cronic fatigue and carbs .

maddy43 Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I have mutlifactual fatigue - very simular to cronic fatigue ....I get exhausted very easliy and eating food can make me tired . I have realised that carbs make me ten times worse. I feel better on just one meal a day without carbs, but my B/F says having no carbs is not good for you
. Today i completed my first food report and i have eaten more today than normal - however it has made me very tired..

I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem , or advise on what carbs to eat when your trying to lose weight and your toning up with some small weights when you suffer from fatigue ?

thanks guys


  • misschoy
    misschoy Posts: 125 Member
    check with your doc
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I had post viral fatigue (probably) last year and found wheat made me much worse. I cut it out, and felt much better. I now have small amounts, but more than a spoonful of pasta makes me feel really sick and lethargic these days. Rice and potatoes are fine.
  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    Have your thyroid checked !
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I don't know what to tell you but I suffer from Fibromyalgia and find that carbs make the pain and fatigue worse as well. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to support each other through these terrible disorders.
  • maddy43
    maddy43 Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone - ive had my thyroid checked - i had cancer 5 years ago ( all clear now) The stress of caring for my daughter who has aspergers and going through chemo and radiotherapy left me with the fatigue . I had alot of pain in my legs with it - but that dissapeared a few weeks ago - just left with the fatigue now. ( i have been diagnosed with it a couple of years ago now )

    Pototoes are the worst , pasta i cant eat either.

    I am actually not use to eating very much maybe a meal a day if that ... so joining this site is making me eat ! I just dont know how to combine the carbs with the fatigue if it makes it worse. Or what ones would be better to have .
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I heard a story about this disease on NPR a few weeks ago. I think it's hard for many of us who are otherwise healthy to understand a disease where the main clinical sign is fatigue without a more definitive underlying cause to explain/fix. I think if you don't feel well if you eat carbs then stop eating carbs. your body is telling you something and your body can use protein and parts of fat molecules to make the things our body uses carbs for (if anything, it's harder for our body to do it though and therefore takes more energy). I'd say if you can handle fruits and vegetables, then stick with them - many of the hard natural carbs that your body might like more.
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Thanks everyone - ive had my thyroid checked - i had cancer 5 years ago ( all clear now) The stress of caring for my daughter who has aspergers and going through chemo and radiotherapy left me with the fatigue . I had alot of pain in my legs with it - but that dissapeared a few weeks ago - just left with the fatigue now. ( i have been diagnosed with it a couple of years ago now )

    Pototoes are the worst , pasta i cant eat either.

    I am actually not use to eating very much maybe a meal a day if that ... so joining this site is making me eat ! I just dont know how to combine the carbs with the fatigue if it makes it worse. Or what ones would be better to have .

    I do know that fruit & veggie carbs are easier for our bodies to digest than simple carbs (breads, pasta, etc.). Good luck! I know how hard it is to stay upbeat when all you wanna do is crawl back into bed!
  • maddy43
    maddy43 Posts: 7
    I heard a story about this disease on NPR a few weeks ago. I think it's hard for many of us who are otherwise healthy to understand a disease where the main clinical sign is fatigue without a more definitive underlying cause to explain/fix. I think if you don't feel well if you eat carbs then stop eating carbs. your body is telling you something and your body can use protein and parts of fat molecules to make the things our body uses carbs for (if anything, it's harder for our body to do it though and therefore takes more energy). I'd say if you can handle fruits and vegetables, then stick with them - many of the hard natural carbs that your body might like more.

    I know what you mean , I found it difficult myself and fought against the tiredness which didnt help - I thought it mind over matter .. but it isnt - however i think your mind does get the chance to help it when theres a window of opportunity and thats what im grabbing at at the moment. Although they did say they knew why i was like how i was and it was common for people after cancer treatment and also the fact that i had enornous amount of stress , and thats why its multifactual fatigue as they can pinpoint it .

    I really need to get the food right if i stand a chance - i dont want to slip back if eating actually makes me more tired . So im gonna do a test and see which veg and fruit i can eat , il have a good look at what ive eaten today . If i remember rightly i had some crackers - wheat crackers and i was exhausted - so il cut them out tommorow and see how i feel . Thanks Jen for that i shall be trying it .
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