I'm new to myfitnesspal

My name is Mike I'm 63 and my daughter told me about this web site she told me to check it out and if I wanted to, to join I think it is a wonderful idea to have other people to help support eachother and I am looking forward to being part of this group. :smile:


  • Lulumaguloo
    WELCOME! You'll love it here just like your daughter does. :smile:
  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Mike!
    Welcome to the site. I think it is the friendliest place on the WWW.

    Hope you get lots of support here during your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend for encouragement.
    Amy from Albuquerque
  • barbelle
    barbelle Posts: 8 Member
    I joined in Feb. and have lost 11 pounds, so it works! Good luck.