Craving Cure?

So i have been trying to eat better recently and i am getting full faster which i am not sure if that is a good sign or not but o well... any way i keep having cravings for anything sweet after a meal and i will eat something but i am just shoving more food into a full stomach ... does anyone have any suggestions as to what i should do about this??


  • scressman
    I have two friends that have an agreement that if one of them starts to think about eating, or eat a dessert (even just a cookie) after a meal they get a slap on the hand. I have found that it really works!
  • minus40
    minus40 Posts: 112 Member
    I went to the Organic Planet to ask if they had anything to reduce sugar cravings. They recommended Brad King's Ultimate Starch & Fat Blocker and so far (2 weeks), I feel it's working well. Cravings have decreased. Good luck!

  • stephijim
    stephijim Posts: 33
    I've also read in my "Shape" magazines and stuff that you should eat 3 small pieces of dark chocolate. It gives you the sweetness you crave but doesn't kill your calories and it's a lot better than milk chocolate :)
  • Anbiv
    Anbiv Posts: 2
    I've also read in my "Shape" magazines and stuff that you should eat 3 small pieces of dark chocolate. It gives you the sweetness you crave but doesn't kill your calories and it's a lot better than milk chocolate :)

    I've heard this too. :)
  • tarynnminegar
    Drink a 16 oz glass of water and then chew a piece of sugarfree gum! The other thing I do if I am really dying is have a serving of sugarfree jello with a dab of coolwhip free! It's 45 calories total and it works!
  • aprhinehart
    I have sweet cravings too. What seems to work for me is a bowl of fruit salad with light whipped cream on the top. Works most of the time :)
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I think it might be a good idea to plan that sweet bite into your meal and when you are starting to feel sated put the rest of the food away and have "dessert" One square of dark chocolate, jello, are my faves. If I don't have stomach room chai tea does it for me as well.

  • Angeladobush
    Angeladobush Posts: 58 Member
    I don't know if you have Trader Joes or Whole Foods near you but I shop at both and they carry some sweets that are actually very good and healthy versions with no preservatives or high fructose corn syrup which will kill your healthy diet. I have just half a serving on those days when I feel the need to stave off a sweet tooth. I also have learned to stop eating dinner when my stomach is 80 percent full instead of completely full, then there is room for a small treat!!!!!!Good luck!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I'll do the dark chocolate trick, or skinny cow ice cream, go-gurt, a fruit freezer pop, or a small bowl of frozen fruit.