Defeated!?! ..... Not Again!!

JinnJinn Posts: 21
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
:explode: Why must I always get to the point of defeat? I work and work to lose the weight and get on the scales and I'm up 4lbs!!!! I hate when I work hard and watch what I eat, which is extremely hard for me (picky eater) then this happens. I feel like giving up! Its just sooo disheartening. I'm trying to just push through and hope that its just water weight. But really 4 POUNDS?????? I just need somebody to chain me to the treadclimber and slap the food outta my hand! Maybe that would work. Am I the only person this happens to? If this sort of thing happens to you..... PLEASE, tell me how you manage to pull through! :noway:


  • SiobhanDelaney
    SiobhanDelaney Posts: 32 Member
    Sure it happens.... It took me forever to lose the last 4 pounds i needed too. I might hit that wall again... So your not alone! Do you know that on your menstrual cycle you can gain weight, so just remember this. It does help on bad weeks, chin up! ;)
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I stopped looking at the scale and I forced myself to workout and boy was it miserable but I knew if I really wanted change it would have to be this way.
  • If you've only just weighed yourself - that is why! I've no head for figures (lol!) but you have to consume a stupid amount of extra calories over a very short time to even gain one pound of FAT. So if you've really been good - keep the faith - it's likely water, time of the month or time of day! I'm doing Up-Day-Down-Day diet - I weighed myself this morning (after a Down Day) - hadn't lost anything - one poo later (ahem!) and I'd lost a pound! Go figure.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Big hugs coming at ya! This whole weight loss thing is hard because our bodies are not going to always respond exactly as we expect. Sometimes for what feels like no reason we add a few pounds, and then other times when we know we should have gained we lose a few. It does even out eventually when you consistently keep trying. You are only defeated when you stop.
    Sounds like it could be a number of things, and not knowing what your eating habits are or your exercise is like, it's hard to say anything for sure, but watch the salt and drink a lot of fluid. I know that I have seen my weight jump up over night when I have started a new exercise program. I was told its because my body held onto a little more water eventually let it go too. If it really is water, it comes back off in a couple of days.

    Hang in there!
  • mrsanne
    mrsanne Posts: 19
    That happens to me all the time. I'm up and down 5 even 10 pounds in any given week. I can even vary several pounds in one day. I finally got a new scale a few days ago to see if that helps. Unfortunately the dreaded thing shows 7 pounds more than the old one. (I almost brought it back) Obviously we are in the unlucky category of people that really fluctuate with water and cycles and what not. But it sure does stink to be unsure of the progress at any given time. Hang in there. We can beat those dratted 5 pounds that keep sneaking their way back into our lives. I have a sign in my office that says "step away from that donut!" It doesn't help much but it makes me laugh. :ohwell:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you are "eating right" why do you need to be "chained" to anything? Review what you are REALLY DOING>>>Eating, Drinking, Exercise, Sodium. If your Body is Dormant it needs to be and it will kick start itself when it needs to lose again. If it's water weight, look hard at your Sodium intake, and adjust. But if you are true to your Total Wellness Plan and gaining weight, rethink it/Tweak it, but before you scrap what you have, observe and make sure it's not You.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Happens to me too...once every 28 days or so. We are women and completely subject to hormonal fluctuations in weight. In one 24 hour period last month I gained 6 pounds. Ridiculous, right?! Especially since I worked out 6 days that week and had been especially dilligent with my eating. The good news is that it is all water weight and I lost it all the next day PLUS one pound.

    It just happens. I just build it in to my planning now.

    Don't give up. Just keep moving forward. Your body is changing and getting stronger and healthier even if the scale is not showing you what you'd like to see. This week I tried on some clothes on a total whim and they fit. I was astonished to find myself wearing 3 sizes smaller and yet the scale had barely budged.

    Keep going forward. There is no going back, Feel free to add me if you need some encouragement.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    TOM can REALLY affect your weight. I gained 2 pounds when mine started this month. Ugh! BUT... since I know that really can affect it, I shrugged it off and forgot about it. Next week that'll be gone and I'll move on. Between that and water retention... yeah... I wouldn't worry about it too much and I would set a weigh in day and only weigh once a week... Hope that helps...
  • JinnJinn
    JinnJinn Posts: 21
    Thanks for all the great advice and pick me ups! I wish it was TOM. Unless its totally off its not that time. Its probably time I refresh my "diet" and bump up the exercise a notch. Generally I will just plateau... but the gain has sort of thrown me for a loop. I honestly don't drink as much water as I should. I guess tomorrow I will try and flush those 4 lbs away. lol! Here's to hoping its just water weight:drinker: Thanks again! Yall made me feel so much better!!!!
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