I need help!! I am craving junk food alot!!! - I am repostin

lexy83 Posts: 122 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, So I started on my weight loss journey about a week ago and I think I am doing good but, Today I am craving sweets and everything in sight. Seriously I am not just craving one thing! its like my body and mind is telling me "go grab some fast food" or "go get a piece of cake, cookies, candy" I am not crazy... but this is really how I am feeling today... this diet is so much needed I have 150lb to lose and I don't want to give up... I want to for once be healthy and fit.. PLEASE SEND ME SOME ADVICE! ADD ME IF YOU CAN, I am new to MFP and I don't really know much about diet nor can not afford personal trainer or a fitness expert! Any advice on cravings or healthy meals and exercise is really needed..... Also I want to lose weight and not become saggy in the tummy or arms... any workout tips or advice!


  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    First off I'd like to say hooray for you in making the first step...joining:) It isn't going to be easy but you can do this! It is a lifestyle change so don't deprive yourself. It's okay to enjoy a small treat! I find if I deprive myself it backfires! Drinking lots of water or chewing gum will also help with the cravings. Good luck!
  • brafordrm
    brafordrm Posts: 19
    Your body thinks that it misses all those sugary things. It is going to react to it. If you simply MUST eat...either eat something like rice that will expand and make you feel full, or have some fruits which will help curb your sugar cravings a little bit. Of course, many people on here will just tell you to get over it, and stick with the plan. But, frankly, that isn't always realistic. If you are going to have a heavy calorie day, at least fill up on foods that nourish the body.
  • rulli1987
    rulli1987 Posts: 2 Member
    DONT do it.. think of the benifit you will be getting by loosing the extra weight... you already completed one week.. way to go.. keep it up.. and trust me the results are much better than sweets..
  • I agree with gum or lifesaver/mint and LOTS of water. I put herbal tea bags in my water bottle to give it fruit flavor. DO SOMETHING NEW. take a 10-minute walk. Do 20 sit ups. Write a poem. Read a magazine article. Knit. Ride a bike. Go to the library. GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE! Just getting outside makes those cravings go away.
  • abra526
    abra526 Posts: 213 Member
    I get chocolate cravings BAD. I have been making a smoothie with 1/2 cup chocolate soy milk, cherry nonfat yogurt, and a half scoop of vanilla soy protein powder. It tastes like a chocolate covered cherry! It would probably be even better if i had the chocolate powder on hand.
    If you get ice cream cravings, skinny cow makes some really delish 100 calorie truffle ice cream bars.
    Good luck!
  • Your body thinks that it misses all those sugary things. It is going to react to it. If you simply MUST eat...either eat something like rice that will expand and make you feel full, or have some fruits which will help curb your sugar cravings a little bit. Of course, many people on here will just tell you to get over it, and stick with the plan. But, frankly, that isn't always realistic. If you are going to have a heavy calorie day, at least fill up on foods that nourish the body.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    What you dont want to do is neglect your self of something a little as a piece of chocolate...this is a change in eating..not a diet...you can have a dark chocolate Dove candy bar...jus make sure you log it...I was craving something sweet, so I had me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich just now...and Im over it....now I feel satisfied, I have no guilt and the day goes on....if you keep that craving, before you know it you will be over-indulging and thats what you dont want to do!!!
  • dfresh926
    dfresh926 Posts: 48
    I get chocolate cravings BAD. I have been making a smoothie with 1/2 cup chocolate soy milk, cherry nonfat yogurt, and a half scoop of vanilla soy protein powder. It tastes like a chocolate covered cherry! It would probably be even better if i had the chocolate powder on hand.
    If you get ice cream cravings, skinny cow makes some really delish 100 calorie truffle ice cream bars.
    Good luck!
    my god that sounds good yummmmm
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    This is totally normal. Everyone has it.

    1. Drink water. IT WORKS. This is like first aid for cravings. Drink a 24 oz cup of cold water with some lime or lemon juice to give your stomach something to work on.
    2. Chromium picolinate works. It balances your glucose levels and curbs your craving of sweets.
    3. You are ADDICTED to sugar and you're in detox right now. Decide that it's going to suck for a little while and you'll be over it soon. Accept it. Own it.
    4. Start using whole grain carbs. Combine your carbs with a protein.
    5. Don't worry about today, start thinking in terms of weeks and months. There's always tomorrow. Plan your healthy diet now and get lots of good food around you. This TOTALLY works. I'm doing it and I thought I could never lose weight. I love my new foods.
    6. Eat fruits.
    7. PLAN (not on impulse) some sweets once in a while. A lot of people eat dark chocolate everyday and lose weight just fine.

  • I totally agree. To get over my quick sugar fixes I eat berries! They totally fill that void. Just don't eat anything else w/ them or for an hour or so after. Stick with it your gonna be so glad you did.
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    You should still allow yourself to have some sweets...but in moderation. If you're used to having them, totally cutting them out of your life will make you miserable. You need to learn to enjoy the food you're eating. Since you just started, have some snacks that you enjoy...I have sugar free chocolate pudding (70 calories), light yogurt (80 calories), Nabisco has some great 100 calorie packs, there are Pringle 100 calorie packs out there as well, get the fun size candy bars if you need some candy. It's ok to have these things once in awhile. Just keep making sure you're counting the calories, and that you don't have too much sweets. DEpriving yourself is going to make this journey a whole lot harder.
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