Weight Loss after a Hysterectomy

pegruhl Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a 40 yr old who had a hysterectomy almost 2 years ago. Before my hysterectomy I had lost almost 70 pds and was happy with my weight loss. I did not go on hormones after my hysterectomy and have now gained EVERYTHING back. After my hysterectomy I developed osteoarthritis my doctor says that is a result of it. I am very discouraged as I am not loosing and I am working at it. My exercise is not as intense as I would like it but I do do the BL workout and another workout DVD. Does anyone out there have any advice in how I could increase my weight loss.... I need to get back down to a healthy weight.


  • trinitytrojanmom
    trinitytrojanmom Posts: 13 Member
    No big advice here, just wanted to say I'm in the same boat. I had lost 93 pounds and had a hysterectomy two years ago. I have gained back all but ten pds. I am working on it again, but it seems much tougher now. Good luck!
  • cvaneaton
    cvaneaton Posts: 154
    :flowerforyou: I am working out with a personal trainer. I cost a bit but it has been worth it so far. I am preping for a hysterectomy....best of luck in obtaining your goal!
  • I also gained weight after my hysterectomy and I got so frustrated! I am over a year after the surgery (no hormones either) and was at my wits end. I tried diet pill, weight watchers and nothing worked. I have recently started myfitness pal and logging in my calories. I am honest with everything that goes into my mouth. The scale started to move and go the right direction! Hang in there and be honest to yourself (of course...working in the health field I would also recommend that you have a thyroid test done just to be sure). Good luck to you.
  • I had one last year the week of Thanksgiving. Between my own pity party, the holidays, and being laid up for awhile, I managed to put on 10 lbs in 6 weeks. I refused to weigh myself that whole time and I knew that I had added some pounds but I was shocked to see it was 10! I started back at it this year and so far have lost 15 - 13 since joining mfp. I think that I'm losing it a little more slowly than I did in the past, but it's still going down. I mix it up with exercise between 30 Day Shred, treadmill, and Wii Fit/Active Trainer 5 days a week. I'm interested to see what others have to say, because weight gain because of my surgery was one of my main concerns.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I am 3 1/2 years post surgery. I had significant weight gain afterwards, but I cannot blame it on hormones, as I still have ovaries. I would strongly advise adding weight/resistance training to your exercise. Especially anything that can help you strengthen your damaged core (pilates, yoga). Lifting weights will help give lean muscle mass, which will help you to burn more calories (i.e. speed up our metabolism). Lifting weights also helps prevent additional bone loss. I have been taking a yoga class 3-4 days a week since January 3rd, and it has done wonders to reshape my slouching abdomen and increase my strength overall. If you prefer DVD’s, I recommend “Lindsay Brin's Core Metabolic Jumpstart with Moms Into Fitness” or "Skinny Sculpt” by Ellen Barrett.
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