Exercise so you can eat more:)

WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
I normally do my exercising in the morning (now that I started again after a lengthy hiatus). But somehow I could not get motivated to do this today. After entering my food for breakfast and lunch I noticed how little was left for dinner, so all the way home from work I was thinking: "Cannot wait to get exercising so I can eat more." What a cool thing it was to see my number of remaining calories "allowed" go from 300 to 1100 after 45 min of 7 mph running on the TM. Who knew that wanting to eat more could be a great incentive to get exercising. Have any of you ever done that? Exercised just so you could have a little extra? And of course I still got the endorphin high from exercising on top of that:) Life is good.


  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    yep every thursday at work they do a burger burn for dinner. i workout extra hard that morning and as much extra walking at work as i can just so i can have a burger. thankfully they use the 93-7 meat which is much better.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I normally do my exercising in the morning (now that I started again after a lengthy hiatus). But somehow I could not get motivated to do this today. After entering my food for breakfast and lunch I noticed how little was left for dinner, so all the way home from work I was thinking: "Cannot wait to get exercising so I can eat more." What a cool thing it was to see my number of remaining calories "allowed" go from 300 to 1100 after 45 min of 7 mph running on the TM. Who knew that wanting to eat more could be a great incentive to get exercising. Have any of you ever done that? Exercised just so you could have a little extra? And of course I still got the endorphin high from exercising on top of that:) Life is good.

    Absolutely! My new life theme is "Will Work Out for Food" :-P

    I have pretty much determined how many calories I need to earn every day to be satisfied. That's what motivates me to get the exercise in! Love it!
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I do the same thing. Especially if I am planning on going out for dinner or having a special meal. I really enjoy watching my net calories go to negatives when I exercise after breakfast or lunch. The afternoon/evening is my hungriest time, so it is great to know that I have "enough" calories not to be hungry. :-)
  • diloluke
    diloluke Posts: 13
    Yes, I sometimes wonder if I have Exercise Bulimia. I find myself trying to fit in a work out everyday (not taking a day off) because I want to eat more. I am a bit obsessed...at least it's a healthy thing to be obsessed about.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Everytime I see someone ask, "Why exercise if you're just going to eat back the calories?" I think, "So you can EAT BACK THE CALORIES!"

    I love eating. I love food. Loooooooooove food. If it comes down to eating celery sticks or a full, satisfying meal, and all I gotta to is run for a while? I'm running, baby!!!
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Yes!!!!! :)~
    On days that I don't get to the gym I think "really? is this all that I get to eat????"
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    This actually happened to me today... I thought I would be in the clear with my cals if I took a day off from working out, but after logging dinner, I was over by 300 cals... Ouch. So, I got my *kitten* off the couch and did a workout dvd for an hour. Life IS good!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Lol I just thought this tonight when I was eating dinner...I saw i only had 64 calories left and I wanted to have a snack before bed and I said to my BF "I'm SO doing my workout dvd tonight" and he just laughed
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Lol I just thought this tonight when I was eating dinner...I saw i only had 64 calories left and I wanted to have a snack before bed and I said to my BF "I'm SO doing my workout dvd tonight" and he just laughed

    Love it!
  • Simone1970
    Absolutely! I love to eat and find myseelf more times the not getting my exercise in the day just so I can have a nice dinner with my husband without worrying to much about the calories. If I didn't work out, then I would not be able to eat all of the fun foods I enjoy so much. But as you said, working out let's you eat the foods you like while staying within your daily calorie range. Someone recently said exercise is definitely the X factor in the journey to weigh loss.

    I agree, life is good!

  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Oh, yeah. I pretty much only exercise so that I can have alcohol, or ice cream, or a big ol' burrito smothered in cheese.

    Of course, then I get the bonus endorphins and that helps keep me coming back for more.
  • jenmac82005
    so you are supposed to eat back your earned calories from exercising? My BFF says no, that you are just un-doing your exercise.... I hope this is not true, I love to eat me some fat kid food, and if I can do this and still lose weight, just have to exercise, count me in baby!!!! :-D
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I've been talking about doing this to everyone who will listen to me for the past two weeks! I thought it was wrong to think this way!! So glad to see that I'm not the only one!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Heck yeah I eat it back!! If I ever really want a food that I know will put me way over... I do a workout.

    Forget that eat to live garbage... I love to eat!! hahaha
  • tanshantee
    I suppose the maximum calories per day for women is 1200, if we take any more than that, we can run it off by burning it off through exercising...