Trying not to weigh myself!

JessieAnneMarie Posts: 105
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it weird that I stopped believing in weighing myself?? I use to be obsessed with the scale and about the number!!! Now im tyring to just go on how I feel and measure myself once a week! Does anyone feel the same way?? I also work out alot so I think I gain muscle and become discouraged when the number isn't want I want!


  • I am still obsessed with the scale. I'll weigh myself with shoes, without shoes, after I pee, after I work out. I still get discouraged when it goes up. I think it isn't fair that I will work all week to get 1 pound off and then it goes up 2 pounds after having just half a cup of ice cream. Am I crazy?
  • I'm the same way! i had always been around 105, then once i started working out i got up to 110-115 and felt terrible till a few of my gym's instructors explained the muscle thing for me. I still feel a little weird about gaining about 10 lbs. in muscle weight...but i look a lot healthier! So just ignore the scale and judge your weight on how you look and feel :)
  • NO!!! your not crazy haha.. I just dont know how to go about goals you know.. i hate stepping on the scale!
  • Do you just measure yourself and go off how many inches you lose?? Its like id lik eto know how many lbs i lost but i dont want to have to weigh myself in every week.. any ideas? or suggestions!
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