I know it will happen, I just want it to happen NOW

I have a goal to lose 12lbs this month, yes it's a little much but I know that if I step up my exercise with over 70lbs left to lose its very doable.
SO I started the 30 day shred PLUS walking my dog every night and I've GAINED weight, it's not muscle; muscle doesn't happen in a couple days. I know it will pass and in the end I'll lose faster and be healthier for it but I'm so sore & seeing the scale move down instead of up would really make it easier to strap those running shoes on and exercise!
I'm going to keep going, I'm also going to try water aerobics tomorrow to switch things up a little but man can't that scale just help me out a little bit????


  • WandaDenise
    I know exactly how you feel! I am just like you - I want it now! So I just keep teling myself that I will reach my goal and will reach it in a healthy way. Tell me what you think of the water aerobics - I thought it was a great workout that was easy on the body (but that doesnt mean you wont feel it)
    Keep up the good work and smile!
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member

    Dont give up now! Just look at wat uv achieved! This is completely normal. I would advise to maybe change the excercise your doing? Ur walking the dog... why not jog/skip instead? Im sure the dog wud love it too! :) Iv tried water aerobics before its gr8 to mix it in your routine if you get sore. You dont feel ur doing much but whoa the next day u feel it. Remeber swimming is also the best overall body workout you can do and doesnt put strain on your body!

    Dont give up. Push yourself and you will see results!!! :)
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I'm hoping adding the water aerobics will help, even if it doesn't it's a good work out I know I'll enjoy!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Keep it up. It's hard when the scale doesn't bulge, but every day gets you closer to your goal.
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    How do i get one of those weight tracker scales lol:flowerforyou: