Lost 5 pounds already...

Hey! Im new to the board, but ive been logging for a while now. I started back in December, after putting on about 15 pounds from quitting smoking (and here I thought quitting would benefit my health not hinder it). I lost about 7 pounds in almost 2 weeks, but for some reason whenever I see results, I rebel against my own will and stop the routine. Nonetheless, I have been struggling with my weight for years, but never to this extent.

During HS I weighed about 160 pounds and hated it! I started eating better, and the weight fell off. I was so committed, treating myself to fast food once a week and ate 3 square meals a day (it worked then!). And within 5 months I lost 20 pounds! It was awesome! i kept it off...until college.

Long story short...I've struggled with my weight but I am done. I've done every diet in the book in the past 3 years to only gain pound after pound.

As of January 2011 I topped the scale at 198. Yup, I was flirting with 200 pounds. After crying, whining and NOT going to the gym that i pay for monthly. I decided to jump back and count calories, because it worked and is easy! I started last Wednesday and this morning I woke up at 193! YAY!

See, my problem is that I don't see a 5 pound loss, I see that I am 40 pounds away from my comfortable weight. The weight I felt good at, for years ranged between 140-150. But I've decided to start celebrating the small accomplishments instead of crying that I am still in the 190's.

Im ready for this, finally.

Anyone else recently start? Let's buddy up!


  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Five pounds is great news!! It means that whatever you are doing is working!
    I know my weight loss has been kind of slow (at least it's been feeling slow), but I figure the longer it takes for it to come off, the longer it will stay off!
    So keep doing exactly what you said: celebrate the small victories instead of pining for the big goal. It will happen, and since you'll be celebrating the entire way there, when you finally get it, you can have a blowout bash!!!
  • kjjkdav123
    kjjkdav123 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats!!! I lost 3 lbs this week..I think it is mostly because of this website and I have definitely been watching what I eat. I have slowly gained weight over the years and after the birth of my children. I will lose 2 or 3 lbs and then gain it back. But I'm done with that. I also started exercising with some DVD's, it is very hard but I am determined to do it. Well good luck on your journey and let's not give up. I have begun to start thinking of it not as a diet but as a lifestyle change. :)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm as new as you get! lol, found mfp today and really like seeing what other ppl are doing! I noticed a lot of ppl making mini-goals and posting the rewards they've set for when they meet them. I came up w/some tday and am super excited and motivated now! Not only will i be healthier and happier with my body, but I get to make plans like going to a waterpark this summer when i reach a mini-goal weight. So, reward yourself as you go! And def focus more on what you've lost and not just on what's left. That's a good thing to learn for everything in life. Someone once pointed out to me that I don't look at my daughter and see everything she isn't or hasn't done, I see all her accomplishments instead! And i'm not as likely to be that way w/myself, but I'm trying to be! Hope that helps, and feel free to friend me:flowerforyou:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    When my daughters were working with their horses and wanted to change a horse's behavior or bad habit, I always said, "Work on it for 30 (or 60 days) and see what difference it makes." Just wishing for something different seldom results in any progress. I was the same way for the last few years with weight loss--just wishing I wasn't so heavy and uncomfortable, but not doing anything about it. At the urging of my DD2 in Feb, I joined MFP, found a food plan that works for me, and now am almost halfway to my goal. It's going to take some determination to stay the on track, but the changes I've made in my exercise and eating habits I intend to continue to keep the weight off once I reach my goal.

    Within a week of starting MFP, I joined a motivation and support group on the MFP forum, and that has been a great inspiration to keep at it. We've chosen our own short-term loss goals, and work together to foster good eating and exercise habits.
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