Not What I See

I just started MFP about a week ago, and I just recently lost almost 70lb. I would still like to lose at least 20 more, but something I've started to struggle with is seeing myself realistically. When I see my reflection in the mirror I see something close to a size 12, but when I see myself next to say a girl size 6 or 8 we look the same! I'm still completely shocked at how slow my brain is to processthe weight loss. I also hope once I hit my goal weight I don't still see myself as significantly overwieght! Will my brain ever catch up?


  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I see the opposite in myself. Standing alone in front of my mirror I feel like I look like a 6-8, then when I'm standing next to my roommate who's a 10, I feel like a size 18 again! I think we all struggle with our self image, and I hope our brains will both get their acts together! Good luck
  • crystal10584
    I see the opposite in myself. Standing alone in front of my mirror I feel like I look like a 6-8, then when I'm standing next to my roommate who's a 10, I feel like a size 18 again! I think we all struggle with our self image, and I hope our brains will both get their acts together! Good luck

    This is me. I feel huge next to my boyfriend's sister who's a 4. I feel i look like an 8... until I stand next to her and then I'm a cow.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    I understand that but i have an eating matter how much I weigh I think I look like I weigh 300 pounds. Wish I had an answer for you
  • bradspace
    bradspace Posts: 54
    I have opposite body image myself. I think I look pretty good and feel pretty good about myself and then I see a photo of me or catch my full body reflection in a mirror or window and I think "Dear GOD! I'm HUGE!!" .
  • lilscotslass
    Bear in mind that height makes a difference! One of my friends is the same size as me but looks a bit bigger as she's smaller, and another friend is taller and a bigger size or 2 than me but looks about the same. I know that it's easy to say and harder to do but try to remember that everyone's body and idea of fit and healthy is different. And from looking at your profile picture I'd say that you were smaller than a size 12!
  • allison7922
    allison7922 Posts: 276 Member
    I have opposite body image myself. I think I look pretty good and feel pretty good about myself and then I see a photo of me or catch my full body reflection in a mirror or window and I think "Dear GOD! I'm HUGE!!" .

    Me too!
  • Jentorres8814
    Jentorres8814 Posts: 121 Member
    I have opposite body image myself. I think I look pretty good and feel pretty good about myself and then I see a photo of me or catch my full body reflection in a mirror or window and I think "Dear GOD! I'm HUGE!!" .

    That's me all the way. !
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I have the same problem I read that looking at before and after pictures of yourself wll help your brain catch up to reality. I feel like a heffer, and I am an 8.