Too Much Fruit?

elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
So, I eat a lot of fruit. More fruit than veggies even though I try to get a lot in! Do you think there is a problem with eating 4+ servings of fruit a day and only around 2-3 veggies a day? I obviously know Veggies are a bit better, but I typically stay within my calories. I am not pre-diabetic and I rarely eat any other sugar and I stay under my carb "goal".


  • thisisjulz
    I dont' see a problem with it.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    better than ice cream!
  • HelenTheKitchen
    If it's wrong I don't want to be right. This is exactly what I do and it hasn't given me any problems yet.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    are you losing weight? if so, don't worry. if not, eat less fruit and more veggies. : )
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Still a lot of sugar and carbs in my opinion. fruit sugar is no better then added sugar, its just all the fiber and nutrients you get from the fruit that makes it so wonderful! It all breaks down to glucose

    I honestly would cut it down to 2 servings a day
  • nsciambi
    nsciambi Posts: 70 Member
    If you don't have any blood sugar concerns, I don't see why it would be a problem. I'm a big fruit eater as well.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you're still losing big deal. But if you have concerns I suggest that you check out South Beach Phase 2, the recommended fruit to eat and NOT more than 3 servings per day. But if fruit is satisfying a sweet tooth and keeping you from "sugary sweets," Fruit IS a Better Choice!
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    please don't talk about ice cream. lol!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I'm a big fruit eater but like you typically stay within calories and carbs. I actually started eating MORE fruit in the course of losing weight and did just fine. I don't have any problem maintaining, even with the fruit. If I start eating a lot of breads and pastries though, look out! I also know from my blood tests that the fruit isn't raising my triglycerides - they're very low - so my doctor said to keep doing what I'm doing. But some people do have trouble with fruit (or meat or other foods) so it's important to keep an eye on how your body responds on an individual basis.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just keep it in mind if you find you're having problems losing at any point. I try to eat lower-glycemic index foods to make sure my insulin stays at a comfy level for fat loss. :)
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    I think I will change my settings to watch my sugar instead of sodium for the next week so I make sure I am keeping that in a check. Thanks for all of your help!
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    Yup, I am WAY over my sugar strictly because of my fruit! I will keep this in check from now on!
    Thanks guys!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I dont usually eat a whole lot of fruit but I was eating a banana a couple days in a row and was like WHY ARE MY SUGARS SO HIGH???? lol. Just watch those :)