Weight loss help?

I'm a fifteen year old female who's been trying to lose weight. I weigh about 155lbs. and have a BMI of about 25. I just started trying to get down to about 140, two months ago. I've been exercising often, and while my diet isn't great, I don't eat a whole lot. Not only am I not losing weight, but I can't gain either. I started off at a plateau. Any ideas?


  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about what the scale says, I would concentrate more on becoming physically fit and eating a healthier diet. I have dieted my entire life off and one and it really messes with your body. Your at an age when you can control your weight better than us older peeps. One word of advice, don't let it control your life like I did all these years, eat normal and healthy and exercise and you will lose inches and change your body for the better....I promise, it will work. Don't undereat or diet strictly, it's better that you focus and a heathier life style and you will see a change! Good luck!
  • daniellefranklin34
    daniellefranklin34 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, I'm just not losing or gaining inches either. :/
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about what the scale says, I would concentrate more on becoming physically fit and eating a healthier diet. I have dieted my entire life off and one and it really messes with your body. Your at an age when you can control your weight better than us older peeps. One word of advice, don't let it control your life like I did all these years, eat normal and healthy and exercise and you will lose inches and change your body for the better....I promise, it will work. Don't undereat or diet strictly, it's better that you focus and a heathier life style and you will see a change! Good luck!

    Definately!! if you're BMI is 25 then you in the healthy weight range, albeit the top of it. As you are so young I would focus on activity (sports, exercise etc) and eating right (if you have the habit of eating junk food DONT - as you get older your body will not be able to cope with it as much and you will find it hard to lose weight if you start putting it on, and it will be harder to get off.)

    Read some of the blogs here from those having issues with weight, and use this site to learn as to what has put people where they are. Usually when you look at their diaries there is the wrong food there and little exercise. Make sure you are NOT one of these people and you will be fine! Use the site for friendship, motivation and ideas though - staying here will help you focus on track
    xx good luck!
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    "and while my diet isn't great, I don't eat a whole lot." One thing I have learned after YEARS od dieting is you HAVE to EAT to lose.
    If I stay around my calorie range I lose, if I am way under I sometime maintain. Your body will hang on to every thing it can if it thinks it is starving.
    Try eating lots of protein and fiber and drink at least 1/2 your body weight in water every day. Watch the sodium and track. Count every BLT ( bite, taste, lick) you'd be surprise sometimes when you track how fast the calories add up! Don't worry about the scale so much-measure once a week-sometimes if you are more active you will see the difference there first! Hang in there and good luck.