Why am I not losing??????



  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    My husband and I are on week 3 of P90x atm and the hubs just went through the same thing ... nearly quit because of it. For the first week and a half he consistently gained even though his diet was on track. The scale eventually caught up though and he had a monster weigh-in.

    With all the weight training P90X has, your muscles might be swollen with water. Drink as much H20 as you can and make sure you're getting lots of protein to help your muscles repair themselves!
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Try not eating the calories you burn from exercise. Also check your carb & protein intake. You will see results , I guarantee it !!!

    I totally agree on this. I lost 5lbs in my first week, then I stuck one week but then gradually i've been losing a 1lb each week, then this week I got my Zumba wii and i've lost 2lbs already and my weigh in week isnt over yet. Definitely more cardio, don't eat all your calories back.

    your body will know when its hungry. Don't eat back calories if you don't feel like it.

    Good luck
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I agree that seeing your diary would be helpful, but you've had some great advice given so far that's general but a few more things to add. Here are some other suggestions (coming from someone coming off a 4 month plateau)

    Make sure you're drinking enough water. You should be drinking about half your body weight in ounces of water daily plus an additional 8 ounces for every 30 minutes of exercise. So I currently weigh 230lbs so I should be drinking 115 ounces of water. That's just over 14 glasses a day. If I exercise for an hour today, I should up that to 16 and if I go over in my sodium, I drink one more (just to be on the safe side). Gradually increase your intake over a few weeks otherwise you'll get headaches and feel lousy. One word of warning, don't try and guzzle it all back in an hour at the end of the day. Most people's systems can handle about 30ounces an hour....just bear that in mind and keep it below that - so sip on the H20 allll day long :) This is especially important if you're building muscle since if your body doesn't have a ready supply of water to cushion the muscles, it will remove the water from another source in your body.

    You're doing a bunch of new things at once and your body isn't sure how to react.......Give it time to figure it out, make sure you're sticking to your calories and exercise, make healthy choices (we want to be healthy skinny, not just skinny) and your body will start to respond in a really positive way!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Try not eating the calories you burn from exercise. Also check your carb & protein intake. You will see results , I guarantee it !!!

    I totally agree on this. I lost 5lbs in my first week, then I stuck one week but then gradually i've been losing a 1lb each week, then this week I got my Zumba wii and i've lost 2lbs already and my weigh in week isnt over yet. Definitely more cardio, don't eat all your calories back.

    your body will know when its hungry. Don't eat back calories if you don't feel like it.

    Good luck

    As for this - it really depends on where you are. If you put you want to lose 1lb a week and you don't eat back all your calories it's not such a big deal,but if your starting calories are 1200 and you exercise 500 away every day for a month, that's a problem. Also you should be eating enough to make sure your NET calories are around 1200-1300 average a day at a minimum. If you have a long road to go with weight loss, you're more likely to have success if you go slowly and make the choices that are right for you. I wouldn't eat back ALL the calories, because I believe some of them are double counted, but I always try and make sure I net between 1300 and 1400 calories each day. I fell into the 1000-1200 net a day category in November and I got stuck. Each time you go there for an extended period of time, you're making it more and more difficult to lose and keep off fat.