Walk Away the Pounds - Join Me?!



  • Mo120
    Mo120 Posts: 20
    I'm also a big fan of Leslie Sansone's walk at home programs. I have 8 of her DVD's and do a 3 mile walk every single morning, sometimes 4 miles if I feel like it. I discovered her workouts in early Feb. and I got addicted right away. I don't know what it is, but this works for me! Add me if you want! :-)
  • I'm SO glad to see there are still walkers! I started with her 3 mile walk and have done one 4 mile walk. I think I'm going to set myself to do 3 miles every Mon, Wed, and Fri then do the 4 miles on Tues and Thurs. I'll make weekends optional. ;)
  • I do her dvds everyday. I think they are great. you can add me if u need a walking buddy.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I posted a new topic called Walk Away the Pounds ---- Who's in???? :smile:
  • I have recently joined this site, and I have love doing the Walking Away the Pounds dvds. I'm in! I'm still learning how to navigate the message boards, so you are my first contact!
    How long have you been using the Walking Away the Pounds dvds? I have used them in the past, and am now going to begin again. I would love to have some message board buddies that I could help and who could help to keep me on track and encouraged.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I just started yesterday. I borrowed a DVD Walk Away the Pounds express - Walk Strong. I am loving it.
  • I have heard great things about the "Walk Strong" Dvd! I've got several of the Walk Away the Pounds Dvds, and I haven't found one yet that I don't like. Leslie Sansone is so encouraging, and the workout is over before you realize it. I'm going to plan to post each day after I workout with my Dvd. Hopefully this will help me to be accountable. If you'd like to, let me know how you are doing with your walks, so we can encourage each other.
  • IJJoyce
    IJJoyce Posts: 5
    I am in. I start today with Walk away the Pounds. I finally found my CD.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I am in. I start today with Walk away the Pounds. I finally found my CD.

    If you haven't joined already.... come join Walk Away the Pounds ---- Who's in???? Looking forward to seeing you there.
  • shimills
    shimills Posts: 5
    Hi, I am new to myfitnesspal. I have been using the WATP for the past 7 weeks. I picked up a book that Leslie wrote. It is a 6 week exercise plan. It is a great book. In the book she says that if you can do something for 21 one days straight than it becomes a habit. I proved what Leslie said is true. I only missed one day of exercise in 7 weeks. Hope everyone has a great day:tongue:
  • allimax2002
    allimax2002 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey yall!! I'm pretty new to this whole MFP thing and to trying to healthy in general. Doc said I HAD to lose the weight to improve fertility so here I am. I checked out the Walk Away the Pound Express 3 miles from the Library because a) I knew I need to do some kind of exercise; b) A co-worker recommended Walk Away the Pounds and c) I wasn't ready to commit to buying the DVD b/c in the past my fitness commitment as been relatively low. Well, I am pleased to announce that today after have the DVD a little over week (not using everyday but fairly often) I have finally done the whole 3 miles without giving up! YaY!! Maybe not a big deal in comparison to some of you guys but I was really happy to actually accomplished this small goal!!! Thanks for letting me share!
  • I love her Dvd's..I have the 5 mile fat burning walk. It goes by so fast and you get a good workout.
  • I'm fairly new to MFP. I started it last month and then fell off the wagon, so to speak. I have several of Leslie's dvds and love them. I wear a heartrate monitor so I can make sure I stay in my training range. I usually do a mile or two then do some form of strength training and then back to the dvd. I also like her 5 mile where she uses a belt, band and hand weights. I don't let my heartrate go below training range during the circuit. I have had lots of different dvds but I really like hers best because I don't have to learn a lot of fancy steps. I'm no good at that.

    I wear a heartrate monitor for two reasons. I like to know how hard I'm working and what my average heartrate is. Another big reason I wear one is that I had a heart attack last year and my cardiologist wants me to wear one. I have always loved to exercise but I think I'm a little scared now, even though my doctor tells me I have to. I have gained about 25 pounds since the heart attack.

    I would love to have a walking buddy or buddies. If you would like to motivate each other, let me know.
  • Good for you!!
  • Sorry, I don't have this posting down good yet. I mean the "good for you!" for ALLIMAX2002. Can someone help me a little with this?
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Sorry, I don't have this posting down good yet. I mean the "good for you!" for ALLIMAX2002. Can someone help me a little with this?

    On Allimax2002 post you click on QUOTE and type underneath :smile: You will get the hang of it.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Glad to see some new faces. Come join Walk Away the Pounds ---- Who's in???? We are all in there walking and motivating each other. Hope to see you there.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Count me in I just got the 2 mile walk DVD. I am going to be doing it here in a little while:)
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Just finished the two mile walk:)
  • shimills
    shimills Posts: 5
    I have been walking mostly with Leslie Sansone dvd's. I have walked over 100 miles since Feb.14. I have not lost a lot of weight but I have lost inches. I also picked up a book that Leslie wrote " walking away the pounds". The book has a 6 week program in it and so that's how I got started. I have not missed many days since I started in February. Now I feel guilty if I don't walk. I'm now hooked on walking . So of I can do it anyone can. Exercise was not something I enjoyed but now I love it. Happy walking everyone!
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