Hi! New to this site and a healthier diet

I basically want to lose my age in lbs....44!


  • Maureen80
    Maureen80 Posts: 10
    well welcome to you..im new here too, i only want to lose a little 5 kilos! but its great to see what im ACTUALLY eating, and previously not realising the calories :)
  • kamoqueen
    Hello, I have been here for a couple of weeks and I love it. It's really open my eyes to watching calories. I actually found out that you can gain weight from not eating enough. A simple mistake that I was making before I joined this site. I am not new to healthy foods though. My son is a vegetarian and I am working on it. If you would like any healthy meal ideas let me know. I love sharing the new things we come up to take a diet and make it a yummy lifestyle.
  • kg1966
    kg1966 Posts: 6
    Hi Maureen90! Thank you! I'm excited to use the tools here.
  • kg1966
    kg1966 Posts: 6
    Hi Kamoqueen! Thank you! I've actually been considering easing into a raw diet. I would love some healthy meal ideas!
  • kamoqueen
    Well last night I made a yummy under 500 calorie meal. It was grilled ocean perch, small corn on the cob on the grill, cubed garlic red potatoes, lima beans, and steamed broccoli. My whole family enjoyed it. I actually had enough calories left over to enjoy some grapes and juice for dessert.
  • Hopkin1
    Hopkin1 Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone - I'm turning 33 this July and the last few years of traveling for my job has put on some weight I didn't expect. I guess we never do. =) My goal is to loose 38 pounds and that was before I lost 4 pounds prior to seeing this site and starting the new program of getting healthy and happy again.

    I wish everyone great success, I know you can do it. We all can!! Just take it one day at a time. =)

    Carrie - Georgia
  • kg1966
    kg1966 Posts: 6
    Kamoqueen, that sounds like a great meal! I've never cooked Perch before. How did you make it?

    Carrie, Hi! We have a similar weight loss goal (in the 40lb range). Taking it one day at a time is great advice....thank you!

    Kelly - California