< 1000 calories a day....is it really healthy??



  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    I've wondered the same. :P

    I genuinely thought I was under-eating on calories everyday prior to starting MFP. I used to walk around saying "I don't know how I'm fat! I only eat like 700 calories per day! It must be because I only eat once a day and my metabolism is kaput!" ...well, when I really recorded the cals, it was closer to 2500-3000. I was shocked.

    So I think a lot of it is self-delusion and ignorance.

    It's impossible to eat so few calories, long-term, and NOT lose weight. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment and the 1981 Irish republican hunger strikes are just two modern, real-world examples that prove this point.

    That said, some peoples' bodies really are broken, metabolism-wise. But the chances of being one of those people are right about zilch. ;p
  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    I've wondered the same. :P

    Honestly I hate when people say this. Whining about how they don't know how they are going to get there calories and what they should eat. Do they really not have any idea what to eat???
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    That's a very good point. I have no idea. I guess some just have an EXTREME low metabolism. For instance, my mother in law hardly eats at all, (I eat WAY more than her) but yet she is overweight.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    I've wondered the same. :P

    Honestly I hate when people say this. Whining about how they don't know how they are going to get there calories and what they should eat. Do they really not have any idea what to eat???

    I know. I wish I had that problem every now and then. I have NO problems eating. I think their body just gets use to eating so little, that they never get hungry.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I KNOW that everyone wants to lose weight. But, why choose to do it the unhealthy way? Losing weight takes time. You just can't starve your body for weeks, lose weight, & expect the results to be healthy.

    I know that some of you who eat under 1000 calories a day, have had eating disorders and are trying to recover from that. To those, I congratulate. Everytime I see a calorie increase in your diaries, I feel so proud of you. I know @ times, it is a challenge for you to eat, but you do it. You may not eat 1200 calories a day, you may not eat 800, but compared to what you were eating, you are doing awesome. :)

    But, to those of you who are eating under 1000 calories because you think it will help you to lose weight faster, you are doing more harm to your body than good. You need @ least 1200 calories a day, more if you are active. Some exercise & burn 700 or more calories a day. And yet, choose to eat so little. If you fall in that catagory, do you honestly think it is healthy? And if so, how is it healthy? Maybe I'm missing out on something.

    Please don't think that I'm trying to criticize anyone because I'm not. I am here to support in anyway that I can. I'm just trying to understand the whole concept of eating less than 1000 calories a day.

    Not everyone here wants to lose weight. I don't, and I eat around 1000 calories a day, sometimes a little more, sometimes less, but always well under 1200. I would say I eat about 50% - 60% of my daily calorie expenditure. This is because I'm practicing calorie restriction for health reasons, and am part of a study researching its effect on certain markers to do with glucose and insulin.

    You're not here to criticize? So don't. People are tracking their food for all kinds of reasons. For me the concept is simple: better health. Of course, within those 1000 Calories, I darn well make sure I'm getting optimal nutrition.

  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Why do you care? Seriously... I do not understand all the banter back and forth about what others are or are not doing. Focus on yourself... I do, and it is working out pretty well. I hope your journey is going great for you as well... but I would never go back and forth "not criticizing" others for their own choices... I have my own life to worry about.
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    For some reason, I always end up eating less than 1200 calories, but I'm definitely not hungry.
    I'll snack on fruits whenever I am hungry, but I'm always still lower than my target...
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but I get really irritated when I see people (especially a lot of really young women) who are so excited and praise people when they see one of their MFP buddies has been "under goal" for the day and they don't pay attention to the fact that that person is eating MAYBE 1000 cals a day of fast food (pretty much one meal) and then exercising like a fiend on top of that...I worry about their health. (this is the same way I feel when I see people who advocate starvation type quickie diets)

    I agree, and as someone who has struggled with an ED, and will probably never be properly over it (its LOADS better since i started MFP, because i have found this a much much more effective way to control my weight than my ED ever was), but there are a few people on my friends list who i think must be so triggering to some people
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    Many days I struggle to eat 1000 - 1200 calories. No, it wasn't hard to eat that when I was eating primarily junk food and take out which is why I ended up needing to lose weight(well that and not exercising). But eating healthy foods it can be a struggle to get in that number of calories. Most of the people I have talked to here don't eat that few calories because they are trying to starve themselves (I know there are some who are), they eat that few calories because they are eating a lot of fruits and veggies and healthy foods that have very few calories.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    Ive seen a few TV shows where people claim to be doing this then when monitered by the tv crew and they actually wrote down in a diary soon as they ate and what cals they were often on 2k+
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I eat pretty healthy and I can get to 1200 by lunchtime. LOL
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    I have been eating 900, 1000 cals a day sometimes i reach my 1200 goal. but i have been doing that since october and ive lost 51 pounds. my weight loss is slowing down however now, and i think it is bc my body is trying to get use to the loss of the 51 pounds. i still have another 45 to go, so we'll see.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Why do you care? Seriously... I do not understand all the banter back and forth about what others are or are not doing. Focus on yourself... I do, and it is working out pretty well. I hope your journey is going great for you as well... but I would never go back and forth "not criticizing" others for their own choices... I have my own life to worry about.

    The fact is that I have many friends who eat like this & I DO CARE. I care about them and their health. I focus on myself but being a nurse, a friend, & the caring person that I am, I can't help but care about the health of others.

    I have always wondered why some eat like this but until now, have never asked why. Reading the posts that some have written, I understand more clearly. For instance, I never heard of the 'eat 10 times the amount you want to weigh' concept. I want to weigh 130, which means that I should eat around 1300 calories. So, I guess according to that concept, I've been eating way too much. I've never really thought about height either. But it makes perfect sense; some may be really short & need a lot lower calorie intake.

    Thanks to all who have responded. You helped me to see things in a different perspective. Good luck to each & every one of you.

    GOD bless! :flowerforyou:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    10 x your goal weight does seem about right. Considering I'm only 5'2 a 1300 calorie diet isn't much of a deficit.
  • SusieB01
    SusieB01 Posts: 89
    While I was reading all these posts, I kept thinking of those who lost weight by 'starving' themselves only to gain it all back when they started to eat again.

    It was mentioned in the posts about people who do it unhealthily losing muscle. I think this should be elaborated on a little. Fat is what you want to lose. On extremely calorie deficit diets, muscle is lost. Muscle helps you to continue to lose or stay the same once you reach goal weight. If you lose muscle, however you do it, it's not good. Some eat too few calories. Some just don't exercise. Many don't eat enough protein. I've probably done it all in the past. I'm hoping to do better this time, and I think this site will help.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    10 x your goal weight does seem about right. Considering I'm only 5'2 a 1300 calorie diet isn't much of a deficit.

    I use MFP to track what I put in and out but I don't go by their calories recommendations actually I used them for a couple months and gained. Before I found MFP I used the 10x calculation and lost 80 lbs, after gaining with MFP's numbers I went back to the 10x calculation and I'm back to losing. I think it works quite well :smile:
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Please help me understand how someone says they struggle to eat 1000 or 1200 calories and end up needing to lose weight? I have wondered everytime I see someone write that.

    It's called denial.
    Actually I am one of those people. You want to know why I now find it difficult to match my calories (1200) when I exercise, and sometimes without that? Because I have only just learnt what being hungry is actually like and started listening to my body. My body at this weight and height only gets hungry when it is getting a net of maybe 900 or less calories a day. Before I started dieting a month ago I literally never got hungry and ate over 2000 a day, always being full up after a meal and not letting myself have as much as a stomach rumble. Had I thought to listen to what my body wanted and needed I would not have been eating that much.
    I love food and I don't deny myself eating something when I am genuinely hungry now. You shouldn't be so judgmental about people who have had a bad past relationship with food and are just starting to find it confusing that once they get a handle on listening to their own bodies they are only feeling the need to eat a small amount. Now my body has adjusted to eating in order to stop hunger and not just for the hell of it, I think it is much better at telling me when to quit eating. It makes me feel physically sick and ill to eat a whole Indian takeaway in one go now which seems insane given what I used to put away, but obviously my body is happy that it is being well-fed most of the time and seems to object to going back to old ways.
  • SonG7140
    SonG7140 Posts: 11 Member
    I was told that a person can't live for too long under 1200 calories by a dietician
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I was told that a person can't live for too long under 1200 calories by a dietician
    I don't see myself exactly fading away on under 1200. If you are "normal" weight or below then I guess different rules apply but surely it depends on how much fat you've got stored up to burn, also how long you plan to be on the diet and whether, basically, it is delivering steady and slow weight loss. For me so far, averaging weekly at under 1200 has led to a 1-2lb loss per week. It seems to me like if I was eating more (maybe 1500) I would be substantially slowing my weight loss down.
    Or maybe I missed something?
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    While I was reading all these posts, I kept thinking of those who lost weight by 'starving' themselves only to gain it all back when they started to eat again.

    It was mentioned in the posts about people who do it unhealthily losing muscle. I think this should be elaborated on a little. Fat is what you want to lose. On extremely calorie deficit diets, muscle is lost. Muscle helps you to continue to lose or stay the same once you reach goal weight. If you lose muscle, however you do it, it's not good. Some eat too few calories. Some just don't exercise. Many don't eat enough protein. I've probably done it all in the past. I'm hoping to do better this time, and I think this site will help.

    Any time you gain weight, you gain muscle. ANy time you lose weight, you will inevitably lose muscle as well. My lean body mass went down 5 pounds along with my 50 weight loss, so 45 of that was fat, 5 was muscle/tissue etc. There is no way around this.