Hello all...New to myfitnesspal

nrin04 Posts: 15
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I've been struggling with weight gain since elementary. Need motivation to lose the weight and keep it off. So hoping to make new friends to get a support system going.

I was a size 5 now I'm a size 12....

How do you get rid of the word diet....and start saying that's just my lifestyle?

I want to start living life, and stop sitting on the couch watching other people enjoying life.


  • Coachcritty
    Coachcritty Posts: 17 Member
    I am fighting the nutritional side of things too. I LOVE food and to eat. Here's what works for me...

    I NEVER say I'm on a diet. Diet implies that I can't have something or that I should feel guilty if I "cheat." I try to make god food choices. If I want a burger, I don't eat the bun, get no mayo or cheese. If I want rice, I get brown rice. If I want bread, I get whole grain. I drink lots of water!!

    I really try not to deny myself anything that I'm craving. If I want cake, then a rice cake isn't going to work. I will end up eating rice cakes AND cake. Portion control is key on those things that aren't great for me. Like chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant...I break the chips into small pieces to trick myself into thinking I'm having more (hey, don't laugh...it works for me). I also make sure I have TONS of water to drink. If I fill myself up a little with water first, then I don't tend to overeat.

    Biggest thing for me. If I have a day when I completely overdo it...I wipe that day clean from my mind and start fresh the next day. We can't beat ourselves up!!

    Hope my tricky solutions help or at least get you thinking about how you can come up with some of your own.

    Best of luck!!

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