I always want to eat MORE

taiyola Posts: 964 Member
So I just ate about an hour ago. I was stuffed when I had finished my Quorn lamb grill, cheesy veg and mash potato.

Now, just over an hour later, I feel like I want to eat again. I kinda feel like I'm hungry, but I know I can't be?

Does anyone else get this? It's like I just want to shovel a load more food in, and almost CONVINCE myself I'm hungry again... but I can't be?


  • fushion243
    Oh yea! That's why I need MFP. I can eat and eat and eat. And, then still want to eat again. But, I am learning to tell myself that the hungry feeling is fat burning.
  • Anna19911
    Anna19911 Posts: 141
    I get this sometimes too. Just drink some water and let it pass :)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Sure. When I get that urge to eat like that, I cut my carbs over the next few days (snacking on cheeses and other low carb stuff) until the cravings ease up.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Always wanting more is always an issue... :(
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Try grabbing some water and a stick of sugar free gum or a peppermint...that helps me.
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    Im on m 2nd week and im totally not hungry like I used to be. Its hard for me to even eat all my calories. Last week I didnt eat any sugar or junk, I tried to save my calories for "real" food and this week i dont crave it. Its SO hard but you can do it. Good luck :)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I usually make a cup of tea or chew a piece of gum.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    The water idea is probably best. People tend to have a hard time distinguishing between "I'm hungry" and "I'm thirsty" so that feeling of wanting to eat more might be your body wanting water, especially if you have been eating salty foods. Having paid more attention to this, I noticed that I actually am thirsty often and my body feels much better now that I'm responding to its hydration needs.

    I do still get the munchies though and that seems to be my need to be chewing on something-- that's when I either brush my teeth and use mouthwash (makes anything I eat after taste nasty!) or find some gum.