Out of control!

mackenzg Posts: 37 Member
Hi everyone!
well, I have been on MFP for about a week now, and unfortunately, I still cannot get my eating under control! Each day I start with a "fresh start" attitude, vowing to do better than the day before, just to end up going insane by the end of the evening!!!! I dont have willpower, I bite into any temptation thrown my way, and honestly am sick of myself. I am so frustrated, and at the end of my rope!!!!! Not sure what to do at this point..


  • dmaster555
    You need therapy.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    it sometimes takes a while to create healthier habits...I think it took me a couple weeks to really get myself going...it's hard to know what to suggest without knowing any specific...I would say keep logging everything, don't starve yourself, and plan ahead (that's the hardest part for me!). Like, if I know I am going to go out for a restaurant meal, I try to get in a great workout, so less damage is done :)

    Feel free to friend me...I love talking to people.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Just keep at it and do the best you can! I was really on a roll then crashed and burned on vacation, did good yesterday, and today am about 2500 calories over my goal. I KNOW that I can do it if I get on a roll again, and you can too! Set up support systems (feel free to add me as a friend), and maybe write a note that says NO! on it and stick it on your fridge or pantry. You can do it!
  • ezreka
    ezreka Posts: 53 Member
    It was really hard for me at first too, I just made sure I exercised more to burn the extra calories that I ate. You can do this, if I did it anyone can. Also make sure you drink plenty of water and that will help alot. Good luck!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Clean out those cupboards! Seriously, make a plan that includes meals and snacks and lots of water....brush your teeth, soak in a tub, go for a(nother) walk...keep it simple and tell yourself over and over again that you're worth the effort. Your body will respond and your plan will become second nature...really.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Keep logging everything you eat and drink. You will soon realise that some foods aren't worth it. Ribs, for example. Breaks my heart...
  • mrsblair84
    Start slowly if you have to. Replace one 'bad' thing for a piece of fruit or something. Or try doing something else maybe around the house, like cleaning or reading a book or call somebody. A lot of people start out slow and don't seem that determined. I started on here a year ago weighing 170. I had gotten down to 156 and around that time was having serious relationship problems and put the weight back on. I recently got back on and I'm now down to 160. Sometimes it takes a while. Stick with it and you will definitely start feeling better. Good luck. I'll send an add your way too if you don't mind. Like everybody says...the more the merrier!
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Once you see the change in your body it will motivate you to eat healthier, you just gotta get through the hard part in the beginning but it totally worth it!
  • funauntsherry
    funauntsherry Posts: 41 Member
    just keep going... you will get into it. I started out by continuing to eat as I had, but reducing my portions of all the things I loved to eat. I'm now (mostly - but with the exception of some weekends) able to eat better, share entrées with a friend when eating out, have a half of a cookie instead of a whole one.... it's taken me since January to do this... it just takes time!

    Remember this day because sometime in the near future you will be giving advice to another who is "out of control" :flowerforyou:
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    Don't get mad at me for saying this, but it honestly comes down to how badly you want it. I created my MFP account last year... I've only just gotten the will power to actually do this about 4 weeks ago. That's really what it boils down to. We are all here to help motivate each other, but it takes hard work and determination. It's not easy to say no. I suffered with that for a long time. And now nothing can stop me. Just do it. You have the potential to do anything you put your heart into.
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    It is hard to change your habits all at once. You should definitely keep logging EVERYTHING. I know this is hard, especially when your over, but it helps. Knowing what you eat will help you to control what you shouldn't eat. And if you know u are going to have a rough day, just workout a little longer to get a bigger buffer for yourself. You can do this, just relax and let the change have some time to work.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    It takes time to change a habit. For me what worked was planning ahead I would even fill out my diary a few days in advance so I could see ahead of time how many calories things were and make adjustments where I needed to. Don't worry, pretty soon it will be a habit to eat healthy. You get used to eating a certain number of calories, now I have the problem of having a hard time going over 1200 calories a day. Good luck, you'll get there :) Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • jborski79
    It' s hard, I know. I work in a place where there is take out and all kinds of food all day long. I have a mom who is a wonderful cook and will make you anything you ask for, literally!!! It's hard, but what I keep doing is picturing how I am going to look at my goal weight and how great I will feel and I stop myself, although, not completely. Also, there are some healthier alternatives to things. For instance, you want something salty, go for Synders pretzel nuggets. The servings aren't too many calories. Also, count out one service and put it in a bowl, cup (or plastic bag if bringing to work) and eat only one serving. If you eat out of the bag, you will definitely eat more. Also, the tostidos rounds and salsa aren't too bad, again stay within the 1 serving limit. At work, always have snacks. I keep fresh fruit, yogurt, fiber one bars (they are higher in calories but they are good and very filling if you have tea or water with them), pretzel nuggets, and vegetables on hand to snack on. So when someone gets their sandwich and fries or brings in cupcakes, I bite into something healthy.

    Also, I am an ice cream lover. Edys slow churned tastes great and is less fat and calories. Also, the weight watchers desserts taste pretty good but they are pricey so I only buy them on sale.

    Lastly, try and find yummy but healthy recipes. For instance, I got to eating well's website and look up recipes on there. I found a delicious lower fat version of an Indian dish (I love INdian food). It was delicious and I was allowed a good portion for dinner.

    I also try and keep my breakfast and lunch calories and proteins lower so I can have a little more for dinner, although my friend eats a lot of calories for lunch and has a small dinner. For breakfast, I usually have 1/2 cup - 1 cup of Kashi Strawberry Fields cereal or Special K or Cheerios with fat free milk (about 1/4 - 1/2 cup). I have tea with fat free milk and 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. If I get coffee, I do a little fat freee half and half and 2 sugars. For lunch, it's usually a salad with light or fat free dressing or vegetables with Hidden Valley Ranch light for dipping. Then just about anything (I cook) for dinner. No fast food, although we do pizza or chinese occasionally.

    My husband and I have been following similar routines for about 8 weeks and I have lost 17 lbs and he's lost 10. We workout when we can but have a baby so sometimes it isn't always possible (at least for me).

    Also, Make sure your weight loss goal isn't set too high. You should go with the 1 llb a week they recommend, especially in the beginning because it allows you more calories and when starting off, you don't want to dip your calories too low or you send yourself into "starvation mode" and you retain fat (and are more likely to cheat).

    I hope this helps. If you are ever looking for a recipe for something specific, let me know. between me and my Mother we have plenty!!

  • mackenzg
    mackenzg Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! Definitely helps to just "talk" it out.
  • 2burn
    2burn Posts: 32
    It's very difficult when you first start off. I joined yesterday, but used to record my daily food on weight watchers (same idea). Once you start building ur menu, it will get so much easier to log in ur food. Also, log in ur meals in the morning before u eat them, not after!! That was a critical point for me. Go in with a plan!! Even if you derail from the original plan, it's ok. Later on, you can try to plan out your daily dinners before you go to the market. Plan for healthy snacks and just try to modify what you already eat. For example, I like bagels. Now I buy the thin bagels (110 calories) and instead of cream cheese, I use egg whites to make a breakfast sandwich or u can lightly butter it. Stay determined!! it's 50% attitude :)
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Getting started has to be the hardest thing about diet/exercise.

    One thing I've always seen work is to try and make your goals visible very time you wake up. I've usually seen people just use a poster board with their goals written on it. It also helped me not to think about what I did before. If you dwell on the past, it's easier to fall into that same hole.

    If you really are eating out of control, common tips are:

    - Small snacks throughout the day. This has to be in my opinion the biggest secret to weight loss. This does not mean like a hand full of chips, a yogurt, or anything that is quickly digested. Four to five baby carrots every 2 hours works for me.

    - Don't use big plates/containers. The image of a half used plate makes it seem like you are not eating as much.

    - Eat slowly. You'll get that full feeling with less food than you think.

    - But eating till you are half-full can have the same effect if you do all the above. (Well for me it works.)

    I am not a dietitian or anything. Everything I say is just from experience from myself and other people.
  • ccshorty13
    Don't keep bad food in your house! Plan out meals and snacks. Always have something healthy you can munch on. I find that the microwaveable meals help too. Good Luck:)
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    I was like that for my first 2 weeks but then realized that if I wanted to lose the weight that writing everything down would hold me accountable. Good luck!