Hi I'm New!

My names Kayve, I'm 18 years old. I'm a typical small town country girl. I like to ride through the woods and hang out with my friends. I've tried to loose weight but i have no motivation at all, So i fail. I'm on here because i'm gone through depression for the last 3 years and gained 80 or so pounds. i'm on here for support cause my family isn't.. I've always thought i was ugly but now even more so that doesn't help at all and makes me even more depressed..
look forward to meeting all of you!



  • armywifeinpink
    Hi there and welcome!! You have came to the right place for motivation!!!

    There are loads of people on here in your same shoes and have came together to share recipes work out tips and just to be on here to nag and complain and get advice :)....So happy to see you join, feel free to add me if you would like :)...always up for meeting new friends :)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I've been in your shoes; my dad was an alcoholic & diabetic, so he was anything but healthy. When he passed away in September, I put on at least 40 pounds. Feel free to add me...it's tough and we're here for you!
  • Kayve
    Kayve Posts: 6
    Thank you for the reply's! it means a lot!
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome!! This place is wonderful for motivation and support! I don't have much support at home either. My mom is good support but she lives in another state so I know how it goes as far as that goes!!! Welcome again! :D
  • Kayve
    Kayve Posts: 6
    I don't even know where to start. what to eat or how to exercise, i don't have the money for a gym membership or anything like that.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Hey Kayve,

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm sorry that you are feeling so down but you should be proud of yourself that you are here and making yourself a priority! The best thing about exercise is that you can do it anywhere (and that you get to eat more!) Just throw on your ipod and start walking at a fast pace. Every few minutes run for a minute or so to spike your heart rate,then walk again! Throw in some push ups and planks and you are on your way! If you love the woods, find a trail to walk/run on to make it more interesting!

    Eating has always been the hardest part for me. I am really strict during the week then have a horrible binge day on the weekend and feel terrible about it. I'm trying to balance a little more this time around. My new favorite breakfast is cottage cheese mixed with strawberry yogurt (I mix it in the blender) with cut up strawberries. This combines a protein and carb which you should aim for at every meal (so I hear). This sounds like a weird breakfast but I HATE cottage cheese and it is the only way I've ever been able to eat it! Even just whole wheat toast with peanut butter or of course eggs or oatmeal. Lunches for me are usually a salad with lettuce/spinach, grilled chicken (or buy a rotisserie from the grocery store and eat off it all week), LOTS of veggies and a light vinaigrette or throw all this in a wrap (La Tortilla FActory has a huge multigrain wrap that has just 100 calories and tons of fiber). My snacks are an apple with peanut butter, veggies and hummus, almonds mixed with craisins, or a protein/carb shake. Dinner is basic, lean protein, lots of veggies, maybe a baked sweet potato, brown rice, or even baked yukon gold potato. Three meals with a snack in between each is what works for me since I exercise every day.

    I've only been on here a few days, but I know the one thing you WILL find is support! There is so much information here so don't hesitate to post any questions you have! Good luck to you!!

  • Kayve
    Kayve Posts: 6
    Thanks so much for the info danielle it helps a lot!