Staying motivated

Hi.... I'm new to myfitnesspal. I've lost 20 but right now I seem to be at a wall. I'm working out 3-days a week for 1-1/2 each. I am watching what I eat but the weight is not dropping as it was. Our group has been doing more strength training; could this be why? Motivation, motivation, motivation.


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Hey!!!! I would try and swtich up your workouts, you might be a plateau. WHat about trying a new cardio machine or another type of class? You can do this!!! You have come this far and you know you can do it!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    It sounds like a plateau to me too. Change up your workout routine, your diet, and drink alot of water. We all hit them at some point. Remember, the closer you get to your goal; the slower it takes to come off. Just don't give up!!! Cardio is important to lose weight along with weight training. Cardio burns the calories will strength training tones the muscles.
  • Solicitor
    The scale should never be your only measure of success. Unfortunately, it is one of the most unreliable metrics about what is going on with your body an the one that everyone uses because of its availability. Try to look for those other signs that you are improving your fitness and hopefully body composition. Are your measurements changing? Is you body fat changing?

    You mentioned that you are doing more strength training with the group that you work out with. Are you being focused during that time or are you merely moving some weight around on a machine? I have found that strength training is a great way to fool yourself if you are not giving focused maximum effort during each session.

    If you are doing strength training are you progressing in your lifts? Are you able to do more weight or more reps than that last time you did a particular exercise? If so then that would be a sign that you are getting stronger. That in and of itself should be motivation to keep getting stronger each day. Remember that because muscle is denser than fat your scale will not accurately reflect the changes that you are making in your body.
  • leighllf
    leighllf Posts: 32
    You should be thrilled with your weight loss so far~ I know how difficult it is when you sont seem to continue to loose! I am in the same boat now. I hope to get some advise too!

    Great going and keep going...we will get there~
  • ltann032848
    Hi everyone!

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and advice. I took your advice and last night at the Y I tried more cardio. I won't give's all about a healthier me. Coming here and getting feed back will certainly keep me going. Thank you all so much!:smile::smile:
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