Truth be told, (my short story)

HunnieM Posts: 37
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Im very good at starting things I can't or don't finish. I don't want weight loss to be one of those things. This is very dear and close to my heart. I lost my dad to a heart attack at a very young age (around 7) and I know how painful it was for me and my family and I REFUSE to put them and my future family through that. I dealt with my pain by eating, I HAD to be strong...I don't remember crying at all throughout my childhood even though my dad meant the WORLD and more to me (crying right now as I type this). In the end the pain ended up catching up to me and I became depressed, I didn't wanna be around people and food was my only friend. Now I have battled with my weight for what seems like forever. It's constantly there and always on my mind, but yet I seem to start to do something about it but can never seem to finish. I told myself about a year or two ago that I would get fit for my 18 birthday...that just passed. I have let myself down over and over again, I need to break this vicious the end it's really only hurting me and the people that I love. I'm still fighting to get over my depression but it is hard...sometimes I can't help to think that if only I was skinny and small like the rest of my friends that I wouldn't have this problem. I'm doing this for all the wrong and right reasons..I just know I want to end up somewhere happy.


  • teasha43
    teasha43 Posts: 101
    You need A) to do this for you and your health and B) since you have identified the problem, you also need to deal with this. Your emotional health is the vig one and the one that is triggering the other problems. Your Dad did not leave you because he wanted to. You are more educated than that.....take this pain and make it a positive influence hon. This is a great site for support and free. If you need more than you can get on here..please get outside help too. You deserve it!! xoxo and much success to you:)
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    You are at the right place... Weightloss is not weightloss unless you make your life style changes....

    Kudos for taking the first step toward a helathly and active lifestyle
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hey there - sounds like you're having a pretty rough time. Glad you have decided to reach out and do something about it. My daughter can absolutely relate to you - she lost her father at the age of 12, also to a heart attack. It's just plain hard. It's absolutely okay to feel sad about losing your dad, but the important thing is not to let that sadness overshadow your life and dictate your choices. Try to honor your Dad and the special relationship that you had by making good choices, especially when it comes to food and exercise. Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, one exercise session at a time. Try keeping a chart or calendar to record your successes so you can watch them add up. Try to make very healthy food choices by staying away from fast food, processed food and sugary food. Do some form of exercise at least 30 minutes every day. Baby steps until it becomes a habit. You can do it!

    My daughter is now 16. We talk about her Dad all the time and that helps her to remember him and all of the things that she loved about him. If you don't have anyone to talk to, write in a journal. Just getting your feelings out on paper can really help a lot. Look to see if there are any support groups in your area for helping deal with the death of a loved one.

    I am very proud of you for taking the steps to get healthy. If your Dad's heart issues were genetic, then it becomes even more important that you do your best to take care of your body by eating clean and exercising to help minimize your own heart risk. You can definitely do this! Hugs to you and hang in there!
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your father. But keep in mind, that each of us has our own battles, that helped us gain this weight. It's not the end. It's just the beginning. One thing that helps me is remembering that it's not where you started, but where you ended up. Just because we had a tough childhood, does not mean that we cannot pick ourselves up, and make a difference in our lives, and hopefully others' lives too.

    And I've heard before, it doesn't matter what your reasons are for losing least your making a change to do it. And I've done that birthday thing like every year for the past 3 years. I'm not trying to discourage you about that. But I think when I've done that, I've just put too much pressure on myself. And when I don't get to that magic number by my bday, I get discouraged.

    But the good news, is that your taking the first step. "A journey of a 1000 miles starts with one step." And we're all here to help you out, and help motivate you.
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