HELP! Do I eat more???

Hi Guys

Today I had Breakfast (30g Corn flakes + Milk = 140kcal) , Lunch (homemade bubble and squeak = 330kcal, Tomato Ketchup = 20kcal) and Dinner (Pre-cut Stir Fry = 72kcal, Chow Mein Sauce = 86kcal, Mayo = 100kcal, Mint Jelly = 27kcal) which all totalled around 785kcals. Thats WITH my love of sauce (mayo and mint jelly)

My question is... I am usually under my 1200kcal limit, so do I eat more to bring my calories up????

(I am 23, Female, Don't do much exercise but today went out for an hours walk and did around 11200 steps in total, 149lbs, 5ft 7in)

My aim is to weigh 131lbs.




  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi, yes def eat more:smile:
  • caricrosby
    The minimum calories you need to eat per day is 1200. You are eating far too less! Your body will go into 'starvation' mode and conserve every calorie you eat and not let you lose any fat.

    Bring up your calories to 1200 a day. And if you work out, you have to eat back those calories, too.
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    If it says you should be eating 1200 calories per day then you need to eat 1200 calories per day! I generally try to eat 1200 calories per day and when I exercise I choose not to eat back my calories earned unless I'm really hungry!
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    If you consistently eat under 1200 calories, not only will you not lose weight, but you will also notice other problems, like hair falling out, etc. from malnutrition.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    Have some snack in between those meals to bump it up. Aren't you hungry only eating that amount? I would be starving, and even on a 1200 meal plan there's not need to be hungry
  • Nataliethin81
    Yep, definitely eat more. :)
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    What should I be eating more of? Tonight I have pigged out on BAD things and still under my calories.... (crisps & eat smart bars)

    Am I counting wrong?!?!
  • jhackenmueller
    eat meals and about 3-4 snack between like greek yogurt, almonds, cheese sticks, eggs etc etc etc... LOTS of protein and water and tons of fruits and veggies with all meals.
  • jhackenmueller
    you are not eating any fruits or veggies.... Your body needs those and will burn better if you eat them.
  • traci150
    traci150 Posts: 4
    What about your protein intake? I notice the calories go up after a work out.. but not protein. I also notice I go way over on protein if I use the extra calories.. and suggestions
  • salsaflavor
    :flowerforyou: try to eat something small and healthy ,I too feel like eating more this is my second day and I feel great but my body is use to eating so much ,one day at a time
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    I eat loads of veg (steamed asparagus/peppers/Brussels/cabbage/carrots/courgette/onion/cabbage/mushrooms/beetroot/veg stir frys) which are all low in kcals.... not as much fruit as its high in sugars but I like eating blueberries and will have a pear or dried fruit! Stay away from banana's as the sat fats are high and apples as they are full of sugars too!!

    I have cut out potato and only had 1 slice of bread which is where most of my calories have disappeared too!! Problem is with eating lots of veg - i get hungry late at night!!!

    More protein needed? x
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    eat meals and about 3-4 snack between like greek yogurt, almonds, cheese sticks, eggs etc etc etc... LOTS of protein and water and tons of fruits and veggies with all meals.

    Yes yes! I love greek yogurt! especially the new Chobani greek yogurts!
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    bananas are very good for you, although they do have sugar in them they are a more complex sugar than regular white sugar plus the other nutrients in the fruit are very good for you. The fats that occur naturally in fruits and vegetables are also good for you. I would not worry about it. It's better to eat fresh fruits and veggies than other low cal processed foods...
  • BetterMeForLife
    Ive had this problem too... I dont get enough calories each day and they say your body goes into "starvation" mode and holds onto the calories you eat. You should eat 1200 calories minimum each day. Just make sure you eat lean proteins to fill in the gaps and not junk or too much fruit.