New (and already struggling)- From Chicagoland

julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All. Downloaded the app 2 weeks ago and just realized there is a whole online side of this. Was glad to see all the success stories. The day I started this I weighed 201.6 but that was a shock because I was usually 199, like earlier that week. So, after 2 weeks, scale still says 199. So even though I have technically lost 2 pounds I guess, it seems like the same old.
I have my settings on 1200 calories. I am staying in that range I guess... 1200-1500 supposedly. But nothing changing. And I am definitely an instant gratification kind of person so this is hard for me. It is REALLY hard to just not eat whatever I want since nothing changed TODAY. And I can't stop weighing myself everyday waiting to see something exciting.
So I haven't changed my diet enought I am sure. Still eat where, what I usually would for the most part, just less or more sensibly I think. Fast food sometimes still.. but trying to stay within the calories. I know if I "diet" it won't work for me. I am trying to do something I can live with long term.
I have been told I probably have PCOS, a lot of the symptoms, so this has made me gain all this weight I believe. And make it so hard to lose.
Anyway, hoping in this forum I will find the strength to not give up.
Feel free to friend me. Thanks or listening!


  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Welcome to the site! Don't know what your diet looks like, but for me one of the biggest things to help me start losing was cutting out a lot of sodium and processed foods. This site is great for motivation and support! Good luck.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    1200 a day is not enough to shed fat effectively if you weigh in at 199 now, why is it that soooo many on here think that it will work going to 1200? Effective fat loss needs between 500 or 1000 cal a day deficit, what did mfp recommend for you for a 1 lb/week fat loss? If you are trying to exceed a 1000 cal/day deficit you will fail for fat loss and shed muscle which is exactly what you want to avoid. Here read this link I posted: when you are ready to get setup for success properly feel free to add me and I will help you shed fat easily and feel great doing it.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    PCOS can definitely make it more difficult to lose but it's totally doable! Really watch your sodium and water intake. I had to cut out fast food almost 100% (except subway) plus all drinks except water. I finally started losing and I've been hitting the gym almost everyday. A good heart rate monitor with a chest strap (I have a polar ft60) is totally worth the investment too! It will help you get and stay in your target fat burn zones when you do work out. Good luck! and feel free to add me as a friend if you want! :flowerforyou:
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    1200 a day is not enough to shed fat effectively if you weigh in at 199 now, why is it that soooo many on here think that it will work going to 1200? Effective fat loss needs between 500 or 1000 cal a day deficit, what did mfp recommend for you for a 1 lb/week fat loss? If you are trying to exceed a 1000 cal/day deficit you will fail for fat loss and shed muscle which is exactly what you want to avoid. Here read this link I posted: when you are ready to get setup for success properly feel free to add me and I will help you shed fat easily and feel great doing it.

    I don't agree with this. 1200 calories a day is ok if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and are eating back all exercise calories. It's all based individually on each person.
  • jenichen2000
    jenichen2000 Posts: 2 Member
    I live in Chicago too and have PCOS. The scale moves slow but it is moving for me. I also agree that you have to eat more calories than 1200. I eat about 1450 and sometimes lose 2 lbs a week. Exercise is key for me so try to incorporate that into your routine. Good luck.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Do the math, 199 pounds, 1200 a day even at a sedentary lifestyle will not make for good fat loss. I have helped many on here time and again to shed fat easily. Even with a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise is not needed but it is encouraged to boost metabolic rate.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    1200 a day is not enough to shed fat effectively if you weigh in at 199 now, why is it that soooo many on here think that it will work going to 1200? Effective fat loss needs between 500 or 1000 cal a day deficit, what did mfp recommend for you for a 1 lb/week fat loss? If you are trying to exceed a 1000 cal/day deficit you will fail for fat loss and shed muscle which is exactly what you want to avoid. Here read this link I posted: when you are ready to get setup for success properly feel free to add me and I will help you shed fat easily and feel great doing it.
    Well, when I signed up of course I put I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week. And I put sedintary lifestyle since I work in an office and am still recoving from a broken foot so can't do cardio very well at home (no bike for example.)
    So I guess I went with what MFP put, which was 1200 calories. Honestly, I don't feel like I am eating much less than I used to. Besides cutting out late night eating and desserts so far.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    And of course, today or example, I am just over 1500.. so maybe better to aim low since I never can follow anything! lol

    Made my diary open to public too... it's not pretty I know.. but I am trying to learn.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    2 lbs a week is quite achievable for someone with a lot to lose, but mfp gives you a ballpark. If you want to really get that metabolic rate cranked up you can do it through diet alone, exercise is nice but not required to do it. There are some pretty easy things you can do to set yourself up for success, read that link I posted and if you want any more helpful info feel free to add me as a friend and I will help you as best I can.
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    You mentioned "instant gratification" in your blog Juisofdenial, While I know how depressing (I know it well) it can be for weight loss to take months or even years rather than the days we hope for, it is that same instant gratification that probably led most of us to our weight gain in the first place. Grabbing that fast food rather than planning and making good food. The same instant gratification that makes us "give up" or say "what is the point" when we are not instantly transformed into some greek sculpture look alike. While we would very much hate to be instantly transformed into an amorphous blob if we overate for a single week, we simultaneously would love it if one week of better eating and exercising makes us be superfit and healthy weight again. I say: Give yourself time. Losing a single pound in 1 month will make you 36 pounds lighter in a short 3 years. There is no deadline on our journey, no expiration date on our exercising or eating healthy. So be confident, be patient and be well. You can do it.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    You mentioned "instant gratification" in your blog Juisofdenial, While I know how depressing (I know it well) it can be for weight loss to take months or even years rather than the days we hope for, it is that same instant gratification that probably led most of us to our weight gain in the first place. Grabbing that fast food rather than planning and making good food. The same instant gratification that makes us "give up" or say "what is the point" when we are not instantly transformed into some greek sculpture look alike. While we would very much hate to be instantly transformed into an amorphous blob if we overate for a single week, we simultaneously would love it if one week of better eating and exercising makes us be superfit and healthy weight again. I say: Give yourself time. Losing a single pound in 1 month will make you 36 pounds lighter in a short 3 years. There is no deadline on our journey, no expiration date on our exercising or eating healthy. So be confident, be patient and be well. You can do it.
    Thanks :)
    All makes sense and deep down I know this.. just hard to put in motion.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Just took a quick look at your food diary. You just all over with your calories. I would suggest you pick a number of calories (maybe 1300) to start, and make sure you eat that much but no more every day. I would suggest shooting for within 50 calories more or less of that goal. Also, drink more water. You may be forgetting to log it, but you need lots of water to lose weight. I have no idea why, but I do know when I drink less water it is harder to lose weight. Drink about half your weight in pounds in ounces of water every day. Just a warning, when you start this you will need to visit the washroom a lot for the first while. Because of your PCOS you should cut back sugar a lot as well. I am no expert on PCOS, but I remember a doctor saying it needs to be treated like diabetes as far as diet goes. That means avoiding sugar as much as possible. This would mean no sugary foods or drinks, and avoid eating lots of fruit. Finally, eat more veggies. LOTS more veggies.
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