Net calorie goal?

WWE_chick Posts: 86
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been using my fitness pal for about a week or so on my phone......this is my first time logging online. My question is do I HAVE to meet my net calorie goal? Obviously I'm not supposed to go over and I haven't but according to my diary I have been under everyday. I don't purposely try to stay under but sometimes I am not hungry or full and have a lot of calories left. Is it possible to still lose weight because my mom said you have to eat the exact amount given to lose the weight.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer


  • As long as you're eating enough to support your activity level, you'll be fine. Contrary to dietary logic, if you don't eat ENOUGH you won't lose either. What's your calorie goal without exercise?
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    You should get as close as possible. A little over or a little under won't matter (within say, 50-100). A lot over or a lot under will affect your progress, but not if it's just once in a while.

    Welcome, and good luck!
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    A very good question. In order to lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit. Meaning you burn more than you consume.

    The net goal is an estimate, try not to eat too many of your exercise calories back. And on the days that you don't exercise try not to get too close to your net. Obviously you must consume enough calories to fuel your body to function. Try to eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Meaning fruits etc...
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i have trouble maxing my calories too, even on days where i dont excercise... try eating higher cal foods, such as nuts, peanut butter, avacodos, etc... not all high cal foods r bad for u...
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    That would depend on where you come in at( intake and weight), if your daily intake is 1200 then yes eat back those cals, the key to remember is that mfp already set you up to lose weight. At 1 lb/week they have you set up at a 500 cal/day deficit, for those with lots of weight to shed a 1000 cal/day deficit will work fine so they can not eat back the exercise cals up to an additional 500/day for a total of 1000/day for those with 30 or less to shed then you should not push it past what mfp recommends for a 1lb/week loss as more than 500/day deficit will most likely illicit a negative response from the body and slow your metabolic rate down on you.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    A very good question. In order to lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit. Meaning you burn more than you consume.

    The net goal is an estimate, try not to eat too many of your exercise calories back. And on the days that you don't exercise try not to get too close to your net. Obviously you must consume enough calories to fuel your body to function. Try to eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Meaning fruits etc...

    on this site, unless you are maintaining you weight, or trying to gain, your net cal goal already has a sufficient deficit in it. so actually you should be getting close to your goal, and that includes eating your exercise cals. it also depends on how much you have to lose, the more you have to lose, the more leeway you have, the less you have to lose, the more exact you need to be.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    A very good question. In order to lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit. Meaning you burn more than you consume.

    The net goal is an estimate, try not to eat too many of your exercise calories back. And on the days that you don't exercise try not to get too close to your net. Obviously you must consume enough calories to fuel your body to function. Try to eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Meaning fruits etc...

    on this site, unless you are maintaining you weight, or trying to gain, your net cal goal already has a sufficient deficit in it. so actually you should be getting close to your goal, and that includes eating your exercise cals. it also depends on how much you have to lose, the more you have to lose, the more leeway you have, the less you have to lose, the more exact you need to be.

    Agree....totally! I have less to lose and it is a beast to get this thing working like magic. I have always tried to eat 1200 to 1300 cals when I want to trim or get into a dress but I must admit I cannot do that now. I have to eat enough to fuel my body plus any workouts. Today I must 1508 for my body to give up 1.5 pounds by the end of the week. I have a calorie goal of 1230 if I don't workout to lose 1.5 pounds per week. So when I work out I must fuel my body. Like the quote says above...MFP has already calculated the deficit for you and if you add workouts you will still lose what you want if you eat them back.
  • lynnde75
    lynnde75 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok i am now confused!! i think i have been doing this all wrong based off what im reading. I have a daily calorie goal of 1230. i exercise and typically burn say 500 daily. I eat the 1230 but i don't eat back the 500 i burn. I am 5"4 & i weigh 133. My goal is 128. I was 235 and have dropped down over past 3 years to my current weight. So am i not eating enough? I am so confused on this net calorie thing..
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