->Calling all smokers who are trying to quit<-

cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
So...It's time for me to rally the troops!!

I promised myself & my loved ones at Christmas, that I would quit smoking when I got down to 170lbs & before my next trip home - which is 28 April (I'm a legal advisor who works abroad for 4-6 month stretches) a.k.a. IN 3 WEEKS TIME!!!!!!! Oh Sh*tE :noway:

Who else is trying to quit? Surely there must be others on MFP... let's get a support thread going peeps - I'm gonna need all the help I can get to beat this dirty, nasty habit & accountability is key!

I'm 11hrs 29mins in now & my lungs and mind are crying out in desperation - I want a fix NOW!! But I will NOT give in - I choose life :flowerforyou:



  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    1st - Grab a big glass of water.
    2nd - Drink it.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Need more? Get up and exercise! Jumping Jacks, run in place, push ups, whatever.. for at least 15 minutes. You can DO this!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Are you using any patches, gum, etc?

    I'm gonna re-quit this weekend... I was quit for a good while but two members of my fiance's family ended up in the hospital within a week and well, the only way I knew how to handle that amount of stress is to smoke.

    Best of luck to you! You can do it! :flowerforyou: (Just remember, a craving only lasts 5 mins... find something small to occupy that time)
  • imbwy420
    imbwy420 Posts: 29
    I'm trying to quit too! Actually, since I've starting eating well and exercising on a daily basis, my body has actually started to reject the cigarettes. I smoke about half as much as I used to already. After your body is used to feeling better, it doesn't respond well to putting harmful chemicals into your body. Other than that, I haven't figured out a good way to kick the habit - patches and e-cigarettes haven't worked for me in the long-term. Good luck!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Does water really help? I promised myself I was going to quit about two months ago. Yeah, that's not going too well for me. I bought the gum and tried it, but it made me crave a cigarette even more!!! Smoking is really, really starting to affect my breathing. I've had a nasty, phlegmy cough for a month now. And, I'm a swimmer, so go figure.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Does water really help? I promised myself I was going to quit about two months ago. Yeah, that's not going too well for me. I bought the gum and tried it, but it made me crave a cigarette even more!!! Smoking is really, really starting to affect my breathing. I've had a nasty, phlegmy cough for a month now. And, I'm a swimmer, so go figure.

    Anything that is a distraction can help... frequently this is food 'causing quitters gain. But water also distracts while occupying the mouth and fingers... so for some it definitely works.

    My preferred distraction is actually the exercise bit.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    i quit last month using sugar free wint-o-green lifesavers...and a Rubik's Cube. I went on to youtube and learned the algorithms to solve it, then did it all weekend while i detoxed...kept my brain and my hands busy...plus, now i can solve a Rubik's Cube which is totally kick *ss!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Does water really help? I promised myself I was going to quit about two months ago. Yeah, that's not going too well for me. I bought the gum and tried it, but it made me crave a cigarette even more!!! Smoking is really, really starting to affect my breathing. I've had a nasty, phlegmy cough for a month now. And, I'm a swimmer, so go figure.

    I've never tried the gum. I've used the patches in the past and they really worked for me. I guess it's a personal thing though since a previous poster said it didn't work for them.
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I have to try cold turkey this time round as I'm currently in the Philippines & not ONE of the many chemists/drug stores have any form of "quit smoking" aides.... SUPER FRUSTRATING (ok, that's the 12hours in talking or shouting hahaa)

    I figure though that if my mind is strong enough & I get enough support and don't feel alone... then I can do it! "Impossible is nothing" has been my mantra for the weight loss - I'm gonna apply that here too.

    Keep the tips coming...!! By the way I love that "a craving only lasts 5 mins... find something small to occupy that time"... I think that's kinda what inspired my post to start with...finding something to fill the time I would usually use for a smoke break.

    Now... back to reprogramming my mind: *quietly chants* (hahahaha :tongue: )
    Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend! Impossible is nothing! Cigarettes are NOT my friend!

    ~ don't hate ... the typing's keeping my fingers busy & my mind occupied while I fight the craving off!! LOL :laugh:
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    you know, it's one thing for regular smokers to quit. but i wonder if the same things would work for me? see, i tend to smoke out on my front step after walking home from a workout - it cuts my appetite so i only have a small necessary snack, instead of a whole meal every time i get back. mostly it just keeps me occupied while i'm enjoying the night air. so how do i counteract that?
  • I quit a little over 2 months ago. Something that really helped me out was to change the brand of cigarettes that I smoked. I've always been a menthol smoker so I made myself switch to a non-menthol cigarette. I also switched to Marlboro's, which I can't stand. After a little while, I was so repulsed by them that I was only smoking about 5 cigarettes a day (from 15-20 a day). I also utilized my states quit program. They sent me patches, but I only used them for a few days and was done.

    There are still days where I have strong urges, but they don't last long. Unfortunately, my mom, who has been quit for 8 or so years, says that there are still days where she gets urges too. I don't think they ever truly go away, they are just something you learn to work through.

    Best of luck to everyone trying to quit. It's hard, but it's do-able! The rewards are countless...for me, I noticed a major improvement in my breathing and sleeping. Not to mention, my car no longer reeks of smoke and I have a good little chunk of extra spending money each month!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    There are still days where I have strong urges, but they don't last long. Unfortunately, my mom, who has been quit for 8 or so years, says that there are still days where she gets urges too. I don't think they ever truly go away, they are just something you learn to work through.

    Yea I think that is true. My dad has been quit for almost 20 years now and he says he still gets a rare urge... but its not that bad and not very often either.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I'm two weeks out myself. Hang in there! We can get through this together!! I'm here. Oh, yeah, drink lots of water!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    you know, it's one thing for regular smokers to quit. but i wonder if the same things would work for me? see, i tend to smoke out on my front step after walking home from a workout - it cuts my appetite so i only have a small necessary snack, instead of a whole meal every time i get back. mostly it just keeps me occupied while i'm enjoying the night air. so how do i counteract that?

    Nicotine gum? Target is selling it for $8.50 a package I noticed today.
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    I'm two weeks out myself. Hang in there! We can get through this together!! I'm here. Oh, yeah, drink lots of water!!

    Awesome! There's strength (and safety) in numbers!! :tongue:

    I'm officially 12hrs 49mins out.... eerggghhh! Every minute counts though & every minute is one more minute that I've been a non-smoker, so I count that as valid LOL :laugh:

    Good luck :wink:
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    ...plus, now i can solve a Rubik's Cube which is totally kick *ss!

    LOVE IT! That is awesome!! I wanna do that too, haha :laugh:
  • As a smoker/ex-smoker/smoker/ex-smoker (you get the picture?) I understand how hard it is. I swear the only things that worked for me were:
    *education - research what happens to your body when you smoke and when you quit (even if you know already, look at it again!), its disgusting! And keep monitoring what positive changes are going on in your body.
    *Write a list of reasons of what is making you stop but do it from your perspective (I want to smell nice, I want to run further, I want more money etc) By blaming someone else (he wants me to stop) will not give you the motivation to quit and you will end up smoking again and resenting others for making you stop.
    *Go for a run! I swear that is always the deciding factor for me! I'm a 29 year old who looks like a 50 year old on that path - puffing for breath and coughing up lung is not a good look!!
    * and reward yourself for each milestone - 72 hrs, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months etc.
    *And water, water, water, water and more water! Flush those toxins, nicotine, nasty tastes and all the other crap right out of those new healthy cells!! Your organs won't like you - they will love you for it!!
    *Stay positive - you are not losing anything other than a nasty habit. What will come with time will replace the odd, decreasing moments of uncomfort while your brain re-adjusts to being an non-smoker.

    I have now been smoke free for 12 weeks by using these positive tips. I hope they are as useful for you. Never give up giving up

    Good luck!! x
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I am going to try and quit too. I started chantix, today is my 4th day and my quit date is set for April 11th! I really hope I can do this. I have tried before and had quit for 3 weeks but went back to it. The urges are down right horrible and I don't even want to think about that right now. I have to quit as my Ex has threatened to take away my 2 youngest sons ages 12 and 10, this will be one less thing he can use against me in court! All I can do is pray and take it one day at a time, it's hard enough trying to lose alot of weight let alone quitting smoking. May we have the strength to get through this one day at a time?!!

  • **Raises hand in Shame**

    Im trying

    Sigh.... **drinks water**
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    **Raises hand in Shame**

    Im trying

    Sigh.... **drinks water**

    Ahahaha, oh this made me laugh :laugh: **reaches for glass of water**

    I'm fighting off another craving right now... finding this thread very helpful so far, thanks all!! I'm at 16hrs34mins now...can't wait for the friggin timer I'm using to read 24hrs!!! That's gonna be my first win... tick tick tick... I find things work easier for me if I turn them into games :blushing: However, I do realise the very serious gravity of this particular situation. This is IT d*mmit!!! I'm done being a smoker :grumble: (that's the 16hrs without a smoke grumbling :wink: )
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