Newbie needs pals

Hi All,
I've been lurking and calorie counting for a couple months but I'm just now realizing what a fabulous resource this community is. Everyone is so helpful and kind to each other. I'm glad to be part of it and hope to gain some friends. I'm a 51 year old mom and look forward to meeting many new pals. Friend me if and when you have a chance. Thanks for being my cyber pals. Here's to all of our healthy and light bodies!

And thanks to the site creators and maintainers, you folks are awesome. The site is easy to use and doesn't overwhelm! Great job!


  • bigfoote_03
    bigfoote_03 Posts: 8 Member
    Just dropping in to say hi and good luck
  • Valenek
    Valenek Posts: 4
    I'll be friending you. I'm in the same boat, been using the site and lurking but haven't really added any friends. I think it will really make things feel less lonely, especially because I try not to food talk with family and friends that aren't on MFP.
  • Gizalba
    Gizalba Posts: 9
    Hello :) I'm new too and feeling a bit shy xxx
  • mikey3061
    Hey, good luck and use all your calorie allowance. Using the site helps you see the calories and don't hide any. Most of all, have fun. Go for it !!!