Do I need B12

petchonka82 Posts: 156
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I was doing some research because my nails have been brittle and it stated I could have a B12 deficiency. I am currently taking a 500mcg B12 supplement and a multivitamin so I began doing some google searches for how much B12 a person should take and can a person take too much. I read a lot of articles and all of them agreed on one thing...B12 supplements are for the elderly, vegans, or people who have been diagnosed with a B12 deficiency by their doctor. I am not any of these.

Here are my stats: I am a 29 year old white female. Medically I have hypothyroidism, depression/anxiety, and possible fibromyalgia (currently in the diagnosis phase.) As I stated before I take a one-a-day multivitamin and 500mcg of B12.

So I pose this I really need to be taking B12 because I am not elderly or vegan and have not been diagnosed with a deficiency by my doctor?


  • my mom went to the doctor a few weeks ago, she is is shape and works out regularly but she asked her doctor if she should be taking B12. her doctor told her that we should get 2500mcg/day and that the pills arent properly absorbed, so she could get the tablet that dissolve on your tongue from wal-mart.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Just take a B complex with vitamin C. That's one of the many supplements I take... It's personal prefernce. Talk to your doctor to see if you really do need to take it.
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    Bump I also have Hypothyroidism and would like to know the responses.
  • s_waser
    s_waser Posts: 92
    I am a healthy 30 year old white female and have no health problems besides the noraml feeling tired from being a mom and rising at 4:30 am for my teaching job and not making it to bed until 10 pm. I heard that B12 helped with energy and I began taking 500mg of B12 daily. I have continued because it helps give me more energy. I definitely feel a difference when I forget to take it, I am usually ready for bed my 6:30 or 7pm.
  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    If you're really worried you should ask your doctor if you are B12 deficient. Brittle nails could probably mean a lot of things, not just B12.
    Currently there's no tolerable upper limit for B12 since it's relatively low for toxicity, so I guess it doesn't hurt to take it, but usually if you're getting enough meat sources, especially red meat in your diet you're relatively good to go.
    The reason vegans are suggested to take it is due to plants having no B12.
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    It won't hurt to take B-12 supplement. What your body does not use it excretes in urine anyway. The B-12 sublingual are easy (I hate pills and have to take vits for life since weightloss surgery). You can get them at Walmart. I take oneevery other day since my chewable vits also have like 500% of my daily allowance, but B-12 is one of those that I do not absorb well anymore since my digestive system was rerouted.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Just take a B complex with vitamin C. That's one of the many supplements I take... It's personal prefernce. Talk to your doctor to see if you really do need to take it.
  • I am Vegetarian (not vegan) and have done extensive research into the whole B12 issue. If you are eating animal products (particularly red meat and chicken ), it's my opinion that you should not require a B12 supplement.
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