Brides on a Mission: Week 14



  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    So since our challenge this week is on logging our food at least 5/7 days....

    I find that I dont log when I let the day get ahead of me. If I dont log right away before or after doesn't get done for a few hours later. Then when it comes to lunch I am like "ugh, I was just doing all that I dont want to sit there and do it all again!" I think I have really found that as soon as I eat something it needs to be logged stat. That is the best option for me. Plus, I sometimes wind up logging my next meal too, if I know what I will be having. Then it is nice too because I can see how many cals I have left for snacking and what I need in those snacks (protein, carbs, ect).

    How does everyone log?

    I log a "plan" for the day either in the morning or the night before. Then, if I get chance I amend as the day goes on, or I just change what was different between what I actually ate and what the plan was at the end of the day... then sometimes the next morning I have to amend the night before if I had a late night snack attack, which happens way more than it should, and is the reason I've only lost 7 pounds in three months... but hey, at least I'm honest with myself about it, and at least I am still losing :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Please help! I need some ideas for bridal shower gifts. My fiance and I lived on our own before, so a lot of gifts that people typically put on their wedding registries, we already own!

    I heard a lot of people turn to wedding registries for bridal shower gifts, so I went back and looked at our registry yesterday. It's not very big and I honestly can't think of anything to add! I don't want to put random things on it, just for the sake of putting something down.

    Do you have a suggestion for me, so that the gals feel like they have choices for the bridal shower?

  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 14
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: .5lbs - A loss is a loss, so I will take it!

    2. Highlight of the past week: Went to a cocktail party on Saturday and received several compliments on my weightloss and how good I am looking! :o) always a boost!

    3. Lowlight of the past week: Our cat scratched FH really badly. It bleed a lot, very scary and not a fun night.

    4. What type of food will be served at the wedding: The meal will be a buffet since we are out in a tent at the Inn and they will only serve buffet style outside. We wanted buffet so each guest could have what they want! The actual food is to be determined. Probably a veggie, beef, and chicken variation.

    5. Any wedding news updates: bought my wedding band! I am very excited; it is soooooo pretty!

    6. What is your favorite workout DVD to use at home: use to use Tae-bo, but have not recently. I would rather be outside when I can.

    7. What is your favorite fruit: Apples, clementines, strawberries

    8. How did you do with the week 13 challenge (limiting caloric drinks): pretty well. On Saturday at the concktail party, not so much.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Good week overall. Hope to see a bigger loss next week. I have heard It gets hard at the half way loss point, but I am determined to keep it up!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Please help! I need some ideas for bridal shower gifts. My fiance and I lived on our own before, so a lot of gifts that people typically put on their wedding registries, we already own!

    I heard a lot of people turn to wedding registries for bridal shower gifts, so I went back and looked at our registry yesterday. It's not very big and I honestly can't think of anything to add! I don't want to put random things on it, just for the sake of putting something down.

    Do you have a suggestion for me, so that the gals feel like they have choices for the bridal shower?


    Shannon, we are in the same boat. We both lived independently before moving in together, so we had 2 apartments worth of stuff already. We have been trying to up grade. We got new dishes because our old set only had settings for 6. We are getting a new coffee pot and cookware because ours are older. A lot of what we had in out apartments was from tag sales or hand-me-downs from family, so we have been trying to replace things. Then we won't have to do it in the first 5-10 years of our marriage.

    Hope this helps!
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    So since our challenge this week is on logging our food at least 5/7 days....

    I find that I dont log when I let the day get ahead of me. If I dont log right away before or after doesn't get done for a few hours later. Then when it comes to lunch I am like "ugh, I was just doing all that I dont want to sit there and do it all again!" I think I have really found that as soon as I eat something it needs to be logged stat. That is the best option for me. Plus, I sometimes wind up logging my next meal too, if I know what I will be having. Then it is nice too because I can see how many cals I have left for snacking and what I need in those snacks (protein, carbs, ect).

    How does everyone log?

    I feel like I could have written this myself! I am the same way - the sooner I can log it, the better!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    PLANNING TIP: Take pictures of all the dresses!

    I'm not talking about wedding dresses (though do take pictures of those if you can!); I mean the dresses for the other important females in the wedding. Brides maid, MOB, MOG, grandmothers, etc. One of my grandmothers is the last one to find a dress, she was asking about color, style, etc. of the other dresses. I pulled together digital pictures of the other dresses I just happened to have: bm, mob, mog. I am lucky enough to have a grandmother who uses email.

    Sending an email with all the pictures let her see the color and style other the other important ladies in the wedding and gave her a tool to avoid duplicating a look or style. Just something I found really helpful, as opposed to trying to describe each dress over the phone!

    Happy Planning!

    I posted this last week, but since traffic on the topic was so light, I thought I would re-post because I found it so helpful.
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    Brides on a Mission: week 14
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I didn't get a chance to do my routine weigh-in on the day/time I usually do it, but this morning I weighed and was the same :( This is my first time having a really great week of working out/eating and NOT losing anything!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Great family weekend with FH's mom and brother, we had a lot of fun!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I didn't get very many hours at work this week, so that was no good, but it did allow me to get a lot done around the house!

    4. What type of food will be served at the wedding: Gourmet sandwich bar - lots of choices of delicious breads/wraps, meats, cheeses, and all the fixins! Our reception is going to be pretty casual, so we wanted something easy, but still yummy, and it can cater to pretty much anyone's tastes

    5. Any wedding news updates: nothing big, just doing a lot of fine tuning right now!

    6. What is your favorite workout DVD to use at home: 30 DS or zumba

    7. What is your favorite fruit: lately it's been mangoes, but i love most fruit

    8. How did you do with the week 13 challenge (limiting caloric drinks): Great! I have been drinking only water

    9. Weekly wrap up: it was GREAT week for workouts, as I got some form of exercise every day, even on the weekend, which I can sometimes be bad about - disappointed I didn't see a loss this week, but all of this exercising has got to catch up with me sometime, right?? :)
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Hi everyone--

    I've been lazy about posting because I just got back from a wedding-planning trip and am totally buried at work! But the trip went well, and we got a lot done...

    But now that I'm back, I will make an effort to participate more. =)

    Brides on a Mission: week 14 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:
    2 pounds. Post-vacation, I'm pretty happy with that
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened):
    Wedding planning trip went well, as did my first dress fitting.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with):
    Freaking out a little now that I realize the wedding is less that 2 months away. Also,
    the boy has been extremely grumpy lately because he is stressed, which has been pretty
    hard to deal with.
    4. What type of food will be served at the wedding:
    Spice-rubbed duck, halibut with mango salsa, and pasta primavera. We're big foodies,
    and were happy to cut corners on other things so we could splurge on dinner.
    5. Any wedding news updates:
    We're almost there with planning...just need to pick a florist and then I think we're done with
    vendor selection. Very excited about our photographers. Also, found my wedding shoes online
    for half price, but we'll see if they fit. Sizes were limited, so I can't really exchange for a different
    size if this pair doesn't work out. Cross your fingers for me!
    6. What is your favorite workout DVD to use at home:
    I love the Jackie Warner one-on-one training DVD. It's a bit more advanced than some DVDs, and I
    feel challenged every time I do it.
    7. What is your favorite fruit:
    avocados! seriously, they're a fruit, right?
    8. How did you do with the week 13 challenge (limiting caloric drinks):
    there were probably a few too many cocktails over the weekend, but I was good about food, so hoping
    that will even out.
    9. Weekly wrap up: overall, not too bad. I've been better about snacking at work, which is my big achilles heel, and
    am starting to see some nice toning from upping weight classes at the gym...that strapless gown is a good incentive
    to stick with it even though I hate weight training.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm here, I promise! just not weighing in...but i'll reply soon! MUAH!
  • AmandaD99
    AmandaD99 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! Thought I'd join in here too.

    Here's my intro:

    1. Name: Amanda
    2. Age: 29
    3. City: Melbourne, FL
    4. Occupation: Quality Analyst
    5. Wedding date: November 12th, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Anton
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: Friends for 11 years, dating for 18 months
    8. Heaviest weight: 310
    9. Goal weight and date: I'd like to weigh 250 by my wedding, ultimate goal is somewhere under 200.
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Used to be walking/jogging intervals until I hurt my foot. Now I don't have a favorite. Just whatever burns calories. lol
    11. Favorite healthy food: Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bars

    Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • NurseNatalie2011
    SO I had a rough emotional day. As most of your know, I graduate from nursing school with a BSN in June. Things have been crazy!!! There has been even more crap going on now because of reviews and study sessions. I am greatful to have those resources but I am so overwhelmed:sad: It is so hard to balance my current class, study for my exit exam, study for my state boards, put together my senior portfolio, complete a group project, and start looking for a big girl job! Holy cow! The hardest part is that I want to find time to work out too...but some days that just isn't resonable with my school work. I hate to say it but I am not one to set my alarm clock to get up and work out. (I hate AM workouts!) I do set my alarm to get up and study. I feel guilty for missing a work out but then I feel guilty for not studying.

    Today there was a 3 hour meeting at school. I felt so overwhelmed after. I planned on going to a group class at the park district. I cam home and ate dinner after the meeting. I sat there thinking I shouldn't go to the class and stay home to do practice questions and study for my exam on Monday. But then I was like I need to lose 8lbs by June 25th and I weigh in tomorrow. I need to go. I want to go. But I just kept thinking that I needed to study. I did go and I am glad I did. I feel good and the insturctor was great and was telling me how important it is to take time to care for your body and mind. I agree....but still feeling guilty no matter what I do. I can't wait to graudate! Ok, thanks for listening to my venting :smile:
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Weigh in day: I lost 1.9lbs! So excited. I have has losses for weeks in a row now! So happy that all my issues before with losing and gaining the same 2lbs is over with! only 6 lbs to my mini goal now! (June 25th) YES! :bigsmile:

    Thanks all for your support! I truly think I couldn't be doing this without all of you brides here to inspire me and share your tips! :flowerforyou:

  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    SO I had a rough emotional day. As most of your know, I graduate from nursing school with a BSN in June. Things have been crazy!!! There has been even more crap going on now because of reviews and study sessions. I am greatful to have those resources but I am so overwhelmed:sad: It is so hard to balance my current class, study for my exit exam, study for my state boards, put together my senior portfolio, complete a group project, and start looking for a big girl job! Holy cow! The hardest part is that I want to find time to work out too...but some days that just isn't resonable with my school work. I hate to say it but I am not one to set my alarm clock to get up and work out. (I hate AM workouts!) I do set my alarm to get up and study. I feel guilty for missing a work out but then I feel guilty for not studying.

    Today there was a 3 hour meeting at school. I felt so overwhelmed after. I planned on going to a group class at the park district. I cam home and ate dinner after the meeting. I sat there thinking I shouldn't go to the class and stay home to do practice questions and study for my exam on Monday. But then I was like I need to lose 8lbs by June 25th and I weigh in tomorrow. I need to go. I want to go. But I just kept thinking that I needed to study. I did go and I am glad I did. I feel good and the insturctor was great and was telling me how important it is to take time to care for your body and mind. I agree....but still feeling guilty no matter what I do. I can't wait to graudate! Ok, thanks for listening to my venting :smile:

    Good for you for going-- I'm glad you got some great results as a reward! I know how hard it is to take time away from the things that are stressing you out, but it's so important to stay healthy and working out really, really helps with stress. Plus, I think taking a break now and then gives you a little perspective to take back to your work, so that you take a deep breath and work smarter instead of just freaking out.

    Keep at it-- your next goal is so very close!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thanks for the bridal shower ideas. I've already put a few of them into practice, but the list still doesn't seem very large. I'm not going to slap stuff on just to have it there. I'd rather get gift cards or have them get something they'd know I like, since most of the people know me well already. If they're not sure, they could probably ask my mom. I'm sure she'd give them ideas that suit my personality.

    It's kind of weird. My MOH's husband died last month, so my mom and future mother-in-law are helping to plan the two showers for her. We've already broken tradition by doing that, but I think people will understand my circumstances, as I only have an MOH in the bridal party (no bridesmaids or other girls).

  • NurseNatalie2011
    SO I had a rough emotional day. As most of your know, I graduate from nursing school with a BSN in June. Things have been crazy!!! There has been even more crap going on now because of reviews and study sessions. I am greatful to have those resources but I am so overwhelmed:sad: It is so hard to balance my current class, study for my exit exam, study for my state boards, put together my senior portfolio, complete a group project, and start looking for a big girl job! Holy cow! The hardest part is that I want to find time to work out too...but some days that just isn't resonable with my school work. I hate to say it but I am not one to set my alarm clock to get up and work out. (I hate AM workouts!) I do set my alarm to get up and study. I feel guilty for missing a work out but then I feel guilty for not studying.

    Today there was a 3 hour meeting at school. I felt so overwhelmed after. I planned on going to a group class at the park district. I cam home and ate dinner after the meeting. I sat there thinking I shouldn't go to the class and stay home to do practice questions and study for my exam on Monday. But then I was like I need to lose 8lbs by June 25th and I weigh in tomorrow. I need to go. I want to go. But I just kept thinking that I needed to study. I did go and I am glad I did. I feel good and the insturctor was great and was telling me how important it is to take time to care for your body and mind. I agree....but still feeling guilty no matter what I do. I can't wait to graudate! Ok, thanks for listening to my venting :smile:

    Good for you for going-- I'm glad you got some great results as a reward! I know how hard it is to take time away from the things that are stressing you out, but it's so important to stay healthy and working out really, really helps with stress. Plus, I think taking a break now and then gives you a little perspective to take back to your work, so that you take a deep breath and work smarter instead of just freaking out.

    Keep at it-- your next goal is so very close!

    Thank you! I will keep at it :)
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    So I don't know where else to turn. I am so stressed right now, and none of it has to do with wedding planning. mostly it has to do with work and insane parents at work, I work from 9-6, so when i am on my way home from work the last thing on my mind is cooking when i get home, so usually my fiancee just says to pick up some fast food. BAD I KNOW!!! but I am so exhausted and he doesn't cook that I just do it. I feel like crap and since all this stress and eating I have gained like 3 pounds. I don't even have the energy to get up in the morning in work out, and I need to get it back. I guess I just need some support right now. Anyway had to get that off my chest any tips/suggestions/motivation would be wonderful.
  • kalebsmama07
    not weighin in today....have no idea what my true weight im gonna weigh in next week to see...=) be back next week...
  • NurseNatalie2011
    So I don't know where else to turn. I am so stressed right now, and none of it has to do with wedding planning. mostly it has to do with work and insane parents at work, I work from 9-6, so when i am on my way home from work the last thing on my mind is cooking when i get home, so usually my fiancee just says to pick up some fast food. BAD I KNOW!!! but I am so exhausted and he doesn't cook that I just do it. I feel like crap and since all this stress and eating I have gained like 3 pounds. I don't even have the energy to get up in the morning in work out, and I need to get it back. I guess I just need some support right now. Anyway had to get that off my chest any tips/suggestions/motivation would be wonderful.

    I'm sorry girl! I know it must be hard. And that has to be frustrating that your fiance wont make dinner either. Have you thought about spending Sundays cookies a few meals and then having them throughout the week for dinner? We do that a lot at my house and it works out wonders. It even helps to pre-package all the meals into servings sizes and all I have to do it pop it in the micro and dinner is ready!
  • orange_avocado
    Hi all, I'm new! I've been on MFP since September, and got engaged in February, but somehow *just* found this board! Looking forward to having other brides to commiserate with and keep me motivated (I need it)!

    1. Name: Yvonne
    2. Age: 25
    3. City: Reston, VA
    4. Occupation: Java Programmer
    5. Wedding date: May 27, 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Matt
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 155
    9. Goal weight and date: 130 by September, 2010
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running, Kickboxing, Pole Dancing, Zumba
    11. Favorite healthy food: Almonds, Grilled *Anything*, Eggs, Spinach

    A little more about me... I follow the Primal/Caveman diet, have a gym membership but have been ~whoa~ slacking lately, and am planning a Vineyard weddng for about 125 people. I've lived with my FI for a year and a half, we're both in IT, and we have two cats.
  • orange_avocado
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: Friends for 11 years, dating for 18 months

    Wow, friends for 11 years? How did you two finally start dating? You must have a GREAT story!