Couch to 5K (start 4/4/11)



  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm just getting back to doing the C25K after taking 2 weeks off. I started W2D3 today (before I took my break I had just gotten to W3D1) and it didn't go so well. That time off is really kicking my butt! I may repeat the entire W2 again.

    Great job with your progress everyone!
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    Bumpaty bump bump!
  • kbg1
    kbg1 Posts: 5
    I have completed both c25k and b210k. Both are amazing programs. i am NOT a runner, and i was shocked that by the end I was running 60 minutes straight through!! I highly recommend them and wish there was another program after b210k to follow. If anyone knows of one I would love to know!
  • amandamcphee23
    amandamcphee23 Posts: 8 Member
    @kbg1: Check out local run clubs in your area. Most areas have running stores that offer clinics of differnt lengths from learn to run to 10ks, 1/2 marathons and fulls. In Canada the popular one is Runningroom. They are usually group based which is amazing for moral and support. They often train you based on your abilities and pace and provide safe guidance in increasing distance and speed. Usually they have goal races and everyone works together and trains for the same race to be completed at their own running pace.

    Good job in your accomplishments. BTW you ARE a runner! As long as your training safe I'd say just keep increasing every week, just no more then 10%.
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    Last day of week 2 is tomorrow! I started at week 2 instead of week 1 because I exercise regularly and knew I was strong enough to start there. Plus I'll be right on track if I ever have to repeat a week. It's tough though! I do 3.0 for walking and 5.5 for jogging. Is that speed okay?
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    I have completed both c25k and b210k. Both are amazing programs. i am NOT a runner, and i was shocked that by the end I was running 60 minutes straight through!! I highly recommend them and wish there was another program after b210k to follow. If anyone knows of one I would love to know!

    I saw on the C25k facebook page that there's an app to train for a half marathon. I checked the app store and couldnt find it. Maybe i wasnt searching well.. Thought i'd let you know!
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    I did W1D3 today.. I had started at the beginng of March and had to take a 2 week break since i was out of town for work and working 12-15 hour days.. By the time i would get back to my hotel the gym was closed. Anyhow before i left i had just completed week 2.. I decided to do week 1 today to see how it would feel and i know thAt i will jump back to week 2 and start it all over again tomorrow!!

    If we put our minds to it I know we can all do it!!

    Feel free to add me.. I love giving and receiving motivation from MFP friends!!
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    Well Week 1 Day 3 was an epic FAIL for me :( I tweaked my knee. I felt it the second I started my first jog/run. i only managed about 4 1-minute jogs and I had to stop. And now I'm walking with a! :p
  • Frankie_
    Frankie_ Posts: 10 Member
    Done the last day in my 3rd week today.

    Start week 4 on monday, Hopefully will get a bit further than I have been this week.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 241 Member
    I did Week 1 day 3 today and felt good, looking forward to Monday starting week 2
  • I finished Week 1 yesterday! Yesterday I increased my walking speed from 2 miles to 2.5. It sure made a difference in my distance and calories burned (according to the treadmill anyway.)

    I guess it's on to Week 2 on Monday... :happy:
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Week 7 day 1 was one 25 minute run, it sounds really daunting and I procrastinated loads before actually going out. I changed my route today so it wasn't so monotonous.

    The run was fine again and I've finally managed to quicken the pace a bit too.

    Keep at it everyone, it may seem hard work but you will see that you can do it.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    Well Week 1 Day 3 was an epic FAIL for me :( I tweaked my knee. I felt it the second I started my first jog/run. i only managed about 4 1-minute jogs and I had to stop. And now I'm walking with a! :p

    oh, man, i'm really sorry to hear that! whatever you do, DON'T push yourself til you feel better. we'll still be here when you're able to pick it back up!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    did the w1d3 run yesterday. i did so good that i decided to do that plus a couple extra runs today. i even tried a couple of runs at higher speeds and steeper grades. it was kinda cool.

    week 2 is 90 second runs and 2 minute walks, so tomorrow i'm gonna set my treadmill to a 30 minute run so it divides the intervals to 90 seconds each, then im gonna do 90 second runs and 3 minute walks, just to "build into" the week 2 podcast. i've found that since i'm already used to being on the treadmill daily, these little modifications are doing me a lot of good.
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    I did W2D1 yesterday and it went great.. I was actually very suprised!!

    I cant wait to Monday to do day 2!!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Hi everyone! I finished w4 today and can't believe I'm actually able to run for 5 minutes straight! I'm so thrilled and can't wait to start week 5! Did I just say that?!? Lol!! I guess I'm actually starting to like running (gasp)!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I just finished my week 1 day 3. I was really worried about the heat and humidity out today (being in Alabama) but today was actually easier than the prior 2..can't wait until Tuesday to start week 2 (unless it's raining out). I am sweating like the devil but my legs and cardio held up really good today spite the humidity out..I did take it slower today than my other jogs but it helped me complete the task..
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found this thread from another C25K one that is bouncing around and I could sure use the support and motivation from you all who are at the early weeks. Tomorrow I am heading out for W3D1 after repeating Week 2. I took a week off because the weather was awful and cold. I noticed that my knees can't deal with below 40 temperatures. It seems that I don't feel comfortable or confident about how the walk/runs are going until day 3 and then its time to move on and start the grind all over again. I'm kind of nervous for tomorrow morning and running 3 minutes straight. I hope its not awful :grumble: But even if it is, I'm going to push through.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Hi everyone! I just found this thread from another C25K one that is bouncing around and I could sure use the support and motivation from you all who are at the early weeks.
    Just wanted to say welcome and we can all do this if we support each other!
    It seems that I don't feel comfortable or confident about how the walk/runs are going until day 3 and then its time to move on and start the grind all over again. I'm kind of nervous for tomorrow morning and running 3 minutes straight. I hope its not awful :grumble: But even if it is, I'm going to push through.
    Just remember do what you can, if you have to repeat a week it's no biggie. You are doing this to get healthy, not injure yourself LOL. I feel the same way though, the first time I ran outside was SOOOO much harder than the treadmill so I started over. Today was day 3 of week 1 outside and it seemed a lot easier than day 1. Tuesday is week 2 and after today's run I feel pretty confident I can do it and I am confident you can do your new week also!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    forgot to post today that i did a w2 modifier with 90 seconds on, 3 minutes off, for 30 minutes. took the runs really slow, but i was still pleased and somewhat surprised at how easy the whole thing was for me. tomorrow i do w2 with the podcasts at my usual speeds. looking forward to it!
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