Weight Watchers

getnshapegirl30 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I was wondering if any of you have tried Weight Watchers and did it work for you. DO you think that it works?


  • pina1958
    pina1958 Posts: 4
    Yes i works but you hae to have the time to go and the money. i think this works itss my 4th week and ive lost 10lbs and it dont cost me anything. amnt i am learning whats got fat and suger in . please keep going it gets better and now its the 1st thing i do in a morning is to log on x
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Diets in general don't work, Most people will gain back the weight + some.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    It worked very well. I lost around 35lbs in 6 months. I also gained half back once finishing.

    I lost the weight again simply through diet and exercise and it stayed off and now taken the final pounds off through diet, exercise and mfp.

    WW is a very good program but personally I don't think it worked for my long term maintenance.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    Never tried it, but by working out occasionally, following my daily cal intake on here and eating healthy I've lost 8+ lbs in 2 1/2 weeks :)
  • Gabby215
    Gabby215 Posts: 69
    I was on WW last year and lost about 15 pounds in 3 months so it worked really well for me (could have been that I was just really motivated as I was losing weight for my wedding!). After the wedding I went back to WW and was doing ok but then they changed their program. In theory, I love the new program as I found it more 'liveable' than the old system, but my weight loss stalled big time for three months (half a pound off, a pound on, STS, STS, half a pound on, STS, etc.) even though I really was following it properly. I found MFP two weeks ago and I started inputting what I was eating on WW onto MFP and it turns out I was undereating big time. So then last week I decided to only focus on MFP and I lost 2 pounds, the most I have lost in one week since November! Everyone is different and every body is different so I say there's no harm in checking it out. I know people who have had great success on WW and others who have not. Personally I think I am going to cancel my membership as I am really loving MFP and it is free, unlike WW. Good luck with your decision.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    The only thing that will work is what you make works for you! You find out what's do able for you for life and do it! :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have known people who have lost tons of weight with it and others who lost and gained it back. Like anything, it all depends how much effort you put into it. It certainly works for some people. I looked into WW, as my coworker started it last year and has lost a lot of weight, but I didn't like the cost or the whole points system. Calories make sense to me, points do not. I figured I would first try MFP since it was free and easy to understand before paying any company. My theory was if MFP didn't work, I wasn't out any money so it was a low risk move. So far, so good!
  • I have had success with WW in the past - lost about 25 pounds. But I had to stop the program when I was pregnant, and decided not to go back because of the cost. I really think the program works (because it is flexible for all lifestyles) but I decided to give MFP a try this go around because it is free! My mother is a WW's lifetime member and is extremely happy with her results (she lost almost 30 pounds almost 4 years ago and hasn't gained any of it back).
  • I lost over 40 pounds with Weight Watchers and kept it off for the past 3 years. For health reasons (and to hit my personal goal), I chose to use MFP because I can look at cholesterol, calories, and a way more detailed breakdown of what I'm doing instead of just Points.

    I still follow their healthy guidelines, though. It is a wonderful plan but expensive. Any program is time consuming (even this one), you just have to be committed no matter what.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I started inputting what I was eating on WW onto MFP and it turns out I was undereating big time.

    Me too. I did WW for over a year, and I lost a lot of weight. But I was hungry all the time, and could not stick with it, so I quit and sadly gained it all back. MFP recommends a higher caloric intake and this will make it easier for me to stick with it.
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I have done Weight watchers recently,

    3 weeks @£6 a week and lost 3 pound in weight.

    3 weeks here @£0 a week and lost 10 pound in weight.

    You have to remember that first and formost WW is a business, and it is about making money first and losing weight second.

    I would also recomend Endomondo app for your phone (free). to track exercise.

    These 2 sites used in conjunction with each other are starting to change my life, :laugh: I feel like someone has finally let me in on the joke. I have gone down a jeans size.
  • Wellie
    Wellie Posts: 6 Member
    WW does work it 's what is best for you that matters
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    I also, like so many posters, lost weight on WW (I actually went for a few months, lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks and then got pregnant & stopped-after my daughter was born, I stuck with the plan since I still had everything and just weighed myself in---for free! :tongue: and lost 20 more pounds ). But also, as everyone else said, its pretty hard to "stick to" for a long time and you gain the weight back...and sometimes more.

    I also input some of my daily "WW eats" and was majorly undereating. I have a friend who LIVES by WW and said that this website is the same as WW online (ETools) & its free! She is cancelling her membership and moving to MFP. My husband wanted me to keep points for him for the next four weeks as he trains for his mini-marathon & it was ridiculous how much more difficult it was to calculate points than it was to just count the calories!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    WW is a lot like calorie counting, they just use complicated math equations to come up with "points" rather than just calories. The "points" values are based on carb content, fat, fiber, and protein of a food. It throws out the idea that a "calorie is a calorie is a calorie" and treats healthy food better (lower point value) than a junky food (higher point value) even if the two have the same # of calories. Hope that makes sense!
    I think it is helpful for people who have a hard time eating whole foods and fresh foods - for people who are stuck eating processed foods it really works in a layer of moderation there - because those processed foods are likely going to end up being higher in points value.

    I started WW in January and had good success with it. The only reason why I quit WW is because my husband was interested in joining but he didn't want to pay for two subscriptions... that led me to hunt for an alternative and I found MFP. For awhile I was doing both WW and MFP and the results were the same - I'd hit my daily WW point limit with the same amounts and types of foods that I was tracking with MFP, so when my 3 month trial expired I just kept going with MFP. :)
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Even though I know they are saying at WW that their new points system is based on more health, I think that it appears to be complicated- and I did get sick thinking in terms of points constantly. I had the old point system so well in my head that if you told me calories, fat and fiber, I could tell you nearly any food's point value. I loved one point foods that tasted good- but I do like the calorie counting here a bit better!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I was a WW member on and off for over 25 years. I quit when it became more about them selling their products and making money than it was about helping us lose weight. When I first started WW the meetings were an hour long....then they went to 45 minutes and more cost. Now they are 30 minutes and part of that has become about advertising their products. It was costing me $14 a week to sit and listen to a short lecture than included hearing all about the wonderful products they make and sell! I joined a local TOPS group. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) The group is non-profit and it is a wonderful support group. Club dues are set by each club and ours are only $2 a week! The people there have become my friends. The meetings are an hour long and we all get to interact and contribute. AND......if you do well you can actually win money back! When I win money it goes into an envelope I keep to pay my weekly dues. So...it ends up being free!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    Even though I know they are saying at WW that their new points system is based on more health, I think that it appears to be complicated- and I did get sick thinking in terms of points constantly. I had the old point system so well in my head that if you told me calories, fat and fiber, I could tell you nearly any food's point value. I loved one point foods that tasted good- but I do like the calorie counting here a bit better!

    They are always changing their point system. I think the "old school" way of just simply counting calories works great! And MFP makes keeping track of calories and nutrition so easy! The "points" system is based on calories anyhow....they just change it to points...and so many points have so many calories. Why complicate it and have to buy everything to figure it all out? Seems to me it is becoming all about marketing. You have to pay to get the books and materials to figure out points. You can buy their "Points calculator" to figure out how many "points" the food has....all based on calories to begin with. But....if it works for you and you can afford it....whatever works!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    I REALLY believe that they changed the points system BECAUSE people get used to it and dont need to pay to do it anymore. We bought the calculator and I had all the "start up books" and everything I needed. I even went and bought a WW digital scale and started weighing myself in once a week and STOPPED paying for WW meetings. I used to joke with my friends that I "bootlegged" it. Plus, there are a million and one websites out there that have recipes with points values. You dont need to buy their books anymore...so to make $$$ again, they have to go and change it!
  • getnshapegirl30
    getnshapegirl30 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for you comments and input. I did go ahead and join and will be giving it a little time to see if it works and go from there. Again, thanks bunches!!!! :happy:
  • veganbecky
    veganbecky Posts: 29 Member
    If you're talking about going to meetings in person, I can see how that would be very helpful in terms of support and encouragement.

    But if you're talking about WW online, I looked into it and did a 7 day free trial, and it was basically the same as this site - just an online way to track food, only using points rather than calories. However, the navigation is much worse than this site and the food database is extremely limited. Basically, it's a worse version of this site but you have to pay for it. :p I don't recommend it. Just track food here!
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