Couch to 5K running plan

is anyone else trying this?
ive been on it for only two days, but it seems like the right idea for shedding that bit of winter hibernation junk and moving on to bathing suits. and running as fast as i can FEELS GREAT, especially if its not too cold and i have my ipod and some water. :bigsmile:


  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    This plan is THE BEST. I did it 2 years ago and went from couch to 5k to 10k to 1/2 marathon! It really made me love running b/c it teaches you that it doesn't matter how fast you go, as long as you keep going!
  • eah1982
    eah1982 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes! I'm on week 4 and training for a 5k that's over Memorial Day weekend. I love the program. It actually makes me feel like I have a shot at running. (I'm not a "runner" by any means!)

    Good luck!

    P.S. theres a couch25K app you can download that tells you when you walk and run and you may listen to your ipod at the same time.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    It's one of the best things that's ever happened to me! I started barely managing 1 minute runs but last friday I ran 20 minutes without stopping and Sunday I'll be running for 25 minutes (today was my last day of intervals!)
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    That said do not do it at the exclusion of other exercises also! :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Doing it...on my second week! I LOVE it! Wednesday night I actually started feeling like it was "easy" haha
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Im doing it as well. I haven't for the last couple of weeks because I have been super busy. I run the plan on the treadmill and I love it. It gives you motivation to continue on knowing that you are doing something you couldn't do before.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    This plan is THE BEST. I did it 2 years ago and went from couch to 5k to 10k to 1/2 marathon! It really made me love running b/c it teaches you that it doesn't matter how fast you go, as long as you keep going!

    I totally agree!! I started it February 2010 and am running my second half marathon next weekend, and lost 50 pounds along the way!!
  • selena131
    wow! so many responses! im new here, ha

    but yeah, i just found out that that soreness i feel in the morning sometimes is acutally microtears in my muscles :noway: .... so im

    gonna start doing some other exercises... any suggestions?

    good luck to all of you!
  • kimmiesvogan
    kimmiesvogan Posts: 19 Member
    Goofy question....what is the 5k running plan?
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I'm on week 2 as well, and love it! ....except that I've sidelined myself for a few days by over doing it. Hoping to get back into it tomorrow! The app for the iphone is awesome, and the runs go by very quickly.
    Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Goofy question....what is the 5k running plan?

    Google "Couch to 5k" for more info. It's a schedule that helps you go from being a non-runner to running a whole 5k.

    I started the program a couple months ago then slacked off due to the weather and a cold throwing my exercise schedule off. I've done some running intervals but nothing consistent. Planning to try starting over next week though!
  • deirdremryan
    deirdremryan Posts: 3 Member
    Did the Couch to 5K with the app starting in September. I did a 5k in October @ 45 minutes, by November, I did one in 39 minutes, and in January, I did 3 miles in 29 minutes. I did a 10K last weekend at less than a 10 min mile pace, and I'm running a 1/2 marathon in 2 weeks. I love love love that program. The only advice would be to not try to run as fast as you possibly can when your intervals get longer. Try and pace yourself so that you don't get frustrated, and good luck!
  • luelue1971
    luelue1971 Posts: 23 Member
    I started the c25k last summer and I love it. Unfortunately I have slacked a few times and haven't yet completed but I'm still working on it. I'm planning on running a 5k this summer.
  • Jbledsoe42
    Jbledsoe42 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm finishing week 3 tomorrow and am loving it! I've never been a runner, but always wanted to be. I have found that I am looking forward to my running days. I downloaded a free ap for my Droid which tells me what to run/walk & when so I can just focus on moving & my music :)

    Feel free to friend me and we can cheer each other on!

    Good luck!
  • WarriorJayne
    Every time Ive done it Ive quit half way through W1D1 because my lungs just were not ready. Ive been training to walk a quarter marathon (my second) and have always wanted to run one. So I joined the YMCA and picked up a trainer (who is awesome) she set me up with MFP and a work out routine. I decided to give it a try after a month under my trainers plan... i was shocked and giddy when I was able to compete W1D1 & W1D2. I got a little side tracked and havent been able to get back to W1D3 (ive been doing other work outs.... WHO AM I!??!?!?!) Im THRILLED I was able to do it. I just need to keep at it.
  • krisb921
    krisb921 Posts: 7
    I just started it this week and I love reading the comments saying that this will get easier. I'm thinking about signing up for a 5K this Summer, but I haven't been brave enough. Is there a group on here of others doing the C25K? I would love to cheer each other on to get through the entire program.
  • swampole70704
    Hey! I am new, and really want to try this out! I was wondering if anyone has tried it on a treadmill instead of the street...I live on a very busy road and it's hard for me to get away to go (alone) to the park and run...I wasn;t sure if anyone had any success trying it on a treadmill as well.

    At least maybe using the treadmill 1 or 2 times a week, not all 3..
  • WarriorJayne
    Yep! I run on a treadmill. Its been really rainy and i don't tend to hit my tread until its really late (im a mom, so any free time is usually when everyone has gone to bed) Works just fine!
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I'm getting ready to start the program hopefully this weekend. I have downloaded my app and got my playlist about finished now just waiting for some mommy time. I can't wait to start running again. I haven't ran in like 15 years. WOW:noway: I feel old now.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Keep posting and I'll be back.