sugar to stop the roller coaster. The metal addiction though is harder to break. Eating a meal that has 40% protein, 30% fat (good ones) and 30% carbs will help to curb that dip in blood sugar. This is the reason why many who do the atkins diet manage to curb that sweet tooth, the high protein high fat diet stabilizes blood sugar. I ended up weaning myself of it for a week or 2 then I went cold turkey and went to a clean eating diet. It was hard at first, took about 2 weeks into it to stop it dead in its tracks but I feel sooo much better now. No more sweet tooth and my salt addiction is almost gone as well. As a added hint try throwing some cinnamon (no more than 1.5 tsp/day) into a coffee or tea it will help curb that sweet tooth.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Fruit works great for me when I crave something Sweet. I buy clementine cutties ( small oranges ) oh they are delish! OR try this...

    I sometimes will bake an apple or pear.

    Cut out the middle. wrap in tinfoil like you would a baked potatoe. Bake at 350 or 400 ( I dont know if it matters too much ) for about 15 mins. This will REALLY bring out the natural sugars. I like to add a little cinnamon on top, or maybe a couple scoops of FF frozen yogurt :) sooo good!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    After meals I usually have a Viactive calcium chew - either the chocolate or calcium. They are 20 calories and give me the sweet taste while being productive. Gum also works for me if I'm having a craving at odd times, or tea with artificial sweetner. And at bedtime I always have a snack of skim milk and a 100 calorie snack back... whether its oreo crisps or the little cakesters. I don't believe in eliminating something I really enjoy so have learned to enjoy it responsibly (most of the time, definitely not perfect, lol).
  • Speedpenny
    Speedpenny Posts: 4 Member
    I have the same issue!

    I am sometimes able to fool myself (and my sweet tooth) by having a sweet fruit like strawberries or clementines. I have not tried any but there are lots of low cal popsicle type items out there. My one cheat are the mini snickers bars, like they give out for halloween, to me they are 80 calories well spent when I think I have to have something sweet.

    Good luck and let me know if you discover anything great that curbs that need for sweet after a meal!
  • map1972
    map1972 Posts: 13
    I do things a little different. When I have a craving for something sweet (usually soda), I make myself drink tea instead. It doesn't always work, but I've cut down on the soda...a lot.

    Good luck!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My go to for sweet is Dove Minatures Candy.

    You get 3 pieces for 77 calories... and normally I don't even eat the full three because all I need a taste before I'm satisfied.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    If I can not curb it I have a 1/4 cup of chapmans frozen yogurt, black jack cherry, that will curb nearly anyone's sweet tooth. 120 cals for a 1/2 a cup. So 60 cals for my little sweet shot, and its pretty rare when I get that now.
  • I love this idea! Thank you so much.
  • Fruit works great for me when I crave something Sweet. I buy clementine cutties ( small oranges ) oh they are delish! OR try this...

    I sometimes will bake an apple or pear.

    Cut out the middle. wrap in tinfoil like you would a baked potatoe. Bake at 350 or 400 ( I dont know if it matters too much ) for about 15 mins. This will REALLY bring out the natural sugars. I like to add a little cinnamon on top, or maybe a couple scoops of FF frozen yogurt :) sooo good!

    This sounds delicious! :) I think i'm going to try it tonight!! YUM!
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 100 Member
    WOW!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for all the AMAZINGLY WONDERFULLY GREAT ideas, guys!! :):):)
    i know that fruit is good for you & sweet, but i never really thought about eating it to curb my sweet tooth! excellent!
    jello, yogurt, chocolate chips in the freezer, peppermint patties, crystal light, fig newtons, cereal bars, cinnamon, baking fruiting!!! who would have thought!!!
  • I like the Skinny Cow icecream bars. I love chocolate and I am the same way. What I have been doing is going for a walk when the cravings get real bad. I have been reading everyone's posts and everyone has great ideas.
    Thank you! Good Luck to you!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Fruit works great for me when I crave something Sweet. I buy clementine cutties ( small oranges ) oh they are delish! OR try this...

    I sometimes will bake an apple or pear.

    Cut out the middle. wrap in tinfoil like you would a baked potatoe. Bake at 350 or 400 ( I dont know if it matters too much ) for about 15 mins. This will REALLY bring out the natural sugars. I like to add a little cinnamon on top, or maybe a couple scoops of FF frozen yogurt :) sooo good!

    This sounds delicious! :) I think i'm going to try it tonight!! YUM!

    yes I also forgot to mention peaches! or adding a little brown sugar :)
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