Help! I fell off the wagon!

I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks because I don't want to know what it says. I had been doing so well on here until I went to my best friend's wedding 2 weeks ago and have had some life stresses thrown at me. I can usually control a situation like a wedding, but this time I lost all motivation after the wedding. I messed up, ate horribly, and have been making the wrong food choices since then. I thought I was finally on track and then this happens and I know I can't just let myself go back into my old patterns. I decided maybe that posting this and introducing myself, I may become more accountable. Please help you guys, I dont want to go down that road again.


  • tjhmoody
    tjhmoody Posts: 28
    You've already done the hard part. You've admitted to yourself that you need help. Start logging your foods again and take it one day or one meal at a time. You did it before ... and you CAN do it again. We all slip up at times but what counts is that we don't GIVE up.
  • jhackenmueller
    Dear we all do that... we all do really good and then fall off for a week or two... I promise we all do, I just kicked my *kitten* and I'm at it again. I get into really bad moods before TOM and it just messes me up. WE CAN DO THIS. Add me as a friend and we can kick each others *kitten* when needed! :)

    Have a beautiful day and just say to yourself.... YOU ARE WORTH THIS FIGHT, Do it for YOU and only YOU! LOVE YOURSELF.
  • melissamauney
    Girl you can't live in the past even though it is recent. You need to get up brush yourself off and get back on the wagon. It's never to late.
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I know how you feel. I fell off the wagon recently but go back to it this week. Be strong and don't be afraid to make mistakes-it happens, just move on. Sometimes life gets in the way but always know we're here for ya! Good luck!
  • 2burn
    2burn Posts: 32
    Hey, well you certainly took the first step. Even logging on can be put off :/ I had a similar experience with school. I completely lost all self control and in the process I gained 20 lbs :( It can all derail so quickly, but you are here now and we can all support each other :)
  • emilylaura7
    Face you fear :) Step on the scale, see where you are now and jump right back into it! we all fall off the wagon...i promise! the good thing with you is you know in your mind that you cant let yourself go back to old habits. No worries!! Take a deep breath and...go! We're all here for each other's support and anytime you need support (like right now), just post on here and bam! there we are! :)
  • yoyo1
    yoyo1 Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! am also to scared to weigh myself.but tying very hard this week to come back by just filling out my food diary x So you might as well come back now,
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I am right there with you. I fell off the wagon when I also had some life stressors and family issues. I lost 15 pounds but I am afraid to weigh myself. Considered weighing myself for the last 3 days so I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and cross my fingers. Gotta own up to my mistakes. The sooner we weigh ourselves the sooner we can assess the damage and mocve forward. I am logging everything going into my mouth today. Good luck. I will let you know tomorrow what the scale says..
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Do Atkins Induction or South Beach Phase 1 for 7 to 14 days to get any cravings under will also DROP several lbs.
    After that You will be re-motivated and re-committed...Jump Back on the Wagon, It's Rollin' !
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    this is too weird- just posted this on my page- several of my friends were having bad days. (I work in a drug and alcohol rehab) Here goes:

    The road of recovery (weight loss) is very bumpy and the wagon of sobriety (dieting) has no seat belts or handles-you will fall off at sometime, slip up, make a mistake, whatever, there is no shame in this. The shame comes from sitting on the side of the road and whining about falling off, get up, dust yourself off and get back on that wagon. I also tell them that your support (mfp) can only offer encouragement we can not get off the wagon to help you, there also are no ropes, lifelines that we can throw you, you have to get up and get back on, when your up here again you will be wrapped in love and encouragement. Never ever get on that wagon alone it is to dangerous and hard to stay on alone, we are here to help you.

    Get on that wagon, and I would be glad to be your friend.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I dont want to go down that road again.
    So don't!!! Let the pass go move on, from now this minute. Do a little better each moment. Commit to only the next meal not the next day or week. Do commit to do some kind of exercise everyday but just that day don't think about tomorrow or a week from now just to do more today than the day before. Small steps forward with no looking back. Best of luck
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    You need to get back on the wagon!! You can do it :flowerforyou:
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Past is past and today is a new day. Just weigh in and start from here. It will all be ok, it happens to us all, don't dwelling it, refocus on the future! We believe in you!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I totally understand and everyone is right... we all fall off the wagon. Heck, I'm off the wagon right now as we speak planning my dang lunch at Olive Garden. Tomorrow is the day I go back on though.

    All you do is realize you're off the wagon (which you've already done) and then climb right back on. Start tracking all your foods again (everything that goes into your mouth) even if you don't want to see it (for accountability reasons), start exercising even if it's just a little here and there, and start weighing again.

    Speaking of weighing, I've been off the scale for a week and don't plan to get back on for another week. :)
  • ktraubert
    ktraubert Posts: 29
    Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement, they are truly helping. I truly appreciate them all. I'm going to print out this thread and keep is in my purse and through the next couple days, which I know will be the toughest, I will remember all that you all are telling me. Thank you.
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    hell i still have the brusies from falling of the wagon this week but i got up dusted myself off and got right back on it , you can do it
  • barbee55
    barbee55 Posts: 15
    I'd love to help you with your journey to a better body and better can do it!!! My niece and I are doing this together, we've decided we're tired of being over weight, uncomfortable, unable to wear the "cute" clothes. This is it!! Join us and we'll help you stay on track and keep you accountable!!
    My name is Bobbi, I'm 56, a mother of 4 daughters, 8 grandchildren and 1 1/2 g-grandchildren. I have always been able to play with my grandchildren but now with all this weight it's hard to do the things I'd like too. I hate having to spread my legs just to tie my shoes, my joints are starting to really hurt and I'm afraid my knees are going to give out one day.....with the cost of medical I don't want that to happen!!
    So please help me and I'll help you!! Just get back on the horse and try again!! :flowerforyou:
    Have a great day!!!
  • emilylaura7
    Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement, they are truly helping. I truly appreciate them all. I'm going to print out this thread and keep is in my purse and through the next couple days, which I know will be the toughest, I will remember all that you all are telling me. Thank you.

    that's why we're here! if youre ever having any doubts or are discouraged, keep coming back to let us know so we can lift you back up again :)
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    Well your here now.. that is what counts. Start logging again and get back on this track. Add me if you want .. I am new here and extra support never hurts. Good luck.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    This is on my profile "When you fall off the wagon...dust yourself off and hitchhike for another one!!" It happens to all of us! Get back on that wagon and do it! :happy: