Activity level

Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Curious as to what people are setting their's to and if it's worked in the long run.

I know MFP is set up so you can lose weight without exercising. However, I read an interesting post about the activity level and how even though some people are sitting at a desk all day for their job, they work out hard 6 days a week and so they list themselves as active or very active. This is because even though they sit at their job, their metabolism is still in good shape due to working out hard and often.

What is everyone else putting?

Right now, since it's still cold outside, all I really have is housework aside from working out twice a day 6 days a week. So I've got myself as sedentary. I'm wondering though, if it's not enough calories for me, so I'm curious as to what everyone else is putting and how it's working out for them.


  • I have a desk job and put sedentary. The levels they set for me seem to be working well.
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    At first listed myself as Slightly active since I am on my feet and walking my room all day as a teacher. Then I wore a pedometer for a couple days and found out that pre gym I was only taking 3750-4500 steps a day. To be considered moderately active you should do at least 5000 steps outside of the gym so I changed my activity level to sedentary. I just put the gym in as exercise separate from my activity level. Even if I am more act than I think, the extra deficit won't hurt me at this point.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I am a full time college student, so other than walking between classes, I am ALWAYS at a desk, either on the computer and doing work.

    I do work out at least an hour a day, 6 days a week, however. Even still, I put my activity level as sedentary.

    I am sedentary because other than exercise, at the gym, that hour a day, I NEVER move. And I log it as exercise. So if I moved my activity level up, I don't think that'd make sense, because then what would I mark as exercise if I include that in my daily activity level?

    I hope my reasoning makes sense... haha. It's working for me as it is right now....
  • mektnf04
    mektnf04 Posts: 22
    I put what I am, which for me is lightly active, and then I enter the exercise...safer that way, otherwise you might be eating more than you are burning. If you put your lifestyle as active when you are only talking about being active due to the exercise that you are also getting calories for by entering it in it might not be very accurate. Better to be safe than sorry..
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    It all makes sense.

    I burn a lot through exercise. I always pass my not only daily, but weekly calorie burn goal by a lot. I have my daily goal set at 1250 as my BMR is 1245.

    The part of the post that got my attention was how those who work out hard 6 days a week but are otherwise sedentary will more times than not, have a higher metabolism than someone who's completely sedentary and doesn't work out at all. Therefore burning more calories and burning them quick therefore needing more calories in the day.

    There's so much that goes into losing, gaining, calories you burn at rest, metabolism and so on.

    I just wanted to see What others were setting And what was working and what didn't or isn't. Thanks for the feedback =]
  • EirinY
    EirinY Posts: 2
    Im a student so im often sitting down, then walking around throughout the day. I put lightly active since i make sure i get exercise although i only spend 1-2 hrs exercising everyday. My exersice only consists of 3-4 miles worth of jogging a day, and do some strength training for around 15-30mins every 48 hours. Really wondering if i should increase my amount of exercise to reach my goal or not but i will stick with this for now. Hoping that a diet change is good enough to reach my goal ><.
  • radgurl08
    radgurl08 Posts: 14
    I found this off a scientific paper on health:

    "<5000 steps/day may be used as a ‘sedentary lifestyle index’; (ii) 5000–7499 steps/day is typical of daily activity excluding sports/exercise and might be considered ‘low active’; (iii) 7500–9999 likely includes some volitional activities (and/or elevated occupational activity demands) and might be considered ‘somewhat active’; and (iv) 10 000 steps/day indicates the point that should be used to classify individuals as ‘active’. Individuals who take >12 500 steps/day are likely to be classified as ‘highly active’."
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm technically set at sedentary... but I manually set my calorie goals based on my LBM BMR x 1.3 with my BodyBugg to verify. (standard sedentary mulitplier is 1.2)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Remember folks that you burn roughly 100 calories per hour while you sleep as well.

    MFP will underestimate your total maintenance for the day in a 24 hour period.

    Just be mindful of this.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    Remember folks that you burn roughly 100 calories per hour while you sleep as well.

    MFP will underestimate your total maintenance for the day in a 24 hour period.

    Just be mindful of this.

    I very much disagree, its numbers for me set as sedentary (Desk Job) are pretty acurate. I have a bodymedia fit which also agrees and I work out 5-6 days a week for ~2 hrs (which I put in as activity but this site is a bit high on entered activity.)
  • _angua_
    _angua_ Posts: 35
    I put lightly active. I am a stay at home mother, so am going to the park, cleaning, grocery shopping and playing for a good portion of the day.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Remember folks that you burn roughly 100 calories per hour while you sleep as well.

    MFP will underestimate your total maintenance for the day in a 24 hour period.

    Just be mindful of this.

    I very much disagree, its numbers for me set as sedentary (Desk Job) are pretty acurate. I have a bodymedia fit which also agrees and I work out 5-6 days a week for ~2 hrs (which I put in as activity but this site is a bit high on entered activity.)

    So disagree with my post about how MFP will underestimate your total maintenance.....

    but then...

    you put this "but this site is a bit high on entered activity".

    Not sure if srs.
  • Chubby_bunnyy
    Chubby_bunnyy Posts: 50 Member
    I put lightly active because I'm a sales person who stands eight hrs, not always busy but sometimes. I work out hard from 3-6 days a week, burning usually 700-800 calories each time
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