RE-Introducing myself and ready this time, SUPPORT PLEASE

megannnn15 Posts: 36 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
HI Everyone, my name is Megan and I am back here for round two.

I have approximately 70 pounds to lose, and I am ready to get started. I live in Florida and I am ready to hit the beaches the summer, I just want to do it in a better more refined version of myself :)

Please feel free to friend request me and give support, I will return the support

Love, Light, and Blessings,
Megan :)


  • Welcome!!!:wink:
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome Back!! :smile:
  • simswhit12
    simswhit12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Megan,

    My name is Whitney and I am new to myFitnessPal. I have been keeping a written track of my food but it is hard since I don't always know what calories are in I ran across the app for my phone and fell in love with it. I am so excited to be able to track better and I think it will keep me from cheating..

    I love the fact that I can enter information from my phone or online and it is stored for both environments..

    Anyway...I am needing to get serious about my weight loss efforts. I am overweight and need to lose around 45 pds. I would love to share in support with you. I am doing The Firm workouts 3 times a week and then just walking/jogging on Tues/Thurs. So hoping the pounds will start to come off with me now really focusing on calories.

    Welcome back and GOOD LUCK.. You can do it!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    i'm feeling the same way about hitting the beach this summer! we can do thisssssss :D
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Welcome!!!!!!!!!! I have been here only a week or so, but find this app wonderful. It helps me track everything which I really need to do. Please feel free to friend me and we can be support to each other
  • I am new to MFP also. I really understand about wanting to loose the weight.. You can friend me anytime. I will support you but also need the support. I want to loose around 30 lbs for a wedding in November. Keep in touch with your progress and I will help you in any way.
  • pasawyer
    pasawyer Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, My name is Patillia and I am finally serious about my weight loss. This time I want to do this without pills and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. My goal is to lose 65lbs and failure is not an option. I have been using this app on and off since January. The off times was because I was to ashamed to type in what I ate for the day. I realized I cannot run away from this! Hope we can support each other.:smile:
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